ICMP Traceback BOF (itrace)

Thursday, March 30 at 1530-1730

CHAIR: Steve Bellovin <smb@research.att.com>


The purpose of the BoF is to look at a mechanism to help address the 
problem of tracing back denial of service attacks.  The suggested
mechanism is that with low probability (order 1/20,000), a router
seeing a packet would send to the destination an ICMP message giving
as much information as it knows about the immediate previous hop of 
that packet.  With enough of these messages -- and if one is being 
flooded, by definition there will be a lot of traffic, so that the 
low probabilities will still result in a reasonably complete set of 
traceback packets.

Such a mechanism has other uses as well.  It lets people trace down
the source of accidentally-emitted bogus packets, i.e., those with
RFC1918 addresses.  It helps characterize the reverse path, which
traceroute does not do.

The output will be a standards-track RFC describing the packet format, 
and the conditions under which it should be sent.  Issues include 
authentication, router load, and host load.

   Introduction, motivation        15 min
   Marcus Leech's prototype        15 min
   Alternative design              15 min
   Open issues list                20 min
   Charter                         20 min

Draft: draft-bellovin-itrace-00.txt
Also see: http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/savage/traceback.html


For those who are interested in the ITRACE BoF, there is a mailing 
list ietf-itrace@research.att.com.  Subscribe by sending the message 

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