IP Flow Information Export WG (ipfix) Wednesday, July 16 at 1530-1730 ================================ CHAIR: Nevil Brownlee <n.brownlee@auckland.ac.nz> AGENDA: 5 1) Agenda Review 2) Requirements draft, Juergen Quittek (status as at 20 Jun 03: being revised to address IESG comments) 10 draft-ietf-ipfix-reqs-10.txt 3) Evaluation Report draft, Simon Leinen 10 draft-leinen-ipfix-eval-contrib-01.txt Proposed that this be adopted as a WG draft (i.e. draft-ietf-ipfix-eval-00.txt) after the Vienna meeting, to be submitted to IESG as an Informational RFC. 4) New drafts - brief overview presentation for each, discussion of as-yet-unwritten sections and unresolved issues. The drafts are 15 * draft-ietf-ipfix-arch-00.txt 15 * draft-ietf-ipfix-info-00.txt 15 * draft-ietf-ipfix-protocol-00.txt 15 * draft-ietf-ipfix-as-00.txt 5) Short Presentations 10 * nFlow, Luca Deri (offered, to be confirmed) 10 * Per-packet record proposal (pktId), Changhoon Kim draft-kim-ipfix-ppr-00.txt 5 6) Review of WG Milestones 5 7) Anything else If you have other items you'd like to see discussed, please advise the WG chairs, by email to ipfix-chairs@net.doit.wisc.edu ~