IAB Wireless Workshop BOF (iww)

Thursday, March 30 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Brian Carpenter <brian@icair.org>
        Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com>
        Bob Hinden <hinden@iprg.nokia.com>


Wireless technology, including wireless LANs, data transfer over cellular
radio (GSM, 3GPP, etc), and mobile operations from aircraft and near earth
spacecraft are becoming increasingly important. Some market projections
suggest that a mobile Internet in parallel with or augmenting the wired
Internet may be comparable in size to the wired Internet as early as 2003.

The wireless operators have not, however, chosen to use IP4, TCP, full
HTTP/HTML, and other applications for a variety of reasons. These relate to
edge device cost, bandwidth limitations, perceived protocol imperfections,
unnecessary complexities, the chattiness of the application protocols, and
network layer addressing issues. Unfortunately, this creates some serious
issues at the wired/wireless demarcation: end to end operation is
sacrificed, security is compromised, and automated content modification in
some form becomes necessary. The IAB considers these to be serious
fundamental issues, which will in time be a serious impediment to the
usability of the combined Internet if not addressed.

The IAB, on Feb 29-March 2, held an invitational workshop, hosted by Bob
Hinden at Nokia. The workshop was to discuss this, determine what the
legitimate issues are, and make recommendations to the wireless operators,
IRTF, and IETF on the architectural road map for the next few years. The
fundamental question addressed is "what are the issues, and what really
needs to be done to unify the Internet below the application layer."
Applications will also need to be addressed, but were perceived to be more
than could be usefully discussed in a three-day workshop, and probably
require different expertise.

The intent of this BOF is to present a preliminary report on the results,
and discuss that report.


   *  BOF Objectives (chair)
   *  Agenda bashing (chair)
   *  Overview of Wireless market projections
   *  Overview of current wireless protocols
   *  Overview of issues with IP4, IP4 Mobility and TCP
   *  Overview of issues with IP6, IP6 Mobility and TCP
   *  Overview of issues with addressing
   *  Overview of workshop recommendations
   *  Open discussion
   *  Next steps
   *  Closing

Mailing list:  iab-wireless-workshop-interest@ietf.org
To join:  iab-wireless-workshop-interest-request@ietf.org