Intrusion Detection Exchange Format WG (idwg) Thursday, March 30 at 1530-1730 Friday, March 31 at 0900-1130 =============================== CHAIR: Mike Erlinger <> AGENDA: 1. Agenda Discussion/Changes 2. XML vs SNMP Formats draft-mansfield-curry-idmef-xmlsmi-01.txt. Goal - finish discussion of this document, indicate changes for the authors. 3. Data Definition draft-ietf-idwg-data-model-02.txt. Goal - finish discussion of this document, indicate changes for the authors. 3. Intrusion Alert Protocol draft-ietf-idwg-iap-XX.txt - Goal - while this document did not make the draft cutoff, it was posted to the mail list. we will seek input for the author. 4. DTD Definition draft-ietf-idwg-idmef-xml-01.txt Goal - while this document did not make the draft cutoff, it was posted to the mail list. we will seek input for the author.