IP over Optical BOF (ipo)

Monday, March 27 at 1530-1730

CHAIRS: Andy Malis <amalis@lucent.com>
        Jim Luciani <james_luciani@mindspring.com>  


The advent of switched multi-channel (WDM and DWDM) optical networks
using OXCs (Optical Cross-connects) presents many new opportunities
for supporting faster and more flexible provisioning of IP services.
The keys to realizing these opportunities include:

- Providing the ability to automatically set-up and tear-down paths
  (optical channels) across the optical network from both a user to
  network interface and network/node to network interface

- Providing the means for IP services to leverage this capability

- Establishing new supporting protocols and mechanisms

- Modifying existing IP and MPLS routing and connection signaling

- Providing well-defined interfaces between the IP and optical
  networking layers

The proposed IP over Optical WG will not duplicate work already being
done elsewhere, such as MPLS per-LSP protection switching as provided
by LSRs, OSPF and IS-IS extensions to support constrained routing,
extensions to PPP to support direct carriage over fiber in a SONET-less
environment, and so on. However, the WG may generate requirements or
other input to be considered in other WGs.


0  Introductory remarks, Jim Luciani, 5 mins

1  "Control of Lightpaths in an Optical Network", 
   Jennifer Yates, 10mins

2  "Lightpath attributes and related service definitions", 
   Jennifer Yates, 10mins (this draft is forthcoming)

3  "Signaling Framework for Automated Establishment and Restoration of 
   Paths in Optical Mesh Networks", 
   Bala Rajagopalan, 10 mins

4  Framework Document, draft-ip-optical-framework-00.txt, 
   Bala Rajagopalan, 10 mins

5  ODSI, John Moy, 15mins (see http://www.odsi-coalition.com/documents.html)

6  Optical Performance Monitoring, draft-ceuppens-mpls-optical-00.txt 
   John Drake, 10mins

7  Policy for IPO, Kwok Chan and Fran Reichmeyer, 5 mins (no draft)

8  Requirements for adding Optical switch support to GSMP, 
   Avri Doria, 10 mins

9  An architecture for MPLS control plane for Switched Optical  Networks, 
   Murali Krishnaswamy, 10 mins

10 Extensions to OSPF/IS-IS for Optical Routing, 
   Don Fedyk, 5 mins

11 Fast Liveness Protocol, draft-sandiick-flip-00.txt, 
   Hal Sandick, 5 mins

12 Charter, Andy Malis, 10mins

Email list information:

The email list is ip-optical@lists.research.bell-labs.com.

Send subscription or unsubscription requests to: 
with the single word subscribe or unsubscribe in the body (this is a 
majordomo server).  Do not send requests to the mailing list itself.  
Further email list info, and archives, are available at: 

Contacts for requesting time on the agenda: 

Send email to: 
  Andy Malis <amalis@lucent.com> and 
  Jim Luciani <james_luciani@mindspring.com> 
to request a slot on the agenda.