Policy Framework WG (policy) Monday, March 27 at 1300-1500 Wednesday, March 29 at 1300-1500 ================================ CHAIRS: Ed Ellesson <ed_ellesson@tivoli.com> John Strassner <jstrassn@cisco.com> AGENDA: Monday 1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I Agenda Bashing - Ed (5) Status Update - Ed/John (15) PCIM - WG Last Call Results - Bob (15) PCIM - Final Draft Review - Bob (25) file: draft-ietf-policy-core-info-model-04.txt PCS (Policy Core Schema) Review - Bob or Lee (10) file: draft-ietf-policy-core-schema-06.txt Polterm Requirements Doc - Fran (15) file: draft-reichmeyer-polterm-terminology-00.txt Policy Framework Status - Mark (15) file: draft-ietf-policy-framework-00.txt Policy Monitoring - Bob/Ken (15) no draft, just general thoughts; draft is pending Wrapup - Ed (5) Wednesday 1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I QoS Policy Extensions - John to give an intro (5) QoS Policy Info Model (new draft) - John (25) file: draft-ietf-policy-qos-info-model-00.txt QoS Policy Schema (revision) - John (25) file: draft-ietf-policy-qos-schema-00.txt QoS Device Info Model Update - Walter (25) file: draft-ietf-policy-qos-device-info-model-00.txt (this will be available by 3/20/00, note name change) Requirements and Use Case - Hugh (25) file: draft-ietf-policy-req-02.txt Policy Scalability - Hugh (10) file: draft-owens-policy-scalability-00.txt Wrapup - Ed (5)