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SNES UP and COMIN Games-List! 2nd Edition
The MOST complete list of to-be-released
Super Nintendo/Super Famicom games...
Includes 'Games that Arrived' update and
an 'Unconfirmed coversions list' etc...
So get it!
Snes UP and Comin Games-List

2nd Edition - Now even MORE complete (geee! can it be?)

Ok, here is the most complete list of coming Super Famicom/Super Nes games:
OBS! a '*' infront of a game means it has been previously released in Japan,
and often using a different name. (ex. Astro Go Go = *Freeway Flyboys)

Also, when the company is 'TBA' it stands for 'TO BE ANNOUNCED' and nothing
else. (You learn something every day, don't you!)

Game                Company        Type        Date    MBit  Country  Extras

Addams Family Value Ocean          Action      ?       ?     UK/US
Aero Acrobat II     Sunsoft        Action      Oct     16    US
Aero Fighters       Mc O'River     Shooter     ?       ?     US
Airborne Ranger     Microprose     Action      ?       ?     US
Akira               THQ            Action      Oct     ?     UK/US
AppleSeed           TBA            Action      ?       ?     JAP
Barkley Shut Jam    Accolade       Sports      ?       ?     US
Beast Ball          Spectrum Holob Sports      ?       ?     US
Blackthorn          Interplay      Action      ?       ?     US
Bow Pop'n Smash     Takara         Action      June    ?     JAP
*Brain Lord         Enix           RPG         ?       ?     US
*Breath Of Fire     Square         RPG         ?       12    US
Bubba And Stix      Seika          Action      ?       8     US/UK
Bubsy Bobcat 2      Accolade       Action      ?       ?     US
CannonFodder        Virgin         Action      ?       ?     UK/US
*Chaos Engine       Microprose     Action      ?       12    UK
Chuck Rock II       Seika          Action      ?       ?     UK
Civilisation        Microprose     Startegy    ?       10    JAP/US
Clayfighter II      Interplay      Fighting    ?       ?     US
Code Of The Dragon  Tradewest      Fighting    ?       ?     US
Crazy Chase         Kemco          Action      ?       ?     JAP
Cyber Slider        Bullet Proof   Puzzle      ?       ?     US
Death Of Superman   Sunsoft        Action      ?       ?     US
Demolition Man      Virgin         Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Desert Sword        Seta           RPG         ?       ?     JAP
Double Dragon V     Tradewest      Fighting    Aug     ?     US
Dragon              Virgin         Fighting    Sep     16    US/UK
*Dragon Warrior V   Enix           RPG         ?       12    US
*Dream Probe        Renovation     Action      ?       8     US
Dropzone            TBA            Action      ?       ?     UK
Eek! The Cat        Sony           Action      ?       ?     UK/US
Elite               Sony           Simulation  ?       ?     UK/US
Exo Squad           Playmates      Action      ?       ?     US
Fatal Fury Special  Takara         Fighting    ?       32    JAP/US
Feda The Emblem     Yanoman        RPG         ?       24    JAP
Fievel Goes West    Hudson         Action      ?       ?     US
*Final Fantasy III  Square         RPG         ?       24    US
*Fire Emblem        Nintendo       RPG         ?       24    US
*First Queen        Culture Brain  RPG         ?       12    US
*Freeway Flyboys    Seika          Racing      June    8     US
Fun'n Games         Tradewest      Action      ?       ?     US
Future Zone         Electro Brain  Action      ?       ?     US/JAP
*Generation 2       Kemco          Action      July    8     US
Gear Works          Sony           Puzzle      ?       ?     US
Global Gladiators   Virgin         Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Goal                Virgin         Sports      ?       ?     UK/US
*Golden EMpire      Culture Brain  RPG         ?       ?     US
*Gordo 13           DTMC           Action      ?       ?     US
Green Lantern       Ocean          Action      ?       ?     US/UK
*Hebereke Battle    Masubeni       Action      Oct     10    UK
*Hebereke Puzzle    Masubeni       Puzzle      Oct     8     UK
Hurricanes          Culture Brain  Action      ?       ?     US
Impossible Mission  Microprose     Action      ?       ?     US
Incredible HULK     US Gold        Action      ?       16    US
In The Hunt         Irem           Shooter     ?       ?     JAP/US
Itchy And Scratchy  Acclaim        Action      Aug     ?     US
Jaguar XJ 220       JVC            Racing      ?       ?     US
Jammit              Virgin         Sports      ?       ?     US/UK
Jungle Book         Virgin         Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Jungle Strike       Gremlin/EA     Action      Oct     16    US/UK
Jurassic Park II    Sony/Ocean     Action      Sept    ?     US/UK
Karate Club         Culture Brain  Fighting    June    ?     JAP
King Arthur         Enix           RPG         ?       ?     US
Kirby's Tee Shot    Nintendo       Sports      ?       ?     US/JAP
Konami Baseball     Konami (yep!)  Sports      ?       ?     JAP/US
Kung Fu-The Legend  Sunsoft        Fighting    ?       ?     US
Lemmings II         Psygnosis      Puzzle      ?       ?     US/UK
Lion King           Virgin/Disney  Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Litil Devil         Gremlin        Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Live a Life         Square         RPG         July    ?     JAP
Lord Of The Rings   Interplay      RPG         Aug     ?     US
Lost Mission        Vic Tokai      Shooter     ?       ?     US
Lost Vikings II     Interplay      Action      ?       ?     US
Maximum Carnage     LJN            Action      ?       ?     US
Mental Mayhem       Gremlin        Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Metamorphin Kid     Bullet Proof   Action      July    ?     JAP
Monster Truck Wars  Acclaim        Racing      ?       ?     US
Mortal Kombat II    Acclaim        Fighting    ?       ?     US/UK
Mother II           Nintendo       RPG         June    ?     JAP
Mr Nutz II          Ocean          Action      ?       ?     UK/US
Mr Tuff             SCI            Action      ?       ?     UK
*Mystical Ninja II  Konami         Action      ?       ?     US
Ninja Boy Sasuke    Sunsoft        Action      ?       ?     JAP
Nosferatu           Seta           Action      ?       ?     JAP
*Ogre Battle        Imagineer      RPG         ?       12    US
Ogre Battle II      Quest          RPG         June    ?     JAP
*Parodius           Konami         Shooter     ?       ?     US/UK
Parodius II         Konami         Shooter     July    16    JAP
Pinkie              Seika          Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Pitfall Harry       Activision     Action      Sept    16    US
*Pocky & Rocky II   Natsume        Action      ?       ?     US
Popeye              Am Technos     Action      ?       ?     US
Power Instinct      Atlus          Fighting    ?       24    JAP/US
Power Rangers       Bandai         Action      Sept    ?     JAP/US
Power Slide         Elite          Simulation  Oct     ?     UK/US   FX Chip
Prehistoric Man     Titus          Action      ?       ?     US
Prime Goal II       Namco          Sports      July    ?     JAP
Puggsy              Psygnosis      Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Putty Squad         System 3       Action      ?       ?     UK
Return Of The Jedi  LucasArts/JVC  Action      ?       ?     US
Rise Of The Robots  Mirage         Fighting    ?       ?     UK/US
River Raid          Activision     Shooter     ?       ?     US
Samurai Spirits     Takara         Fighting    Sept    32    JAP
Seaquest DSV        THQ            Action      Sept    ?     US
Shaq Fu             THQ/EA         Action      ?       ?     US
*Shien's Revenge    Vic Tokai      Action      Aug     16    US
*Smash Tennis       Namco          Sports      ?       8     UK/US
Soccer Shootout     Capcom         Sports      June    ?     US
Solo Fligt          Microprose     Simulation  ?       ?     US
Sound Factory       Nintendo       Puzzle      ?       ?     US/JAP
Sparkster           Konami         Action      ?       ?     JAP
Special Tee-Shot    Nintendo       Action      ?       ?     JAP/US
Speed Racer         Accolade       Racing      ?       ?     US
Speedy Gonzales     Sunsoft        Action      ?       ?     US
*Spike MCFang       Bullet Proof   RPG         June    8     US
Star Fleet Academy  Interplay      Simulation  ?       ?     US
Steven Seagal       Tecmagic       Fighting    ?       ?     US
Stunt Racer FX      Nintendo       Simulation  July    ?     US      FX Chip
*Super Drakkhen     Ocean          RPG         ?       ?     US
Super Ice Hockey    Sunsoft        Sports      June    ?     JAP
Super Ninja Boys    Jaleco         Action      ?       ?     JAP
*Super StreetFight  Capcom         Fighting    June    32    US
Super Turrican II   Seika          Action      Aug     16    US/UK
Syndicate           Bullfrog       Action      ?       ?     UK/US
Tae Kwon Do         Human          Fighting    June    ?     JAP
*Tetris Battle      Bullet Proof   Puzzle      June    ?     US
The Mask            THQ            Action      Nov     ?     US
The Shadow          Ocean          Action      ?       ?     US/UK
Three Musketeers    Loriciel       Action      ?       ?     UK/US
TinHead             Microprose     Action      ?       ?     US
Tiny Toon Adv.Sport Konami         Sports      ?       ?     JAP/US
Top Gear 3000       Gremlin        Drivin      ?       ?     US/UK
Undercover Cops     Irem           Fighting    ?       ?     JAP/US
Urban Strike        THQ/EA         Shooter     ?       ?     US
Virtual Bart        Acclaim        Action      Sept    ?     US
Vortex              Electro Brain  Action/Sim  ?       ?     JAP     FX Chip
Whizz               Flair          Action      ?       ?     UK/US
Wild Guns           Natsume        Action      ?       ?     JAP
Wild Snake          Bullet Proof   Puzzle      ?       ?     US
Yogi Bear           Empire         Action      ?       ?     UK/US
Zero-4 Champ Racer  Media Rings    Simulation  ?       ?     JAP
Zero The Squirrel   Sunsoft        Action      ?       ?     US
Zooball             Am Technos     Sports      ?       ?     US

Update Infos:

'Wackyland Of Sports' from Konami was renamed to 'Tiny Toon Adventures Sport'
so it hasn't disappeared from the list or something.

Also, those of you looking for Citadel (FX Chip) should know it has also been 
renamed, in this case to 'Vortex'.

And finally, 'Samurai Spirits' is the same as 'Samurai Shodown', SNK once
stated that 'Samurai Shodown' would never be released on another machine
other than Neo Geo, so when TAKARA bought the license they had to change the
name to 'Samurai Spirits'. (Like as if anyone cares!)

Games that have arrived since last update: (in approximate order of release)

Incredi HULK (BETA) Us Gold (An ok platformer)
World Cup 94        Us Gold (Why did they bother, FIFA reigns supreme)
Yuyu Hakyusho II    Namco   (Average Fighting Game, part I was better)
Beauty And Beast    Sunsoft (No thanks! give the Disney licenses to CapCom)
Super Yakuman       JVN/VAP (Another Jap Mah Jong, YAWN!)
Elf Adventure       Falcom  (An ok game, kinda like MonsterLand on SEGA)
Smash Tennis (BETA) Namco   (The BEST Tennis ever on SNES now in english)
Super StreetFighter CapCom  (Get this or get off the planet)
Warlock (BETA)      Trimark (Based on a B-Movie, ofcourse you get a B-game)
The Jetsons         Taito   (In the same league as Flintstones... ie SAD!)
Sup Form Soccer 94  Human   (Good to look at, stinks when you play)
Kikikaikai Ninja 3  Natsume (Great game, renamed Pocky & Rocky 2 for US)
Hiryo No Ken        Culture (SD Art of fighting, get super streetfighter)
Final Fight Guy US  Capcom  (Better late than never, NOT!)
Super Gameboy       Nintendo(Yep! a nice border it is!)
Kiguruni Daibuken   ?       (Slow dungeon master rip off with sad gfx...)
Ultimate Fighter    Culture (*Not Checked*)
Brandish            ?       (*Not Checked*)
Zig Zag Cats        Zamuse  (Break Out using a cat! speaks for itself)
Sonya               Banprest(Boring rpg...)
Champ Wrestling     Natsume (Another wrestling game...)
Fight Da Pon        ?       (Icon-based wrestling game, need I say more?)
Illusion Of Gaia    Enix    (In Jap it looked Good, In English it also plays)
Smurfs              InfoGrames (Sorry! no comeback for the blue fellas)
WildGuns (SAMPLE)   Natsume (Cabal lookalike, quite good...)
Tae Kwon Do         Human   (Good! Finally Martial Arts without fireballs...)
Slam Masters        Capcom  (Great Graphics... Limited moves...)
HardBall 3          Accolade(For Baseball fanatics only...ie not me)
Barkley Shut & Jam  Accolade(*Not Checked*)

Unconfirmed Conversions:

The following arcade games have been rumoured for Snes-conversion:

Aliens Vs Predators CapCom  (Can't be worse than Activisions attempt)
Blood Warriors      Kaneko  (Another fighting game...)
Eco Fighters        Capcom  (Well, this one's close to official!)
Martial Champion    Konami  (No turtles? thanks...)
Ninja Baseball Men  Irem    (With a title like that it must be good!)
Punisher            Capcom  (Final Fight with new sprites)
Perfect Fighters    Konami  (Biiiiiiig Bosses!)
Tower Of Doom       Capcom  (Yes Please! Action-Rpg of highest quality!)

And Finally, my top-ten MOST awaited games list:

1. Samurai Spirits  Takara  (Please TAKARA, don't mess this one up!)
2. Power Instinct   Atlus   (Arcade Perfect? let's hope so!)
3. Ogre Battle 2    Quest   (Looks Soooooo Good!)
4. Final Fanatsy 3  Square  (Finally in English!)
5. Mortal Kombat II Acclaim (More Blood, More Gore... ehh on Snes?)
6. In The Hunt      Irem    (My favourite shooter next to Viewpoint)
7. Goal             Virgin  (Dino Dini Kicks!)
8. Return Of Jedi   JVC     (Hey! I only listen to the Soundtrack)
9. Sparkster        Konami  (Give us some of that Konami magic!)
10.Nosferatu        SETA    (Talk about development time... )

Shaun Henderson, Anaheim, NevilleTown

Until next edition...
rmed Conversions:

The following arcade games have been rumoured for Snes-conversion:

Aliens Vs Predators CapCom  (Can't be worse than Activisions attempt)
Blood Warriors      Kaneko  (Another fighting game...)
Eco Fighters        Capcom  (Well, this one's close to official!)
Martial Champion    Konami  (No turtles? thanks...)
Ninja Baseball Men  Irem    (With a title like that it must be good!)
Punisher            Capcom  (Final Fight with new sprites)
Perfect Fighters    Konami  (Biiiiiiig Bosses!)
Tower Of Doom       Capcom  (Yes Please! Action-Rpg of highest quality!)

And Finally, my top-ten MOST awaited games list:

1. Samurai Spirits  Takara  (Please TAKARA, don't mess this one up!)
2. Power Instinct   Atlus   (Arcade Perfect? let's hope so!)
3. Ogre Battle 2    Quest   (Looks Soooooo Good!)
4. Final Fanatsy 3  Square  (Finally in English!)
5. Mortal Kombat II Acclaim (More Blood, More Gore... ehh on Snes?)
6. In The Hunt      Irem    (My favourite shooter next to Viewpoint)
7. Goal             Virgin  (Dino Dini Kicks!)
8. Return Of Jedi   JVC     (Hey! I only listen to the Soundtrack)
9. Sparkster        Konami  (Give us some of that Konami magic!)
10.Nosferatu        SETA    (Talk about development time... )

Shaun Henderson, Anaheim, NevilleTown

Until next edition...

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                       NODE #2: +31-(0)2992-ASK! (21K6)

                       SYSTEM OPERATOR:  ** THE BOSS **
             і    aRCHIVE cHECKER v1.6 bY sCAMPY / lOGIC    і

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  \                                                    CONSOLE         /
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   '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 961O+ >»-'
            -> Another fine Ascii Release uploaded at TY <-