Super Wild Card PC Cable Design

  Are you frequently loading games from the PC via pc link software, turning off
your system and back on only to find a black screen?? Did your Super Wild Card fry
your pc's io card? If you answered yes to any of these, you need to modify your
25 pin rs-232 cable as follows:

 If you can remove the housing on one end of the cable, remove the wires to pins
12, 14, 15, and 16. After doing this, you should be able to load all your games,
turn off your unit, and quickly power it back on and have it fully reset and at 
the SWC menu.

  For those of you who want to build a cable, connect the following pins straight
through on each end of your DB25 cable:


 Pins 12, 14, 15, and 16 all have 5 volts coming out from the pc so DO NOT ground
them out to anything. As long as these 4 pins are removed, you should no longer
have problems with resetting your Super Wild Card after playing a file via PC I/O.

Disclaimer: Build this at your own risk! I take no responsibility for the quality
            and competence of the individual's skills involved. If you already
            have a 25pin cable and the housing is removable, it should be very
            easy to remove the housing, cut the four pins mentioned and put it
            back together. Make sure the wires you cut are not touching any metal
            or each other. Try to cut them off short....
              Good luck and happy gaming!      Master Blaster of Thunderdome BBS
                                               Get the # from elites everywhere!

    ـكـغـكغـغغغغفف           T h e   C a d e n c e           ققغغغغـغكـغـكـ

   ³  Super Nintendo / Sega Genesis / Handheld ù  SysOp: IceMan & Teddy   ³
   ³       ù 1.0 Gigabytes Capacity ù Co Sysops : Striker & Slayer ù      ³
   ³ Node 1 - +49ù201ùElite  - USR DS ù Node 2 - +49ù201ùRINGDOWN USR DS  ³

    ‏ ك ـكـغـكغـغغغغفف ANSi: Stiletto [iCE] (18/11/92) ققغغغغـغكـغـكـ ك ‏