Voice over IP over MPLS BOF (vompls) Thursday, March 30 at 1530-1730 =============================== CHAIRS: Antti Kankkunen <anttik@integralaccess.com> Gerald R. Ash <gash@att.com> DESCRIPTION: Voice over IP (VoIP) and Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) are two important emerging technologies. Carrying voice over IP networks will potentially enable service providers to use a single infrastructure for all services as the IP based data services are beginning to dominate the traffic volumes in public networks. Thus, VoIP is currently generating a lot of interest among the user and provider community. Multi-Protocol Label Switching, or MPLS, is an emerging technology that is rapidly being adopted, particularly in the service provider markets. Currently most attention on MPLS is focused on Internet Traffic Engineering. The motivation for Voice over MPLS is to leverage the new features being introduced in MPLS to support voice-over-packet service. The initial purpose of Voice over MPLS BOF and subsequent effort is to define a framework that provides a common reference point for the operation of voice over MPLS and to identify any needed related standardization work. The objectives of the effort include: * Defining an overall framework for the operation of Voice over MPLS, * Defining the use of MPLS label-switched-paths (LSPs) as a bearer capability for packetized voice, * Identifying any resulting new requirements being placed on voice call control protocols or MPLS signaling protocols, and * Defining MPLS specific efficient transport mechanisms for packetized-voice possibly using link level or LSP level header compression or suppression mechanisms. The intent is to support all appropriate voice call control protocols (e.g., MEGACO, MGCP, and SIP) and MPLS signaling protocols (RSVP and LDP). Note that the terms Voice over IP over MPLS and Voice over MPLS are used interchangeably. The purpose of the BOF will be to gauge interest in this effort, to see if there is consensus on moving forward, and to reach consensus on the direction to be followed. Attendees should read the following documents in advance of the BOF: * Voice over MPLS Framework, draft-kankkunen-vompls-fw-00.txt AGENDA: 1) BOF Objectives (chair, 5 minutes) 2) Agenda bashing (chair, 5 minutes) 3) Definition of Voice over MPLS (Antti Kankkunen, 5 minutes) 4) Goals of Voice over MPLS (includes non-goals) (Antti Kankkunen, 5 minutes) 5) VoMPLS Framework, draft-kankkunen-vompls-fw-00.txt (Antti Kankkunen, Brian Rosen, Dave Stacey 35 minutes) 6) Simple Header Compression, draft-swallow-mpls-simple-hdr-compress-00.txt, (George Swallow, 10 minutes) 7) MPLS/IP Header Compression, draft-berger-mpls-hdr-comp-00.txt & MPLS/IP Header Compression over PPP, draft-berger-mpls-hdr-comp-over-ppp-00.txt (Lou Berger, 10 minutes) 8) An architecture for Admission Control, Traffic Engineering and Fast Restoration for VoMPLS (Angela Chiu, 15 minutes) 9) The management of MPLS LSPs for scalable QoS Service Provision, draft-gibson-manage-mpls-qos-01.txt (Mark Gibson, 5 minutes) 10) Open discussion (20 minutes) 11) Agree on Next Steps (5 minutes) 12) Closing Mailing list: General Discussion: vompls@lists.integralaccess.com To subscribe: vompls-request@lists.integralaccess.com In body: subscribe (unsubscribe) Archive: http://sonic.sparklist.com/scripts/lyris.pl?enter=vompls