TMN-SNMP BOF (tmnsnmp)

Monday, March 27 at 0930-1130

CHAIRS: Bert Wijnen <>
        Randy Bush <> 


Network management is becoming more complex with the strong convergence
movement that is blending IP networks and traditional telephone
networks. Each of these communities has its own management concepts and
technology standards. IP networks use SNMP almost exclusively while
traditional telephone networks are primarily focused on TMN
(Telecommunication Management Network) and associated protocols. The aim
of this BOF is to help acquaint the IETF community with TMN concepts and
technologies and to explore how the capabilities provided by both sets
of concepts and technologies can be accommodated in  the converged
networks of the future.

ITU-T SG4 representatives will present to the IETF Network Management
community the TMN framework and technologies, including its work plan
for the integrated management of hybrid circuit/packet/IP networks and
how SNMP fits into the TMN framework.

There is also a Q&A and some time to discuss the TMN framework and the
TMN/SNMP and ITU-T/IETF relationships. This exchange of viewpoints
should give us all a better understanding of the different approaches to
(System and) Network Management. At the same time we can possibly
identify some joint work items that may need follow up and/or further


5 min - Agenda bashing
5 min - Introduction (Bert Wijnen)
90 min - TMN presentation by Mark Klerer/Lakshmi Raman
20 min - Q&A and Discussion

And very important, the reading materials are:

-Q.811 / Q.812

    available via FTP:

UserID: anonymous@
 Path: /itu_to_ietf/SG4