IP Performance Metrics WG (ippm)

Monday, March 27 at 1930-2200

CHAIR: Matthew J Zekauskas <matt@advanced.org> 


Status update & agenda bashing (5 minutes) -- The Chairs

Loss patterns (10 minutes)  -- Rayadurgam Ravikanth
  Final comments before last call

Delay variation (15 minutes) -- Matt Zekauskas for Phil Chimento
  Latest changes.
  Experience applying the metrics to Surveyor data for European QoS tests

Proposed metric for periodic traffic (30 minutes) -- Chuck Powers
  Presentation & Discussion
Bulk Transport Metric (15 minutes) -- The Chairs
  The State of the World
  Current Work
  Discussion of the future -- alternatives?

IPPM Milestones and Future Plans (30 minutes) -- The Chairs
  10 minutes to outline our optins and directions,
  20 minutes for discussion