Device Discovery BOF (ddbof)

Thursday, July 17 at 1300-1500

CHAIR: Ron da Silva <> 


Problem description             (10 mins)       TBD
draft-marques-ddp-00.txt        (10 mins)       Pedro Marques
LLDP                            (20 mins)       Jim Burns
Future steps                    (10 mins)       <open discussion>


This meeting's purpose is to discuss what actions, if any, the IETF
should take regarding the standardization of mechanisms that discover
directly adjacent network nodes.

Several proprietary solutions exist in this area. As such, network
operators feel the need for an interoperable solution that covers the
needs of IP network infrastructure nodes as well as layer 2 devices.

Current efforts in this area by other standard bodies will be
discussed, as well as the potential for collaboration with those