IAB Open Architecture Meeting 

Monday, July 14 at 1530-1730

IAB Open Architecture Meeting, IETF57
We have specified an Internet that works, at the network layer,
using relatively stable but not permanent identifiers for connection
endpoints, which are allocated and administered using a topology dependent
model, implying a service provider dependent model.
But we run into problems (the architecture doesn't quite fit) when
we try to address some scenarios encountered in real life:
    . multihoming
    . assembling a local network without necessarily
      having to contact an ISP to obtain address space
      (e.g., home net)
    . renumbering local networks without significant pain
Some proposed solutions are challenged in terms of:
    . providing referential integrity - how is referential       
integrity maintained when identifiers are not globally       unique or are overloaded?
    . choosing between different identifiers for an object which       
has different "reachability" and the reachability is       
    . security/transiting trust in layered address       resolution - 
how do we secure dynamic update of the       "reverse path" if the trust relationship 
between a       DHCP server and a DHCP client is very weak?
    . providing solutions that work across all layers of       the stack and all areas - 
how do we find a solution       that is great for routing but also great for security?

Specific cases where we have encountered these discussions:
    . the proposal of site-local addresses for IPv6
    . globally-unique but not globally routable addresses
    . IPv4 link-local addresses
    . local naming (LLMNR)
          . when used with global names (e.g. www.ietf.org)
        . when used with local names (e.g. laptop.local.arpa)

The IAB will hold an open meeting during IETF57 to collect input
from the IETF community at large to gain a better understanding
of where there are stresses and strains.  The purpose of the meeting will be to capture 
a list of the actual issues encountered, not to propose
solutions, nor to debate the merits of solutions that have been
proposed in the past.  The output of the meeting will be used
to update the IAB's list of "current known architectural issues",
and will ultimately help focus future IETF work on architectural
improvements for protocols that work across areas.
The planned meeting format is to have 60-90min of presentations
from people who haverequested a slot (and prepared at MOST 3 slides) in advance, 
followed by 30-45min of further contributions
from the room, and wrapup.
    0. Intro, agenda bash [Chair, 1min]
    1. Set stage for discussion [Chair, 5min]
    2. Prepared input [Individual contributors; 5min presentation
       of problem; 2-3 min clarifying questions from the room]
    3. Input from the room
    4. Wrapup

Folks wishing to say a few words about the problems they
perceive needing addressing (i.e., agenda item #2) should
send a note to the IAB (iab@iab.org) before July 4.