Internet Emergency Preparedness WG (ieprep) Wednesday, July 16 at 1300-1500 =============================== CHAIR: Kimberly King <> AGENDA: agenda bashing 5 minutes Chairs Clarification on any outstanding issues 20 minutes draft-ietf-ieprep-framework-05.txt draft-ietf-ieprep-ets-general-03.txt draft-ietf-ieprep-ets-telephony-05.txt Ken Carlberg Changes for the next versions 30 minutes draft-carlberg-ets-stub-frame-00.txt draft-carlberg-ets-req-stub-00.txt Ken Carlberg Changes for the next version 10 minutes draft-mcgregor-ieprep-bridging-bcp-00.txt Janet Gunn/Dennis Berg High Availability Networks 15 minutes Discussion on high availability networks followed by question/answer period. Total 80 minutes