Meeting Minutes: RMONMIB WG Interim 

Area: OPS
Date: January 10 - 11, 2000
Time: 9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 18:00+ each day
Location: Boston, MA  USA
Minutes: Andy Bierman & Russell Dietz

A) Agenda:

 The RMONMIB WG will hold an interim meeting to focus on one 
 new work item: Application Performance Measurement (APM). 
 The WG has specific goals for the first phase of this work. 
 Please read the charter text at:

 Day 1:
    - Agenda bashing
    - Translate APM charter text into APM functional requirements
      and scope of work
    - Discuss APM protocol classification framework
       - includes protocol directory enhancements needed for APM
    - Discuss APM metrics classification framework

 Day 2:
    - Discuss APM results classification and reporting framework
       - includes bins vs. statistics discussion
    - Examine existing APM I-D contributions and other published 
      solution proposals 
       - draft-dietz-apmmon-mib-00.txt
       - draft-warth-rmon2-artmib-01.txt
       - others?  (submission deadline is 1/8/00 17:00 EDT)
    - Plan first release of APM document deliverables

B) Minutes

[Day 1  1/10/2000]

1) Agenda Bashing  

No agenda changes were suggested, although the agenda order
was not strictly followed.

2) Translate charter text into APM functional requirements

The meeting started by looking into the charter and 
how we should take the requirements and translate 
them into actual MIB implementation.

The charter text can be found at:

There was some general discussion on the measurements 
of application performance, and on the measurement of 
transport performance and the relationship to 
application performance.

2.2) Configuring the agent capabilities.

The group reached these conclusions:
  - The APM standard does need to support installation 
    and configuration of any specific APM measurement techniques.
  - The APM standard should support client based, probe based, 
    active and synthetic traffic monitoring, and even non-network
    based mechanisms.
  - The focus of the APM standard will be on defining how the 
    system reports and provides the information gathered
    via some APM collection technique.
  - The APM standard must define the capabilities of the
    device, at various levels. An NMS application should expect 
    the same results from different APM collection devices, 
    for each 'test' with the same global ID and/or identical 
    'test' attributes. 

2.3) APM Terms

The group then tried to establish some basic terms and an 
overall architectural model. 

2.3.1) APM Data - The actual measurements, kept in some internal 
representation, collected from one or more APM Collection 
Points. This data is converted into one or more APM Reports,
in an implementation-specific manner. APM Data is outside 
the scope of the APM standard.

2.3.2) APM Device - A device which contains an SNMP agent which 
implements the APM MIB. For the purpose of the standard,
the APM device is the entity that is reporting the APM
results, in the form of standard MIB objects.  An
APM Device can obtain APM data from one or more APM
Collection Points.

2.3.3) APM Collection Point - The general location within
the spectrum of possible vantage points, that APM
Data is collected, for one or more APM Studies (and
perhaps more than one APM device). The interaction
between an APM device and and APM Collection Point 
is outside the scope of the APM standard.

2.3.4) APM Study Class - [called APM Study at the interim]
The unique set of parameters that distinguishes a
particular APM collection mechanism and/or capability.
  - the set of protocols collected
  - test attributes (standard and proprietary)
  - collection technique(s)
  - APM Collection Point location(s)
  - report capabilities
  - global vendor ID
  - vendor-specific Study Class ID

2.3.5) APM Study - [called APM Study instance at the interim]
This is an instantiation of a particular APM Study Class.
Some parameters, such as:
 - the dataSource to monitor
 - any resource restrictions to enforce
 - the specific set of result data to collect 
are relevant only in the context of an APM Study, not an 
APM Study Class. 

2.3.6) APM Report Class - [not formalized at the interim]
The type of APM report produced on behalf of a 
particular APM Study Class. The group identified
these distinct APM Report Classes:
  - bin based aggregation
  - statistical based aggregation
  - exception based reporting

2.3.7) APM Report - the set of result data for a particular APM Study.
This is in the form of standard MIB objects and notifications
in the APM MIB.

2.3.8) APM Location - the notion of where an APM Collection Point is 
obtaining APM Data. At the highest level, the possible
locations are:
  - client
  - network
  - server

The actual APM MIB will contain a more refined definition
of APM Location.

2.3.9) APM Class - [not formalized at the meeting]
The group identified three classes of APM technology:
  - passive collection: no test traffic is introduced
    into the system being measured. APM Data is derived from
    observable 'user activity' in the actual operating environment.
  - active collection: some form of test traffic is introduced
    into the system being measured. APM Data is derived from
    measured attributes of this test traffic.
  - intrusive collection: actual network traffic is modified
    for the purpose of APM Data collection. APM Data is derived
    from measured attributes of this modified network traffic.

2.4) Measuring the User Experience

The main goal of APM is to provide quantitative test results
which directly reflect the experience perceived by the
user of a network service. The group discussed examples such as:
  - entire WEB page load time, not just an individual HTTP GETs
  - entire application transaction time, not transport
    round trip time
  - classification granularity to application verb level, since
    different verbs require different metrics

2.5) APM Functional Requirements Summary

The group listed these requirements at the end of this 

 - measure end-user experience
 - link net based measurements
 - probe caps
 - test caps
 - collect point caps
 - notion of location
 - no config, just start and stop tests
 - quantitative analysis
 - relation to RMON-2
   - PD verbs
        - finer classification:
          - URL
          - MIME type
          - verbs
 - relation to IPPM metrics
   - don't reinvent terms
 - dataSource granularity  (not specific to APM)
   - subset of an interface 
     - IP addresses
     - VLAN
     - DSCP

3) APM Framework

The group spent a great deal of time discussing APM Framework

3.1) Metric Classification

Steve Waldbusser presented a model for classifying
the user experience that was well-received by the group.
At the highest level, the network interactions experienced
by a real person can be divided into two metrics:
  - Availability
    The percentage of (usually) time that a network service
    is available for use
  - Responsiveness
    The perceived speed of the network service. This is
    measured differently, depending on transaction type.

At the highest level, the protocol types experienced
by a real person can be divided into three classes:
  - transaction-oriented
    The payload size is relatively constant for all 
    transactions of this type. Examples include SNMP,
    pop3.login and html/http.
    Responsiveness is application response time.
    Availability over a given time interval is the 
    number of successful transactions divided by the
    total number of transaction attempts in that interval.
  - throughput-oriented
    the availability and responsiveness are related to
    the size of the user data for transactions of this type. 
    Examples include ftp.get.
  - streaming-oriented
    the availability and responsiveness are characterized
    by more complex metrics than throughput-oriented protocols.
    Examples include real-audio.

The following chart was presented and used for reference
throughout the meeting.

                      Trans.    Throughput      Streaming
  | Availability   |  % avail.  |  % avail. | % avail.    |
  | Responsiveness | tenths of  | sec/Gbit  | parts per   |
  |                | seconds    |           | million     |

A great deal of discussion focused on complex protocols
like 'WEB' (see sec x.x), and issues related to classifying 
transactions. Some 'meta-protocols' like this can be
classified into different 'boxes', or classified into more 
than one box at once. Most protocols will fall into
only one column, and both metrics for that column
apply to the protocol.

A great deal of discussion focused on the availability
metric for 'Streaming' protocols. It is roughly defined
as the ratio of time that the service is degraded or
interrupted to total service time, and is measured 
in parts per million.

It is difficult (through packet observation) to determine
the true availability of some applications in this class,
since many factors such as codec(s) used, negotiated bandwidth,
playout buffer size, and user intervention (e.g. 'pause
button'), influence the user experience.

Measuring the user experience for bi-directional streaming 
protocols (e.g., VOIP) is also quite difficult, and may
require special consideration in the APM MIB.

The group discussed the units for the responsiveness metric.
The units for all types of responsiveness metrics should
be normalized, such that lower values indicate faster

3.2) APM Study Classification

Each APM Study Class has characteristics which must be
identified by an NMS application, or order to properly 
interoperate with APM Devices.

3.2.1) APM Architecture

There are several distinct APM architectures which
can be supported by the APM MIB. (See section 2.3.9).

3.2.2) Set of Metrics

The metrics supported by each APM Study Class must be
identified in the APM standard.

3.2.3) Set of Protocols

The protocols supported by each APM Study Class must be
identified in the APM standard. The RMON-2 protocolDirTable
is used to identify protocols for APM.

3.2.4) APM Capabilities

The APM standard will contain support for identifying the
generic feature capabilities of an APM Device, similar to 
the dataSourceCapsTable in the SMON MIB. This includes
collection and output capabilities.

3.2.5) Vendor ID

Each APM Study Class must be assigned a unique 'registration OID'
by the WG (for any standard APM study classes), or each vendor
(for vendor-specific APM study classes).

3.3) APM Protocol Classification

The group discussed various aspects of protocol classification,
and protocol directory enhancements that would benefit APM.

3.3.1) Meta Protocols

It is desirable to define a meta-protocols like 'WEB', to
better measure the user experience. WEB (called capital-WEB),
would represent a 'WEB page' as the transaction boundary,
even though there may be many http flows needed to actually
complete the 'WEB page transaction'. Meta-protocol
capabilities and definitions need to be specified as
extensions to the protocolDirectoryGroup of RMON-2.

3.3.2) APM Protocol Requirements

The following issues regarding protocols were raised:
Application performance and Network performance
  - There is a need for a table that relates Application 
    to Network protocols supported
  - There may be a need for URL and Cookie analysis via 
    Persistent names.

[Day 2: Tuesday 1/11/00]

3.3.3) Protocol Verbs

There was some discussion on the need for Protocol Verb Identifiers,
similar to the PI Macros in RFC 2074. These verbs would need to
be registered, and identified in a MIB. Text strings need
to be handled somehow.

The WG may need a document that includes all of the VERBs or 
other test based elements that need children.  May need to 
hand that off to IANA.  

3.3.4) Security Considerations

There may be security implications for SSL, IP-sec, etc.  
Encouraging measurement could cause people to discourage deployment.  
There may also be security issues related to active monitoring,
i.e., injection of packets into the network

3.4) APM Studies

The group agreed that the basic capabilities of each APM Study [Class]
should be listed in a read-only MIB of some kind. The following
attributes of an APM Study were listed:

 APM Study =
     - Set of application protocols
     - Set of metrics
     - Data Source 
     - Control of Output
     - Output
         - Distributions
         - History
         - Out of profile events

3.3.5) Partial Flows

There was some discussion on the impact of partial flow information
on an APM Study and APM Reports.  Partial flows can occur if an
APM collection started after a flow, or an APM collection ends
during a flow.  There was concern about flow information appearing
in more than one report. The 'curFlowTable' was left as a detail to 
be worked out later.

3.5) MIB Presentations

There were three MIBs presented to the group.

3.5.1) ART MIB (Albin Warth, Netscout)

Document: draft-warth-rmon2-artmib-01.txt

There was some discussion on the need for more metrics
than just response time, and the use of one response time
distribution configuration for all protocols. There was
a lot of discussion on 'bins' vs. 'stats', which carried
over into the next presentation.  There is strong support 
for 'bins' (used in ART MIB), and not as much support 
for 'stats' (used in APMMON MIB).

3.5.2) APMMON MIB (Russell Dietz, Apptitude)

Document: draft-dietz-apmmon-mib-00.txt

Discussion focused mainly on the linkage between transport layer
metrics and 'user experience metrics'. There was a lot of 
interest in 'drill-down metrics' and 'flow decomposition'
for APM reports.  The group decided these features are
desirable, but they should be in another MIB, called the
Transport Metrics MIB (TPM).

Another topic of interest was the use of statistical sampling
data collection vs. pre-defined 'goodness range' distributions.
It was decided that more work was needed, but the MIB(s)
should (optionally) support both types of report output.

3.5.3) APM MIB (Steve Waldbusser, Lucent)

Document: not yet published 

There was a lot of discussion on the aggregation methods in
the APM Reports:
  - Client-based aggregation
  - Server-based aggregation
  - client-server aggregation 
  - NO protocol or applications aggregation.

There was some discussion on a possible exception-based
reporting mechanism, for flows or transactions that 
fall out of some range for some metric.

There was also some discussion on the possible need for 
a pre-filtering mechanism for flow analysis, e.g.,
filtering on addresses and/or protocols and/or

4) Summary

The group listed the following 'To Do' list at the
end of the meeting:

  - persistent labels
  - protocol verbs
  - exception-based reporting
  - pre-filter (select by net-address or protocol)
  - APM Arch: type of transaction
    - transaction-oriented
    - throughput-oriented
    - streaming-oriented
  - APM Caps
    - location
    - vendor ID in study
    - list of metrics
  - microflows
  - transaction in progress, partial flows

5) Attendees

Andy Bierman  
Russell Dietz 
Bob Massad    
Albin Warth   
Tom Nisbet    
Emil Drottar  
Adam Liss     
Pat Dochrty   
Carl Mower    
Brad Carey    
Viveu Anand   
Gino Barille  
Brian Pratt   
Renate Boergerding
Raymond Chudzinski
Bob Cole      
Dan Romascanu 
Dan Hansen    
Bert Wijnen   
Steve Waldbusser
Shekhar Kshirsagar
Russ Currie   
Francisco Aquino