AToM MIB WG (atommib) Thursday, July 17 at 1300-1500 =============================== CHAIR: H.Kam Lam <> Faye Ly <> AGENDA: 1. Administrative matters Working group charter is at 1.1 introductions 1.2 selection of minute-taker PLEASE read volunteers PRIOR to the meeting greatly appreciated! 1.3 circulation of sign-up sheet 1.4 Review of Agenda 1.5 Allocation of time 2. Status of Current work 2.1 Trunk MIBs - 2495bis Proposed Standard (DS1/E1/DS2/E2) <draft-ietf-atommib-rfc2495bis-03.txt> - 2496bis Draft Standard (DS3) <draft-ietf-atommib-rfc2496-bis-03.txt> 2.2 In IESG Evalution - ATM2 Proposed Stanard (ATM Supplemental MIB) <draft-ietf-atommib-atm2-19.txt> 2.3 In RFC Editor Queue - 2493bis Draft Standard (TC for 15-Minute Intervals) <draft-ietf-atommib-rfc2493bis-01.txt> - 2558bis Draft Standard (SONET) <draft-ietf-atommib-rfc2558bis-01.txt> - optical-mib Proposed Standard (Optical) <draft-ietf-atommib-opticalmib-08.txt> 2.4 Implementation/deployment feedback - Trunk MIBs: RFC2495, RFC2496 - ATM Accounting: RFC2512, RFC2513 - ATM TC & Object: RFC2514, RFC2515 3. Possible Future topics 3.1 Advancing RFC2494 (DS0) 3.2 Virtual concatenation (TDM) 3.3 ATM Inverse Multiplexing (IMA) 4. Charter updates. Please see 4.1 Set dates for completion of updates to existing work 4.1 Requests for new work? 6. Wrap-up 6.1 review of action items 6.2 reminders to minute-takers and presenters PLEASE read and, respectively. 6.3 retrieval of sign-up sheet