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Uploaded to the LSD GHQ: Dienstag, 05-Mai-98 at 21:56:45 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -· @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * Interview with DIGIMAN of Hellfire. * * * * Well, I`m sure you know the name, it * * ain`t neccessary to describe him any * * further, or? ;-) * * * * Done by GHANDY of Darkage, Faith & Gods * * ... released in JURASSIC PACK issue 2 * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Interview with Digiman done by Ghandy of Darkage, Faith & Gods (in 1996) Note:This interview was done at Mekka&Symposium, two years ago. So, some informations are not so relevant anymore. All names have been changed to protect the innocence.. ;-)) If anybody should ask me from the BKA, Police etc, I have never heard of any illegal acitivities beeing topic of these lines, and neither that I wrote it. Do I know the names Ghandy or Digiman? Do I or does he have any informations about phreaking??? Never heard of ... ;-) If you don`t have a clue of the scene, just read our "fairy tale" for your private amusement. It was released in the middle of 1996 in my diskmag, Jurassic Pack, issue two. (numba 6 came out about 2 weeks ago) [in the middle of April 1998] If you wanna contact me, grab `n start your telnet program and connect to: filadelfia.tky.hut.fi Ghandy: Hy everybody, this is a live-interview with Digiman, who is part of a complete other kind of scene. He`s a phreaker. (also sysop) Please introduce yourself in real live and in computer affairs. Digiman: Well i started 10 zears ago with computer.. my friend was playing green beret... i though it was c00l! Then i bought a C64.. and some years l8r a sound digitizer.. well i made some sounds for a group named crash? slash? dont know anymore but thats how i got my name... I digitized sounds.... and my friend called me Digi(man)... kinda lame huh? 1991 i got my first modem... and started calling boards.... Ghandy: US Robotics I guess... hehe Digiman: no hehe.. it was a best 2400 haha... but i was quite fast for 2400 hehe (urgs) Ghandy: and calling some pd boxes or? Digiman: well yeah.... for 2 weeks.. then i met a guy named hoshy.. who gave me some board numbers that didnt kick 24 users.. Ghandy; Mhh well, and well you began to be fascinated of that illegal scene I guess? Digiman: Yeah...but i think i thought it also was c00l... that i didnt understand nothing when i called the first amiex board... Ghandy: But later you began to become interested in phreaking acitivities like blue boxing etc... Digiman: Yes... well the first time i boxed was when i found a dialer on a board named "skid row dialer" or something... mhh it was in a ugly cli window and u had to dial the numbers by hand.. i think... hehe then came blieb.. that was c00l... mhh but like the m0st people i didnt know what i was doing.... i heard a klick and dialed... hehe.. well but it intrested me what was behind that.. and i got documents... well and so i got more and more in to it.. because i thought it was c00l to have the control over the telephone system.. and the world? Yeah I remember.. blueboxing was wonderful. But it became more and more difficult.. at the beginning it was only one tone and later 2 and more.. Ghandy: Mhh but how exactly does Blue Boxing work? And why wasn`t AT&T unable to stop that illegal actions? Or didn`t they even recognize us all? Digiman: Well when u bluebox u act like u are a part of the telephonesystem... The C5 signaling sends freqs to comunicate between the switchings centers.. So u do... And if a switching center can dial.. u can to..hehe Ghandy: And then Kimble was in that TV-Show called "Premiere" and then "Monitor" or "Panorama" or so.. He told them (and all people at the monitor) how blue-boxing works. Is he the destroyer of Blue-Box? Digiman: Well the first time he was on tv... wasnt so bad.. well he showed how to box at&t... that caused that at&t changed the freqs... u had to send and wait 65 to break... well no to bad..... but then he came on Monitor/Panorama. And he showed MCI with blieb... well 1 day after that MCI changed the freqs... and since this day changed the freqs everytime after a while until they changed to R2. But that wasnt the worsest thing... the Telephone companies was alarmed about Blueboxers. But well i cant really give kimble the fault for the death of blueboxing... before he came on Monitor/Panorama the tollfree numbers where busy all the day to usa... and like 100000 of people boxed.. when he wouldnt shown it on tv.. some other guy would did it. Ghandy: But for us sceners it was a great shock that Kimble showed the rest of the Germany how to call for free! Digiman: Mhh and then month for month it went more and more impossible to call outside. And the communication of the sceners broke down. But okay.. Ghandy: What are you doing beside blue-boxing? Digiman: Well at the moment im still playing around with the rest of the C5 countries... But in the future all companies well change to R2... The problem is that on the Amiga... there are no bluebox tools to handle it right.. i dont want to buy a Pee Cee.. never.. so i hope a friend can build me some hardware...if there is any coder intrested.. contact me.. hehe Ghandy: And anything else? Are you still hanging around in that Sex-Lines? Or doing Conferences with that AT&T Service? Or Voice-mail boxes for example. I can re- member that Bookeberry and all that socalled Elite-Phreakers had their own vmb with new cards etc. etc. are you also doing that things? Digiman: Well... i never like Chat lines.. or AT&T conferces.. sometimes a use a vmb to contact other people.. but well i dont like vmb stuff I think bookerry is very good at the stuff what he is doing.. well he always said drop boxing.. use vmbs.. its so easy... he may be right... at VMBs i dont have the feeling of control... mhhh its nothing special Ghandy: yes expect it`s for free.. but calling with blue-box is more a feeling of Freedom! You can do what you want, where you want.. call where you want etc. Nobody is limiting you .. like if you are using cards. What do you think about cards? I heard the rulez of the cards have changed. In former times they were very cheap but the quality was very low, because one pool was sold more than 3-4 times.. and now... the cards are expensive but it`s a bit more YOUR card.. or what do you generally think about cards? is it less save than bb? Digiman: Nothing is save like blueboxing... Well i dont know much about card stuff.. hmm heard AT&t made all a bit more secure.. they blacklisting numbers and stuff... mhh anyway there are roumors going around that some people these days where busted using at&t calling cards... well i say "oh no.. not again that stuff.. ..."... well cards are nice for mobil phones .. and when u have some cards.. why not... but else.... Ghandy: mhh but it`s getting more and more difficult to buy any cards as normal scener.. how are the prices nowadays and how long do they work?? Digiman Well today the only last for some hours and some calls.. well i think there will never be such good callabilities like in the past... the warez/demo scene and the phreaker will split more and more.. I was a nice time.. but it will never be again.... Ghandy: that`s right! Are you present at internet? or do you have any phreaking abilities in the internet? How save it is really?? E-Plus Mobile Telephones for example denied to make any mails or any sides in the internet due the low security.. whats your opinion? Digiman: Well i started internet about 3 weeks ago... Well i got a unix account from a friend.. and the first thing i tried to do is do download the pwfile and crack the pwfile... And here again to the coders: There is no unix cracker i know about than killercracker.. change it.. i dont wanna buy PeeCee Ghandy: Hehe okay I could say something about pc .. but it`s an interview with you not with me.. heh but what do you think about the future of the german telecom? At 1.1.97 there will change very much.. what do you guess what will happen? Digiman: Well.. i think in the first years not to much.. well because the other companies first have to rent lines from the german telecom.. so they only can be cheap for big companies... i think it will take a time until something changes... But i think there will be much mure ways to phreak something.... more service more abuse.. I don`t think that the other companies will rent lines from the Telecom. Mhhh.. Heard rumors they wanna do it a little bit like the mobile phone companies but you cannot leave your home with your "mobile" telefone... But we`ll see... Ghandy: Would you like to greet some people at the end? Digiman: my mom.. my dad.... tOM!,Ghandy!,Dr.q/UPG (he will never read this.. PC..),Pyro Ghandy: last question: what do you think about that party? Digiman: Well yeah its nice... but well i miss the Techno/Gabba Party here.. bumm bumm. mhh At least i can sleep at home... Ghandy: You lucky you.. last night i slept 4 hours! urrgh! so thank you very much for that interview. hehe and see you at Los endos sometime.. cu Digiman: Well my last words... dont buy PeeCee ... and save THE EDGE.. dont let that board die.... good bye Stripped from cRAZY dEMOLITION sQUAD ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯