IPSRA Minutes 3-28-00

Agenda was bashed

Charter review -- Sara Bitan
        Pointed people to the charter
                Address assignment and configuration
                User authentication
        Can't change IKE

Requirements --  Scott Kelly
        Reviewed draft-ietf-ipsra-reqmts-00.txt
        Endpoint authentication
                Question about how to distinguish between user and machine
                certificate and whether it is important
        Remote host device configuration features
        Security policy configuration -- probably outside of WG charter
        Mobility -- do we need this to be different than above?
        Scenarios covered in the document
        Commonalities in the scenarios

Framework/architecture document: Sara put out request for volunteers

Key exchange proposals
        draft-bellovin-ipsra-getcert -- Steve Bellovin
                Four sub-proposals
                Approach: Use existing tools, such as SSL over HTTP
                Client-side cert generation
                Server-side key generation
                Server-side key storage
                Server-generated shared secrets
                Questions about whether we want this to be a one-time cert
                Wuestions about whether this is just an enrollment protocol
        draft-ietf-ipsra-pic -- Yaron Sheffer
                One-way secure channel where the server is authenticated
                After channel is up, use XAuth
                Same types of credentials as Bellovin
                First part isn't a type of IKE
        draft-kelly-ipsra-userauth -- Scott Kelly
                Create an IKE SA
                Go into limited Phase 2, do auth exchange there
                After auth, either refocus the Phase 2 or kill it
                        and start others

Config proposals
        draft-ietf-ipsec-dhcp -- Bernard Aboba
                Config requirements
                Security requirements
                DHCP packet body
                DHCP options
                Address pool selection
                Comparison with L2TP in Phase 2
        draft-ietf-pppext-secure-ra -- Pyda Srisuresh
                Using L2TP to do config
                Enterprise trust model
                Remote access server features
                LNS as a NAS
                SRAS extensions to LNS
                RADIUS protocol extensions
                Questions about whether this is a proper use of L2TP