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                    l__|  l__|  l__   l__|  l__   l__   |
                        2F   `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'

            3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/PSX/MAC

              4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET
                          THE PROTECTORS ARE:
                         <0>  +45 58ASK4IT  <0>
                         <0>  +FIND ON IRC  <0>

*   Credit Card Fraud.    *
*  -==================-   *
*    Updated for 1995     *
* Learn the tricks of the *
* Trade and get your gear *
*        for free!..      *
*   Written By SaBoTeUr   *

- -[ The Stargate Beat This!!! ]- -
                          --== The Best Is Back ==--
           |÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬|
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                            :     [ sYZOP! ]     :
                            :[ nARCOSiS/nVX^aQS ]:
                            :                    :
 -   - -- --- ----------------------------------------------- --- -- -   -
   _____   ______ _______ _____   _____          :
  _\___ \ /  /  /__  ___/_\___ \ _\___ \_        :
 /    /  \_  \  \_    \ /   _/  \_  _/ _/_ /\    :  [ +44 (o)1253 699810 ]
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örC7!                       .    ____   ____ ________  ____ _______ _______
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    [ wE cONTROL yOUR ]     :  /  _/____   \_  /   /  \_  \_    \ _____  \_
   [ mODEM! cALL nOW!! ]    : /   \_   /    / /   /    /   /     \_  _/   /
                            . \_______/____/__\___\___/___/_______/______/.
                         _ /:                    .                    örC7!
   -   -  -- ------------\/------------------------------------ --  -   -
                            :                    :
  [ nERVE aXiS diST. siTE ] :    [ cO-sYZOP ]    :  [ aQUARiUS diST. siTE ]
[ dATA diViSiON diST. siTE ]:[mIC fLAIR/eLt^aQs!]:
                            :  [mANIX/dATA dIV]  :

                           [ fancy a day out? ]

.  ________ ___        _________ __   ____.  ______.        ___.
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|____.___/   ___|    |    |___/__   Y     |        |  cOME  ·Y rELAX wiTH
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                  [ p e r m a n e n t   v a c a t i o n ]

            [ +44 (o)1257 416994 ] [ 2nd ringdown node soon! ]

     [ eltech^neo^aquarius whq! dylem^mad elks ukhq ] [ legal only! ]

        [ blind man ^ violator ^ narcosis ] [ 1o ufo confs! wow! ]


                       THE ART OF CARDING IN THE U.K
                                BY SABOTEUR

Don`t give this text file to any Lamer$ ( !SLiPMAT ),cos WAREZ DUDES like that
only will phuck up these methods..Like the Lamers on C4.I have done this text
file so all you C00L dudes out there can get your new gear as soon as it`s
out..Have PhUn!.

Lesson 1. > Getting your card numbers <

This is one the most common and easy`est ways of obtaining valid numbers.Go
behind a bank,supermarket,dixons etc.And start searching through the bins.Now
what your looking for is the Blue Carbon`s they use.Don`t waste time sticking
a ripped up one together,look for another business.Its best to get about five
or six of these.Now when you get home,hold these bit`s of paper up to a light
and you should see something like this :

Example only:
               | 4212 5436 7842 7589         |
               | Mr F Bloggs    1/93 7/97    |
               | 20-31-21 78642895           |
               |                             |
               | Over priced Goods ltd       |
               | Plus some other shit!       |

Now the number at the top is the card number,the name under is the card holder
and the expiry date,and the other numbers are the sort code,and account number.
Write down the card number and card holders name,and dont forget the expiry
date.Don`t worry if there is only one expiry date,most cards only have one.

I have never tryed this one,but i expect it would work.Wait in a shop or store
until some one comes in and start`s using a credit card.Then follow them home.
Write down there address,and the type of card they have.Phone 192,and ask them
for the phone number to that address.Dial the phone number and say :

You : Hello this is mr shithead from the Visa / Access / Master Card
      information Center.We`ve had a report of your credit card was being
      used fraudently!.Please can i have your V/A/M credit card information.
      Can you tell me your card number and full name now,so i can start

Card Holder : " Who are you again? "

Now repeat the first bit again,including the bit about the computers going down
then say :

You : You can call me back on 0305 2675333,if you don`t belive who i say i am?

C,H : "Err o.k,i`ll phone you! "

Now wait a couple of minutes.

RiNg RiNg RiNg RiNg RiNg

You: Hello Mr Shitheads office,mr shithead speaking can i help you?

Kewl,now hopefully the dum card owner will give you the number.He,he, i doubt
if this tsory will get you very far,so make up your own one.

If you or a friend work in a shop,then save all the carbons you use.This way
is a bit risky,i would`nt do it myself!

If your really ELITE and COOL,then you`ll be able to hack the U.K`s Credit Card
system.Thus once in,hack you`re numbers and put the maxium credit on your card.
When you have the good`s you wanted,pop back and pay your bill!.Get the dial
up from your local friendly Hacker.Or you could try to hack a few answer
machine`s.Try the computer mail order company`s for the best results.

Lesson 2: >The drop site<

This is probably the hardest bit about carding!,if you live in a village near
a city or town,then look around for an empty house or flat.Make sure you can
get in there and open the front door properly.There`s nothing worse than having
a delivery man knocking with your new A4000 04 500 meg Hd and 8.5 gig tower,and
your kicking the fuck out of your door trying to open it!.Try to find a place
with no neighbour`s ( Especially old people! ),if not then look for a place
with a for sale sign on it,ripp it off so it says " SOLD ",then leave it for a
couple of days.Its best to put some net curtains up in the windows so the
delivery thinks there`s someone living there.Or even put some carpet down in
the hall way!.

The other option is to get some false ID,and rent a bedsit or flat for a week,
this can prove expensive but is very effective.Make sure the place you rent is
not in the same town as you or village.When the fraud squad comes snooping
around and ask the other tennents about your dissapearance,there`s nothing
worse than getting spotted in town a week later!.

This is easyier than the rest,but can prove a little bit tricky!.Find an empty
place and order your equipment there.Put some net curtains up in the windows.
And leave,come back at about six or sevenish and open all the mail.There should
be a card saying " We Called,You Were Out! "at the bottom it should say,come
and pick your parcell up at main depot.Then drive to the main depot with some
false id ( to the card holders name ),and collect your freshly stolen gear.

If you find an empty place with a porch,then leave a note saying,that you are
at work all day,and could you please leave all goods in the porch,i will take
full responsablity etc from ****.This dosen`t work very well,cos the delivery
man needs a signature,but its worth a try!.

Lesson 3 > how to order <

This the easy bit.Look through your computer mags or video satelite etc,and
choose what you want.Write down on a piece of paper the companys name and phone
number,your order,the credit card number and expiry date,the card holders name
and the address you want it sent to.Make sure you sound confident,and honest!.
Go to a payphone! ( Never use your home phone ),call the company and say :

" Hello,i`d like to order an A4000 /03 with a 540 meg hard drive!,and a 1940
  monitor. "

you should hear something like:

" Hold the line sir,i`ll put you through to the sales department "

Wait a few seconds and some one else will pick up your call.Its best if its a
woman because there more easyier to lie to ( he,he, ).Now repeat your order :

" Hello,i`d like to order an A4000 /03 with a 540 meg hard drive!,and a 1940
  monitor. "

" Right sir,is that and Scuzzy or ide? "

" Scuzzy please.Is there any chance of a discount with the monitor? "

" Hang on a minute please sir,i`ll just check! "

Wait again!

" No,i`m sorry sir. "

" Errr well,yeah all right i`ll have it anyway! "

" O.K sir,can i have the card holders name ? "

Now if its a womans name then say it`s either your mums or your wife`s.If its
a blokes then say that your the card holder.

" Yes,it`s my mums card,and her name is Debbie Smith "

" O.K. and the card number is ? "

Now tell the woman what type off card it is ie Acess Visa MasterCard Gold etc.
to find out what type of card you have got then read the bottom of this text.

Say this in a clear voice.

" its a visa,and the number is 4124 9863 0874 2243, "

" okay sir,and what address shall the goods be sent to? "

Now tell the woman your drop site.

" Its 15 cresent street,shittown,shitarea "

" And can i have the post code? "

If you don`t know the post code then call 192,and ask them for the main post
office,for the town.Call them and ask them for the post code for the area,or
if your lucky you might find an old letter in the empty flat house etc.

" Yes its S H I T 1 1 8 "

" O.k then sir,can i have your phone number ? "

Hmmm,a bit dodgy this bit is!,you could tell her a number that is always busy
( a number that always rings ) or tell her that you use a fax machine alot and give
them a bbs number ( he,he, ) Or try to bullshit your way out of it,ie you`ve
just moved and the phone isn`t connected yet.

" I have just moved and the phone isn`t connected yet,i`m waiting for BT to
get back to me "

" Well,is there a friend or relation i can ring ?"

" Well i`m in a phone box at the moment at work,errr i can`t remeber any of
there phone numbers "

" Well o.k then sir,don`t worry about it "

" Sorry about this,can you tell me what day the stuff will be deliverd? "

" In about two days ( 48 hrs ),Ok? "

" Yes,thanks alot!! "

" Ok then sir?,good bye! "

" Thanxs goodbye! ( Snigger Snigger, )

Well thats the goods on there way!,now to order some more gear,make sure you
use a different card number and name,because running up a 1800.00 dept on one
card and ordering more goods on the same number is a bit dodgy.

Here`s a list of company`s that will do a guarnted 24 hour delivery.Remember
don`t call the gay little companys like Silca Systems - Tri-logic - First
computers,they tend to double check your credit order.The best thing is to
forget the Amiga company`s,and order your gear from Pee Cee groups.Well you
can always get your IDE H/D or your new 21.6!!.

Computers By Post 081 982 6380 Opens between 9:00am 6:30pm Except Weekends.
Viglen  081 758 7000  Opens between 9:00am 5:30pm Except Weekends.
Best Buys 0800 317 307 Opens between 9:00am 5:30pm Except Weekends.

Just buy the latest PC Shopper and look in the advertising index,and look what
company has brought the most page`s,you can`t go WRONG!.

Lesson 4 >Collection<

Remember you have not commited fraud until you have the goods in your hands,if
the drop site has changed,or someone has moved in.Don`t go back there,or use
the same credit card numbers again!.Just leave,look for another site and start
again,If nothing has changed then your in luck,anyway about the drop.This can
be done in a numerous amount of ways,( Look at drop sites! ).If you are going
to collect the gear ( Best way ),then steal some net curtains from your room,
or from mums spare set!.Stick these up at your drop site,drawing pins are the
best for this!.Also it`s best to sleep over in the drop site ( So you`re up
nice and early ),make sure to take a radio and a flask of tea!.Listen to the
radio until the delivery man comes,leave the radio on,so the delivery man
thinks that it`s a teenager listen to music ( just like normal life!! ).He will
probably say :

" Delivery for mr smith "

Just say yeah o.k mate,its my dad`s.He`s at work right now but i`ll sign for it

Now walk to the back of the lorry,and pick up your gear and stick it in the
hall,the driver will probably help you if your lucky!.Then sign the ticket.Now
you can sign the ticket any name it dosen`t really matter,but its best to sign
it under the card holders surname,when he hands you the ticket have a look at
the top of it,and look for the name of the card your using!.Now wait for the
next lorry or wait till it starts to get dark,then leave with your freshly
stolen goods!.Never use the same drop site for more than two days,and never
order anymore goods from the same address ( Don`t even go back to the same
area ).

Another cool way to make the collection,is to pay some druggy ( Smack Head! )
ten quid to sign and collect the item,be-carefull there`s nothing worse than
givin some druggy a tenner and not seeing your A4000T cos the wanker has sold
it to the local second hand dealer.Another great way is to pay a couple of
lamers ( SEGA DUDES! ) to collect your parcel.This is a very cheap way cos
you can bribe a kiddie with a fiver ( hehehe!! ).

Right lets start with the cards,finding out what type of card you have is easy
Just follow this simple little index.If your card number starts with a lets
say 4XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX,then its a Visa.Now if its a 5XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX,then
its a Mastercard.If it starts with a 3XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX,then its a American
express. INDEX :

                4XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX   : VISA
                5XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX   : MASTERCARD

Err i`m still working on the others at the moment.Now you may find the same
first four numbers on one card is the same as another like :

EXAMPLE:        4124 6383 8703 0872
                4124 9702 9483 7625

It simply means that the same bank ie LONDONS NATWEST bank issued it,also
some visa`s have 13 numbers instead of 16.Don`t worry dudes,it`s just a 13
numbered visa is a standard and a sixteen numbered visa is a GOLD visa.You do
not have tell the person your ordering from if its a standard or golden visa.
Gold visa`s are the best because you can order up to 2500.00 worth of gear
( Gold visa`s are often backed with money! ).Standard visa`s are only backed
with 1000.00 worth.People with visa`s often stay above the credit limit on
there card`s and never go in the red! ( So on the gold card you can order up
to 2500.00 of equipment and let it slide into the red  he,he, ).If the date
was say...5/12/94 and i had a card that the expiry said 12/94,then i would have
until the end of the month to order the gear on the card!.Don`t order over
600.00 on one card number!.Never tell anyone about how you conned the half
of a million quid out of the bank ( ie bragging about it. ),because word soon
gets around.Never try to start up a business with carded equipment,its not
worth carding a 300.00 quid computer to sell to your mate for 100.00,then
getting caught and banged up for ten years!!.Never order anything under 300.00
because if your gonna get caught,then you may as well get caught ordering say
5000.00 worth of gear ( Its something to boast about in prison ).If you have
givin the card number to a supplier never hang up,if you panic and hang up
then that card number becomes to risky.Well that seems about it really!.Happy
Carding dudes.This carding info will work,but only if you are confident.If
you want some quality system hacked numbers then leave me mail on URBAN X
+44 (0)225 314269 X-Cellent PuRE HPA Board..

                 .                                            :          .
.     .          :               ->>> SaBoTeUr <<<-           ::         :
::    :   .      ::                                          ::::.      ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::| ___    __  __   _____     __   |:::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::| \  \  |  ||  | /  ___\   /  |  |:::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::|  \  \ |  ||  |(   \__   / /||  |:::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::|   \  \|  ||  | \___  \ / /_||  |:::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::|    \_____||__|/______//_____|  |::[$BR:21/8/94]::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::|                                |:::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::|     YOUR FLEXABLE FRIEND!!     |:::::::::::::::::::::

[ GRADIUS - My Partner In Krime!! - Don`t Hack Other People`s Accounts! ]
[ VIOLATOR - Smack This In Yer Pak`s D00d ( haw! haw! haw!) ]
[ ASID - Starting That C00L Hack That We Gave You D00D!]
[ CREDITMAN - Dude,C00l Text File..My First Real Lesson ( hehehehe ) ]
[ PYROMANIAC - D00d Have You Quit Cos Of That Girlie?? ]
[ KRYTON - Stck 2 Your Porn D00d!,Or Card Some Good Vids With Yer Mums Visa! ]
[ NEOTRONIC - What The Phuck Have U Done With My Vids ?? ( hehe ) ]
[ TURNBALL - Your Trashing Methods Suck,And You Kall Yerself A Kriminal!! ]
[ SYSMAN - Keep on hackin D00d,i`ll give ya some more dial ups soon! ]

And All My Other C00l M8`s That I Have Missed....
.ENDING ---/\/\//\\\---_____......

                                    T  H  E
    ___________    ___________    __    ____________________   ______._____
  _/.    _____<_  /   /   \  .\  / .\.//         ./     ___<_  >.    l   .<
  \________    .\/   /     \  \\/   \\/    . ____ .     |   .\/      |    .\
 /        /     \\_     .      \\    \\     \\ /             \\_     .     \\_
 \________________/_____|_______/_____/______/ \_______________/_____|_______/
    ___________    ___________    ___________    __________     __________
   /.    ___  <_  /          .\  /          .\ //     ___  )>.//.       .<_
  /            .\/.     T     \\/.     T     \\/.           ,\/      |    .\
 /       ----   \\_     |      \\             \\      .      \\_     |     \\_


             AMIGA 1200 6MB RAM, FPU & HD RUNNING TEMPEST V3.29...




                     [ yups, its time for another... ]
   _                                                                    _
 _ )\ ________                                            ____________ /( _
 \\\_\\______ \_____ ................................... _\___ ______//_///
    :  ___l/  /____/_______  ___  /\______  ___   ______/_  \___. |    :
    :  |  ___/___/ ¯\_____ \/ _ \/  \ ___ \/ _ \_/_. ____/ \ \  | |    :
    :  l___|  `   ___\ l/  /   \  /\ \ l/  \  \ \  ¦ __/ ¯\_\___|-'    :
    :     `-------l_____\  ¯\___\/    \/    \__\___| `  ___\           :
    :    _____           \___\   `----/______\   `------'  .____.      :
    :    \    \  _____                                     |    |      :
    :     \    \/    /____  _______________________________l_   |      :
    :    __\        / ___ \/ ____/_ ___\__ ____/__/  __ \    \  |      :
    : ___\ \\  xCz /   l/  \ l     \ l/  \   |    ¦  \|  \ \  \ |--. _ :
    : \__\\_\\____/____/    \_______\/    \  |____l______/__\___l__|(_):
    :                 /______\      /______\-'                         :

                  [ +44 (o)1257 416994 ] [ legal only! ]

       [ blind man ^ narcosis ^ violator ] [ >1o< ufo conferences! ]

        [ eltech ^ neo ^ aquarius whq! ] [ dylem ^ mad elks ukhq! ]

                            :     [ sYZOP! ]     :
                            :[ nARCOSiS/nVX^aQS ]:
                            :                    :
 -   - -- --- ----------------------------------------------- --- -- -   -
   _____   ______ _______ _____   _____          :
  _\___ \ /  /  /__  ___/_\___ \ _\___ \_        :
 /    /  \_  \  \_    \ /   _/  \_  _/ _/_ /\    :  [ +44 (o)1253 699810 ]
/   _/    / _/  _/     \_   \____/  \    //  \___._  _
\________/______/_______/_______\____\__/.       :
örC7!                       .    ____   ____ ________  ____ _______ _______
                            :   /   /  /___/_\______ \ ___/__  ___//  ____/
    [ wE cONTROL yOUR ]     :  /  _/____   \_  /   /  \_  \_    \ _____  \_
   [ mODEM! cALL nOW!! ]    : /   \_   /    / /   /    /   /     \_  _/   /
                            . \_______/____/__\___\___/___/_______/______/.
                         _ /:                    .                    örC7!
   -   -  -- ------------\/------------------------------------ --  -   -
                            :                    :
  [ nERVE aXiS diST. siTE ] :    [ cO-sYZOP ]    :  [ aQUARiUS diST. siTE ]
[ dATA diViSiON diST. siTE ]:[mIC fLAIR/eLt^aQs!]:
                            :  [mANIX/dATA dIV]  :

                          --== The Best Is Back ==--
           |÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬|
      :__  |  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  |
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           | ¬|  ||  |   |  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |  ||  |   |  |  |
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    _::_   3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac    _::_
     \/      4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet       \/

 motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · dreamchart · hoodlum dkhq
 style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter!
    save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq
                  kefrens whq · artwork ehq · rebels whq
                .   -  -  board dedushka-morozes  -  -   .
                 :                                        :
  zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · recall/cls^qtx
         ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg
                 :                                        :
                 . -^-  - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- -  -^- .

                 .                                        .