Service in the PSTN/IN Requesting Internet Service WG (spirits)

Monday, March 27 at 1530-1730

CHAIRS: Alec Brusilovsky <>
        Steve Bellovin <>


1. Agenda bashing - 5 minutes.

2. Pre-SPIRITS implementations with focus on architecture
   a. Telia/Nortel  - 5 minutes.
   b. Korea Telecom - 5 minutes.
   c. NEC Corporation - 5 minutes.
   d. Lucent - Igor Faynberg - 5 minutes.

3. Progress of Implementation Document - Hui-Lan Lu - 5 minutes.

4. SPIRITS progress in ITU-T - Hui-Lan Lu - 5 minutes.

5. EURESCOM P909 findings relative to SPIRITS WG objectives - 
   Gianni Canal - 5 minutes.

6. What are SPIRITS architectural components? Do we know all of them?
   What other components SPIRITS needs? - Discussion on Architecture - 
   45 minutes. 
   Lev Slutsman starts it off with a brief introduction.

7. SPIRITS Protocol requirements - protocol discussion - 25 minutes.