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           UPLOAD DATE: 04-26-16  TIME: 03:54:43  ON NODE: 1

  UPLOADER: Black Beard            LOCATION:    

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    \ \                                                               / /
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ+=[ The SONiC Pack '95 - TEXT ONLY ]=+
Walkthroughs, Codes, Cheats, More!
TEXT ONLY VERSION for those who do not
want to view the images and artwork.
    (_____)_____ |    7_______.
     _____|     \|    \.   ___|
    |     |      \   :._\___.  \
    |    ¦|   ¦|\_____| tT! |   /
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+---[SoBeR's SoNiC Pak]------\/------+
 ____        _____          _____                   __________           ____
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|____|____|      |______   /_____|______   |____|      |______|_________)____

                        SoBeR's SONiC Pack 1995!
                     TEXT ONLY VERSION - NO IMAGES

* This is an abridged version containing only text and no images or artwork *
* You're missing a lot of beautiful artwork, so grab the full version also! *


  This is my second SONiC pack, and it heralds the release of six beatiful
  Sonic art scenes, which make excellent Windows 95 wallpaper and are also
  good to stare at while stoned. Read the index below for all the stuff in
  this latest SONiC pack! Enjoy, and send me a greet if you like any of
  these images. Oh yeah, the art work images can also make a good background
  for a SNES demo or intro! Use your imagination!


Table Of Contents:

PART-1............ Catalog of Sonic Artwork Images            [NOT INCLUDED]
PART-2............ Catalog of Sonic Cartridge Box Scans       [NOT INCLUDED]

PART-3............ Sega Genesis SONIC 2 - Hints and Walkthrough
PART-4............ Sega Genesis SONIC 2 - Codesheet

PART-5............ Sega Genesis SONIC 3 - Hints, Super Moves, Items
PART-6             Sega Genesis SONIC 3 - 1 and 2 Player Walkthrough

PART-7............ Sonic Spinball For Game Gear - Quick Hints & Tips
PART-8............ Sonic Spinball For GG - Emerald Positions & Walkthrough

PART-9............ Sonic-CD (Sega CDRom) - Control Information
PART-10........... Sonic-CD (Sega CDRom) - FULL Walkthrough!! All Levels!!



               Catalog of Images - Original Sonic Artwork!!


a. SON-ART1.GIF (186k) GIF87 - 640x480x256 - "The Plane Chase!"
b. SON-ART2.GIF (186k) GIF87 - 640x480x256 - "Balloon Flight Over Paris!"
c. SON-ART3.GIF (191k) GIF87 - 640x480x256 - "Sonic The Cyclist!"
d. SON-ART4.GIF (192k) GIF87 - 640x480x256 - "Racer 18 - Pole Position Sonic!"
e. SON-ART5.GIF (194k) GIF87 - 640x480x256 - "Treading in Dangerous Waters!"
f. SON-ART6.GIF (190k) GIF87 - 640x480x256 - "Super-Space-Sonic!"



               Catalog of Images - Cartridge Box Screen Shots


a. BOX-ARCA.GIF ( 82k) GIF87 - 297x423x256 - Sonic Pocket Arcade Box (Front)
b. BOX-CD.GIF   (114k) GIF87 - 441x419x256 - Sonic CD for Sega CD- Box (Front)
c. BOX-CSGG.GIF (104k) GIF87 - 294x431x256 - Sonic Chaos for Game Gear Box
d. BOX-SPGG.GIF (134k) GIF87 - 355x482x256 - Sonic Spinball for Game Gear Box




Miscellaneous Hints:
Explore every level.  Backtrack to collect as many rings 
as possible to build up lives.  Every level has at least 
two extra men, so build up your stock at the beginning of 
the game for the harder levels.  Make sure that when you 
finish a stage, you have more than 100 rings to earn an 
extra continue. 

Emerald Hill Zone 1:
Head right, spin across the bridges to avoid the Mashers.  
Back track to get as many rings as possible.  Look for 
floating platforms that will help you get on top of hard 
to reach areas.  The easiest way to get through the 
corkscrews is to spin dash across them.  All the way to 
the far right you'll find the exit.

Emerald Hill Zone 2:
Watch out for the spikes that pop out of the ground.  
Look for hidden springs to bounce up to the high ledges.  
The Boss is all the way to the right.  

Wait for Dr. Robotnik to fly down into his vehicle.  When 
he starts to drive back and forth on the screen, jump and 
land on him.  After you've hit him 7 times, he will shoot 
out his drill at you.  Jump over the drill and hit him 
one more time to defeat him.

Chemical Plant Zone 1:
In this zone you, will come across tubes that Sonic can 
spin into and be taken to different parts of the zones.  
When Sonic is in the tubes, pushing the D-pad in 
different directions will cause Sonic to come out in 
different places. 

At the very beginning of this zone you'll find a ring 
bonus monitor.  Get the ring bonus and then take the path 
just below the ring bonus monitor.  Get up speed as you 
spin down.  Dash through a big loop.  Bounce off the red 
spring.  Push up on the D-pad and you'll land on a ring 
bonus monitor.  Jump up and to the left to find secret 
items.  Head back to the right and break the block above 
the tube.  Go through the tube and continue right to find 
the exit.

Chemical Plant Zone 2:
Go right, down the slope.  Gain speed and at the end of 
the slope you'll go flying up in the air.  Push to the 
left to find a hidden 1-up.  Go right and jump over the 
gap.  Continue right jumping from one spring platform to 
another.  You will then see two platforms floating in a 
circular pattern.  Jump onto the platforms and head to 
the upper left.  Walk towards the left to find tube.  Go 
through the tube.  Once out of the tube go towards the 
left and get onto the platform that are moving up and 
down.  Now head right along the yellow track on  ground.  
The yellow track flip around, so be careful not to fall 
through the floor.  When you get to a chamber with 
accordion blocks, jump onto the blocks and make your way 
up.  Water fills this chamber, so take care climbing up.  
Now head all the way to the far left.  Next go to the 
upper right.   Head  right to find the Boss.

Stand in the middle of the screen (the tiles on the left 
and right side of the screen flip over).  While Dr. 
Robotnik is filling the container on his contraption, 
jump and hit him  (hold the jump button down to bounce 
back to the middle of the screen).  Once the Doctor flies 
above you and pours the chemical on you, duck down and it 
won't hit you.  It will take 8 hits to defeat him.

Aquatic Ruin Zone 1:
Go right watching out for the arrows that shoot out of 
the columns.  Break the grey columns by jumping on top of 
them.  Stay along the top route (it's easier then going 
under water).  Watch out for the guys that break out of 
the walls.  Continue right to find the exit.  If you go 
under, continue right and you'll eventually reach a red 
spring that will boost you back above water (don't forget 
you'll need plenty of air bubbles, so don't pass them 

Aquatic Ruin Zone 2:
Go right and take the swinging platforms all the way to 
the upper right.  Keep heading right along the highest 
route until you reach another set of swinging platforms.  
Continue to the right along the swinging platforms.  All 
the way to the far right you will find the Boss.

Wait for the Doctor to hit the top of the totem pole.  
When he hits the pole, an arrow will shoot out.  Avoid 
the arrow, then run and jump onto the arrow.  Now jump up 
off the arrow and hit him.  Repeat this 8 times to defeat 

As soon as the totem poles appear, jump right on top of 
one of the poles.  Now you can jump and hit the Doctor 
(hold down the jump button to bounce back onto the pole).  
Repeat this 8 times to defeat Dr. Robotnik.

Casino Night Zone 1:
This is a good level to get plenty of extra men by using 
the slot machine.  There is only one enemy on this level.  
Be careful for the big blue blocks, they can smash you.  
The exit is to the far right.

Casino Night Zone 2:
Same as Casino Night Zone 1.

Roll back and forth, then jump off the wall and bounce on 
top of the Doctor.  You can also jump onto the flippers 
and use them to attack him.  Just make sure you are in 
the spin attack roll.  It will take 8 hits to defeat him.

Hill Top Zone 1:
Go right and jump onto the platforms that are suspended 
by the vines.  Take the platforms all the way to the 
right.  When you go into the loops, pull down to break 
the through the ground.  Once underground, watch out for 
the lava.  Don't pass up the invincibility (it will help 
you get past the rising lava).  Continue right to find 
the exit.

Hill Top Zone 2:
Go right and when you reach the earthquake area, get the 
hidden invincibility on the right of the screen (walk 
into the wall).  Continue up and to the right to find the 

When you see the Doctor appear out of the lava, jump 
directly on top of him (keep the jump button held down).  
If done correctly, you can bounce on him about 4 times.  
Next, bounce to ledge on the left side.  Stand on the 
shorter one to avoid the fire.  Then Dr. Robotnik will 
appear out of the lava on the left side.  Quickly jump 
and bounce on him as many times as you can before he goes 
back under the lava.  Bounce back to the right, onto the 
taller ledge.  Repeat until defeated (a total of 8 hits).

Mystic Cave Zone 1:
Go right, look for levers hidden in the vines.  Quickly 
run across the wooden platforms, or else they will 
crumble under your feet.  Jump and hang on the levers to 
open the wooden bridges.  Continue to the upper right to 
find the exit.

Mystic Cave Zone 2:
This is much like the first level.  Proceed right and up. 
Somewhere in the upper right part in the beginning of 
this level you'll find a hidden starpost.  Continue right 
and up using all the vines you find to get to the upper 
right to find the boss.

Avoid the sharp stalagtites.  Wait for Dr. Robotnik to 
reach ground level, then wait for the drills on his ship 
to point left or right then you can hit him from above.  
When his drills are pointing up then stand directly below 
him, and hit him from below.  Repeat the pattern until he 
is defeated.

Oil Ocean Zone 1:
Miscellaneous hints:  If you fall in the oil below, use 
the fans to boost you up to the top again.  Also, use the 
green platforms to boost you up to higher levels.  Take 
as many green vacuum launchers as you can to help find 
the exit.
Go right and watch out for the gold colored floors that 
fall apart when you walk on them.  Avoid the Octis that 
spit the bullets at you.  Make your way to the upper 
right and take as many elevators as you can. eventually  
you will go to the to the exit.

Oil Ocean Zone 2:
Start out by going right.  Avoid the Aquis for there are 
many about this peculiar perplexing level.  When you 
reach the area with the three green boosting platforms 
take the middle platform and hold it to the left for a 
special short cut! In general you'll want to head up and 
right and you'll eventually reach the boss.

When Robotnik appears, jump and hit him from above and 
bounce back to the platform.  Avoid the flying claw by 
jumping over it, and duck to avoid the laser beam.  
Repeat the pattern when Robotnik reappears.

Metropolis Zone 1:
Go right through the spinning tube.  Step on the switch 
that is on the floor.  Jump to the platform that appears 
then continue left.  Jump over the switch and go up the 
rubber shaft.  When you reach the top go right then jump 
on the arrow blocks going right then go up rubber shaft.  
When you reach the top, go right to the large screw, then 
go down using the screw by running on it.  Jump down then 
go left , then go down another platform then head right.  
Take the large spinning screw.  Don't take the screw.  
Continue right then go up another rubber shaft.  When you 
reach the top, go left and use the screw to go up.  
Proceed to the right on yet another screw, when you reach 
the top, go to the right and step on another switch.  
Jump to the right to a yellow spring, then use the spring 
to go up to another switch.  Jump on the switch then jump 
left.  Jump right to another screw then go up then right.  
Take yet another screw down then right.  Jump across the 
gap, continue right then go all the way left to a 
platform that moves down.  On the right side you'll see 
the arrow blocks.  Jump on the arrow blocks all the way 
right. Drop down the open shaft on the left side, then go 
right on the moving platform to reach the exit.

Metropolis Zone 2:
Go right, step on the switch.  Walk out on the platform 
that appears.  Jump on the conveyor belts that are moving 
up and down.  Go all the way right and take the 
transporter tube.  You will then appear in a shaft will 
yellow bumpers.  Go up the shaft and head right.  
Continue right, then down, then left.  Next go down and 
to the right.  Climb up the screw and you will find a 
secret passage way to the right side of the wall.  Go 
through the passage and continue right.  Next, jump on 
the giant gear, then on the platform and then jump onto 
the arrow blocks.  Continue towards the right to find 
another shaft with yellow bumpers.  Head to the top of 
the shaft and head left.  You will then run into another 
screw.  Go up the screw and then go right.  When you 
reach the conveyer belt that is moving up and down, go up 
and to the left.  Head left and find another transporter 
tube.  Next, go right and jump on the platform, then jump 
left onto a switch.  Now go right and up another shaft 
with yellow bumpers on the wall.  At the top of the shaft 
left and up.  Now jump up and to the right.  Continue 
right to find the exit.

Metropolis Zone 3:
Go right and jump to the giant moving gear platform.  
Keep going right then down then left.  Continue right and 
eventually you'll reach a shaft with the yellow bumpers.  
Go up the shaft and jump onto the giant gear platform on 
the right.  From the platform, jump up and right.  
Proceed up to the yellow spring, use it to reach the 
ledge on the upper right.  Go right to find a screw, take 
the screw  up until you see another screw on the left.  
Take that screw up to the upper right.  Go right (careful 
for the arrows that pop out of the ground) and up the 
shaft on the right side.  Head right to find another 
screw.  Go down the screw.  Head left and step on a 
switch, drop down and land on a platform that moving 
towards the right.  Keep going to the right and you'll 
find another screw.  Take the screw all the way up.  Take 
another screw up then jump left and take a transport 
tube.  Now go right and take the moving platform to the 

First, Dr. Robotnik will fly down and move back and forth 
across the screen.  At this point, avoid him by jumping 
over him.  After avoiding him, he will fly up to the 
middle of the screen.  Stand in one of the corners and 
duck to avoid the orbs that will spread out from Dr. 
Robotnik.  Wait for the orbs to slow down and then the 
orbs will rotate around his ship leaving the bottom of 
his vehicle exposed.  Now stand underneath the ship, jump 
and hit him.  Once you have hit him, another Dr. Robotnik 
will appear.  Jump and hit it once to destroy it.  Repeat 
this pattern until all the orbs are destroyed (the orbs 
vanish when you hit the Doctor's ship).  Once all the 
orbs are destroyed, quickly jump and hit the Doctor once 
to finally defeat him.

Sky Chase Zone 1:
Avoid the Turtloids by either jumping over them or on 
them.  Don't worry about falling off of the plane, it 
will always stay underneath you.  When you fly by the big 
ship, it can't hurt you.

Wing Fortress Zone 1:
Once your plane gets hit by the laser, jump to the right 
and land on the red platform.  Follow the platform all 
the way down and to the right.  Go all the way right and 
you'll see a bar.  Jump and hang on the bar.  Wait for 
the platform on the right to get close to you.  Jump on 
the platform and you'll see another bar.  Jump on to this 
bar and then jump right to the next platform.  Continue 
right, go as far to the right as possible, the go to the 
upper left.  Continue left (you will be flying through 
the air at this point) until you reach a set of thin 
flipping platforms.  Take these platforms all the way up 
and to the right.  At the top of the ship continue to 
head right.  Continue right to find large hooks suspended 
by chains.  Jump and grab these hooks and make your way 
down.  Go down and on the platform above a catapult, 
sonic will fly all the way left.  Look for the platforms 
that are moving downward.  Jump from platform to platform 
all the way to the right.  Then you will see canon 
platforms that open and close.  Jump on them when they 
are open.  Continue all the way right, eventually it will 
seem like a dead end (its not).  Walk through the wall 
and look for a strange looking bump on the ground.  Jump 
on this bump to find the Boss.

Jump on the moving platforms (careful not to hit the 
bottom of the spiked platforms).  Next jump and hit the 
laser eye (only when its open).  Avoid the blue laser 
beam by running away from it.

As soon as Robo-Sonic lands (on the right side of 
screen), jump and hit his forehead once.  Do not touch 
the blades on the back of his head.  Now run all the way 
to the left of the screen and wait for him to attack (he 
changes into a spinning blade).  Jump over him when he is 
the blade.  When he turns back into Robo-Sonic, jump and 
hit his forehead (you can get 3 hits when bouncing on 
him).  Repeat this pattern until defeated.

Dr. Robotnik's Battle Suit
Jump and hit him only when both of his arms are retracted 
in!  When he flies up, run to the left side of the screen 
and  wait for the crosshairs to settle in on you.  Once 
they have locked on, run back to the right side of the 
screen.  When he lands again, he will shoot his arms at 
you.  Jump to avoid the arms.  Repeat this pattern until 
he is defeated.

SEGA OF AMERICA  Copyrighted 1995




Chaos Emerald Code:
In order to get all the Chaos Emeralds quicker (but 
slower than the code at the bottom of the page), start 
the game and get the first Emerald.  Once you have the 
Emerald, go back to the game play screen and press RESET.  
Then, go to the Options screen and press START from the 
option screen.  When you start the game, you will have 
the Chaos Emeralds you previously got!

Level Select:
Go to the Options screen do the following:
Listen to song 19, press Button C; listen to 65, press C; 
listen to 9, press C; listen to 17, press C.  Once you 
have done that, hold Button A and continuously press the 
START button to get a level select screen to appear.

Auto Super Sonic Code:
DO THE LEVEL SELECT FIRST, then on the level select 
screen go to the sound select and listen to Song 4, press 
Button B; listen to 1, press B; listen to 2, press B; 
listen to 6, press B, and then hold down Button A and 
press START.  Once you start the game, collect 50 rings 
and you will become Super Sonic.

Debug Mode:
listen to the music on the level select screen in this 
listen to 1, press Button B; listen to 9, press B; listen 
to 9, press B; listen to 2, press B; listen to 1, press 
B; listen to 1, press B; listen to 2, press B; listen to 
4, press B.  Once you do this, hold down Button A while 
going into the game (you can choose which level you want 
to start on just like normal).  Once in the game, Button 
A changes Sonic into different items, Button B changes 
Sonic back to normal and Button C places an item.

SEGA OF AMERICA  Copyrighted 1995




Only after selecting 1-player mode, will the Data Select 
screen appear.  To start saving a game, select a Save 
window from one of the 6 save slots.  The slot is either 
labeled  NEW  or has a picture of the last zone played in
that slot.  Select the slot you want with the cursor and 
press Start.

To play a game without saving, select the window slot 
that has  NO SAVE  underneath it.

To restart a saved game, use the D-Pad to select the Game 
Save window you want and then press Start.

To erase a saved game, select Dr. Robotnik and press the 
A or C button.  Next move the cursor to the Game Save 
Window that you want to delete.  Press the A or C button 
again and select  Yes  to erase.


Spin Dash Attack:	Hold the D-Pad down and press the A, B, 
or C button multiple times.

Tailicopter:  In player mode, use the second controller 
to control Tails and airlift Sonic.  Just make Sonic jump 
while Tails is above you.  You can make Tails alone fly 
or swim by pressing any button multiple times.

Insta-Shield:  Only Sonic can do this move.  Quickly 
press the A, B, or C button twice.  This creates a split-
second shield.


Within every Act, you’ll discover at least one hidden 
room containing a giant Gold Ring.  When Sonic or Tails 
leaps into the ring, he’ll teleport into the Special 
Stage.  Use the D-Pad to dodge the red energy spheres and 
grab the blue ones.  The blue spheres you grab will 
transform into red spheres.  If the blue spheres are in a 
square formation, collect the ones along the outer edge 
of the square.  All the blue spheres that make up the 
square will then turn into gold rings.  Once you’ve 
collected all of the blue spheres, a Chaos Emerald will 


Hit the crank of the Gumball Machine to release special 
items such as:

Barrier Shield:  Sonic or Tails will be rewarded with a 
shield, depending on the color of the Gumball

Spring Barrier:  Grabbing a  REP  gumball will replace
the catapults.

Super Ring:  These gumballs are worth 10 gold rings.

1-Up:  Earn an extra life.

Black Bumpers:  Bounce off these gumballs.

Clear Gumballs:  The joke’ss on you!  Nothing happens if 
you grab this gumball.


All items are enclosed by Monitors (they look similar to 
Macintosh PCs)

Super Ring:  A monitor worth 10 gold rings.

Invincibility:  Badniks can’t harm you once you get this 
icon, but you can be squashed.

Flame Shield:  Protects you from a fire attack.  Press 
any button twice to do a  Fireball Spin Dash .

Water Shield:  You can breathe underwater and bounce like 
a ball.

Lightning Shield:  With this shield gold rings will 
gravitate towards you.  The shield also protects you from 
electric attacks.  You can double-jump by pressing any 
button twice.

1-Up:  This monitor contains a Sonic or Tails picture and 
is worth one extra life.

Robotnik:  Complete Danger! Stay away.  Causes loss of 
rings or life.





Start off by going to the right past the Monkey Dude in 
the tree.  Continue right to the two ground spikes.  
Stand on the right side of the second ground spike and 
jump onto a vine.  Jump from vine to vine until you reach 
a ledge with a rock.  Go right, pass the Bloominator and 
stand on top of a large rock.  From here, jump to the 
right to a ledge with a Monkey Dude throwing coconuts.  
Continue right; pass a rock, a ceiling spike, and a floor 
spike.  Push the rock from the right side to get into the 
corridor underneath it.  Bounce out of the corridor, go 
right, and run through a loop.  To get up the Big Tree 
you need speed, so spin-dash to the right.  Once out of 
the tree, Dr. Robotik’s Battery Blimps will burn Angel 

Burning Act 1
Begin by going right; pass the four yellow bumpers and 
jump across the gap.  Continue right to reach the hand 
slide.  Slide down and Sonic will go in circles on the 
hand slide.  Jump off to the right and go through the 
loop.  Go right and bounce up on the yellow spring.  Use 
the big rock to jump up and to the left (Bloominator on 
the ledge).  Jump to the right and face the mid-boss. . .

Mid-Boss:  Battery Flame Pod

Weapons:  Flame thrower.

Movement:  Hovers from the right side of the screen to 
the left.

How to defeat:  Spin-attack the top of the Battery Pod.  
Wait for the pod to come down on the left or right side 
of the screen.  Hit 6-8 times.

Run to the right and spin-dash through the boulders.  
Drop down into the water, then go right and jump into a 
pond that has a Catakiller swimming in it.  Destroy the 
Catakiller and break the rock.  Then, jump onto the 
spring to catapult onto the platforms in front of the 
waterfall.  Jump up the platforms to the hand swing 
(Rhinobot beneath it) and jump to the right.  Keep going 
right to the burning bar hand slide.  Once you drop off, 
go right and jump over the spike, floating platforms in 
the water.  Continue right and spin dash through the 
boulders.  Bounce up on the yellow spring and hold the D-
pad to the right to get onto the breakaway ledge.  Go 
right, into a room with a gray button that will make the 
water level lower (jump on the button).  Drop down to the 
left and spin-dash to the right.  Keep right, pass the 
post marker and the Catakiller.  Continue right and go 
over the flipping bridge.  Go up, near the yellow spring, 
and then go left (tree branch here).  Continue left by 
spin-dashing through the curve and then go to the right.  
Spin-dash right and you’ll go through the loops and make 
a jump.  Use the disappearing platforms to go up and to 
the right.  Bounce on the hidden yellow springs to go up 
and left.  Use the second set of disappearing platforms 
to go left and then bounce up, using the yellow spring 
(Hold to the left).  Jump to the upper right and then go 
right, over the breakaway bridge.  Continue right and go 
into the tunnel.  Once out of the tunnel, a Giant Blimp 
will chase you, so run to the right as far as possible to 
face the Boss.

Boss:  Robotnik’s  Flame Machine

Weapons:  Fire Balls (Sho Ryu Ken!!).

Movement:  Materializes from behind the waterfall.

How to defeat:  Wait for Robotnik to come out of the 
waterfall.  When he hovers over the ground, hit the 
bottom of the ship.   Hit the ship before the flames come 
out.  Hit 6-8 times.


Start off by going to the right and jump on the gray 
button to open the blocks.  Sonic will be shot out of a 
tunnel by a strong current.  Once Sonic lands, go all the 
way to the far right to the Blastoid.  Destroy the 
Blastoid and the floor will collapse.  Destroy the next 
Blastoid and the floor will collapse again.  Go right and 
a strong current will push you out to the right, then 
upward.  Hold the D-pad to the right and then spin dash 
to the right for a roller coaster ride.  Once you stop, 
watch out for the Bugernauts.  Spin dash to the right up 
two steep slopes.  Destroy the Turbo Spiker and then spin 
dash to the right for a quick loop.  Continue right until 
you reach a Blastoid.  Destroy the Blastoid and the floor 
will collapse.  Drop down and destroy the next Blastoid.  
Drop down again and go right until you reach a gray 
button blocked by spikes.  Hit the button when the spikes 
are down.  This will trigger the fans on the left to turn 
on.  Go up by jumping on the fans.  Once the fans push 
you up, grab the conveyer belt and go to the left.  Jump 
on the yellow spring and bounce up.  Grab the top 
conveyer belt and go hand over hand to the right.  Jump 
to the platform and then bounce on the yellow spring.  Go 
to the right and then go left up a slope.  Hit the post 
marker and then spin-dash to the right to face the Mid-

Mid-Boss:  Washsycal Machine

Weapons:  Whirlpool (no damage to you, watch out for the 
machine itself).

Movement:  Travels left and right on the curved side 
walls.  Then goes to the center of the screen.

How to defeat:  Jump over the machine when it attacks 
you.  Only hit the Washsycal Machine when it comes to the 
center.  Spin-attack it as many times as possible before 
it starts the Whirlpool (can’t hurt you).  Hit 6-8 times.

Begin by spin-dashing through the blocks on the right.  
As you roll, hold the D-pad to the right in order to run 
up the slope that is out of the water.  Spin-dash to the 
right through another set of blocks, but beware of the 
yellow wall spring.  It could bounce you back to the 
moving wall (left side) if you hit it.  Drop all the way 
down near a yellow floor spring.  Spin-dash to the right 
and then go through a set of blocks.  Spin-dash again to 
the right, over some spikes.  Then spin-dash to the right 
and break through the final set of blocks.  Now get onto 
the rotating cylinder by timing your spin-dash up the 
curved wall.  Jump up on the yellow spring and you will 
be pushed up by some fans.  Once up top, spin-dash to the 
left for a quick slide.  At the end of the slide, let the 
hand grab you (or spin dash) and start you up a spiral 
track.  Go to the right, over the spikes.  Watch out for 
the Jawz enemy and continue right until you reach a Turbo 
Spiker.  Then spin-dash to the right for a roller coaster 

Once the ride shoots you up, hold the D-pad to the right, 
but watch out for the red spring. (If the red spring 
knocks you down, get back up by using the moving blocks.)  
Keep going right and get onto the rotating cylinder (time 
your spin-dash).  Jump on the yellow spring and use the 
fans to propel yourself upward.  At the top, spin-dash to 
the left for a roller coaster ride.  Once you are shot 
into mid-air, hold right on the D-pad.  Spin-dash right, 
through the blocks, and then go left with a helping hand 
(or spin-dash).  Spin-dash right, then go up out of the 
water and to the right.  Use the rotating cylinders to go 
up (watch out for the spikes).  Use the fans to propel 
you up and then spin-dash to the right.  Hold the D-pad 
to the right when you are in mid-air.  Go right and then 
use the rotating cylinders to go up.  Use the helping 
hand to shoot you off to the left for a roller coaster 
ride.  Hold to the right when you’re in mid-air and then 
go right.  Use the rotating cylinders to go up.  At the 
top, spin-dash to the right to the meet the teenage 
confused brain-washed Knuckles.  Then go right and a 
current will push you to the Boss.

Boss:  Dr. Robotnik’s  Whirlpool  !!Reverse!! Machine

Weapon:  Drops depth charges into the water.  Also sucks 
up water like a reverse whirlpool.

Movements:  Moves from right to left dropping charges.

How to defeat:  Use the blasts from the depth charges to 
bounce up and hit Robotnik.  Or, wait for him to lower 
and then hit him, but watch out for the whirlpool.  Hit 
6-8 times.


Go all the way down to the bottom where the ground will 
collapse.  Spin-dash through the wall on the right and 
you’ll hit a yellow spring.  Continue right and watch out 
for the spiked ball on a chain.  Wait for the Tunnelbot 
to drill up into the ceiling and then go right, to a 
signpost.  The signpost points up and right.  Go right; 
pass the mud pool and two Spikers.  On the right side of 
the second Spiker, there is a step with a blue object 
sticking out of the ground.  Spin-dash on top of the 
object to raise some steps.  Go up the steps and you will 
see a sign post pointing left.  Go left by running left 
on the blue spin top near the sign post.  Keep the spin 
top even by pressing left and right on the D-pad.  At the 
rotating platforms, jump off the blue top and go left.  
Use the next rotating platforms to go up and to the 
right.  You will then see a sign pointing right.  Go 
right until you reach a blue object sticking out of the 
ground.  Spin-dash on top of it and then jump on the 
platforms that arise.  Jump right onto a moving platform, 
wait, and then jump right again onto another moving 
platform.  From here, jump right onto a platform moving 
up and down and then jump to a second up-and-down 
platform.  Jump off the last platform and you should land 
on a hill with a tree.

Go right and spin-dash through the breakable pole.  
Continue right and get on the blue top.  Run right on the 
Spin top and collect the rings.  (If you fall off the 
Spin Top, you are unfortunately on your own, due to the 
complicated layout of this Act.)  Once you are above 
ground, let the Spin Top the touch the ground and you 
will go through a stone pole (must use the blue top to go 
through the pole).  Let the Spin Top go (do not touch the 
D-pad) and you will, drop down a corridor and spin off to 
the right.  After you stop, continue right, and pass by 
the Spiker.  Spin-dash through the breakaway pole to 
collect some rings.  You stop spinning in front of a 
statue head shooting arrows.  Hit the flashing red spot 
on the forehead of the statue three times in order to 
move the ground beneath you.  Spin-dash to the right and 
you will run into a set of spikes.  Jump onto the moving 
platform and then go down.  Go to the left until you 
reach a yellow spring.  Stand in front of the yellow 
spring and the ground will collapse.  Go right until you 
reach a spiked ball blocking a breakable pole.  Time a 
spin-dash to pass the ball and break through the pole.  
Again, time a spin-dash to pass another spiked ball.  You 
will stop in front of a blue object.  Spin-dash on the 
object to lower the floor.  Go down to the left and run 
left on the Blue Spin Top.  Once the top stops, spin-dash 
to the right up the hill (tricky but possible).  Go 
right, pass the two mud pools to reach a breakable pole.  
Spin-dash through the pole to the meet the mid-boss.

Mid-Boss:  Twin Drill

Weapon:  Two drills that cause spikes to fall from the 

Movement:  Goes up into the ceiling knocking down spikes.

How to defeat:  Wait for the drill to lower and then turn 
its spikes up.  Hit 6-8 times.

Start by spin-dashing through the breakable pole on the 
right.  Jump to the light blue ring and it will pull you 
up.  Then jump to the left onto the next light blue ring.  
Jump right, onto a ledge that has two post signs (one 
points up, one points right).  Go right, past the Spiker 
and go through the breakable wall.  Wait for Dr. Robotnik 
to leave and then continue right pass the Mantis and the 
sign.  Stand in front of the breakable pole to cause the 
ground to collapse.  Spin down the hill and then go left 
to the Blue Spin top.  Do not stop the top, but allow it 
to touch the ground and go by itself.  Once it breaks 
through the ground, spin-dash to the right (watch out for 
the spike pole).  Jump up onto the rotating platforms and 
jump to the ledge on the right.  Watch out for the spiked 
ball on a chain.  Go right until you reach a Mantis.  On 
the right side of the Mantis, spin-dash on the blue 
object.  Go up the steps that appear and jump onto the 
moving platform.  Jump off to the right and go to the 
Blue Spin top.  Get on the spin top and run right.  
You’ll hit a spring, go up a corridor and then fall off.

Go right and jump onto the  rotating platform.  Go up and 
left to spin-dash on the blue object.  Go to the far left 
to jump on a light blue ring.  (Jump before the ground 
collapses.  If you do not make it, just go right and 
start over from the platforms.)  Jump to the right onto 
another ring and you will come up near a yellow spring.  
Jump on the spring and keep going right, through two 
funny loops.  After the second loop, go left to the sign 
post pointing up and wait for the moving platform.  Jump 
left to two stationary platforms and then jump to the 
left from the last platform.  Watch out for the spiked 
ball on a chain.  Go to the left, pass the Mantis and 
jump onto the rotating platforms.  Jump off the platforms 
to go down and to the right.  Go right until you reach 
the statue head shooting arrows.  Hit the flashing red 
spot on the statue three times and the ground will move 
away.  After you fall, go left and hit another statue in 
a similar spot to allow you to leave.  Spin-dash through 
the breakable poles on the right.  Go right, past the 
Mantis, until you see a blue object sticking out of the 
ground.  Continue right and jump onto the rotating 
platforms hovering over a mud pool.  Use the platforms to 
get on the Blue Spin Top.  Ride the top into a spring and 
through a corridor; just do not try to direct the top.  
When the top stops (near a post sign pointing right), 
jump off and go over some spikes.  Spin dash through a 
breakable pole and then hit the statue head three times 
on the flashing red spot.  Go left after the ground moves 
away and spin-dash on the blue object.  Go to the left 
and wait for Dr. Robotnik to appear, then leave.  You 
should now hear a constant rumble.

This represents the Dash.  You need to run as fast as 
possible before you are crushed.  To get through the 
Dash:  Spin-dash through the breakable pole on the left.  
Go right and wait for the ground to collapse.  Spin dash 
left, drop down, and then go right quickly before you’re 
crushed.  (End of the Dash)  

Go up and to the left.  Continue left and pass by the 
rotating spiked pole.  Spin-dash on the blue object to 
raise some steps and then go right to the moving 
platforms.  Continue right and spin-dash through the 
breakable pole to meet the sky?!!

Boss:  Dr. Robotnick’s  Jet Drill

Weapons:  One mighty drill.

Movement:  Flies into the background and then comes from 
above, below, the left, or the right.

How to defeat:  Hit the bottom (if you’re Tails) or the 
top (if you’re Sonic) of the Jet Drill.  Robotnik will 
come onto the screen in the direction he scaled back in.  
If he scaled back left, he’ll come from the left.


Start off going to the right and slide down the huge 
candy cane pole.  Continue right, pass the turning Grid 
pole (looks like a grid turning).  Go to the far right, 
past the blowers (keeps you in the air), to a cannon.  
Jump in the cannon and shoot Sonic off to the left by 
pushing A, B, or C.  You’ll land near a rotating barrel.  
Go left and jump on a Balloon platform.  Jump up and down 
to make the Balloon platform rise.  Go to the right and 
use the Grid pole to go up and left.  Go left, pass the 
ceiling and floor bumpers to reach a balloon platform.  
Jump up and down on the balloon platform to go up and 
then to the right.  Go right to the airlift teleporter.  
Once teleported up, run to the magnetic speed wheel on 
the left.  Jump up to it and then jump off it to the 
right. Go right and break through the checkered wall.  
You’ll go down a twisted tube and you will not be able to 
see yourself.

Note:  At this point, unfortunately, the level becomes 
split in many directions.  The tube has the option of 
shooting you to the left or right.  To explain what 
direction to go would cause more confusion due to the 
fact the screens are very similar.

Mid-Boss:  Self D-Struct Machine

Weapon:  Flying pod.

Movement:  Pod bounces off of everything.  

How to defeat:  Hit the main portion of the machine and 
let the flying pod hit it.  This will cause the machine 
to self D- struct.  Has to hit itself 6-8 times.

The screens in this level look very similar.  It would 
cause more complications to explain the directions.  Just 
feel assured that there are no dead ends.  If you are 
stopped, always remember there is some way out.  One 
problem you may have is with the huge rotating barrels.  
Push the D-pad in the direction the barrel is going (up 
or down) and that will make it move.

BOSS:  Dr. Robotnik’s  Orb of Light

Weapon:  Energy Orb.  Has the power to channel massive 
energy and then create a Electric Cyclone.

Movement:  Drops the Energy Orb and creates a electric 
cyclone.  Then he’ll drop down to retrieve the Orb.

How to defeat:  Hit Dr. Robotnik every time he drops down 
to retrieve his Energy Orb.


First just allow Sonic to go through his ski lessons, and 
then spin-dash to the right. Use the spring to push the 
cart up.  At the height of the cart, jump to the right.  
Spin-dash through one of the ice blocks, and then jump on 
top of the blocks.  Go right and hit the gray button to 
make the ice collapse.  Drop down and spin-dash to the 
right to slide down the infinite hill.  From the right 
side of the slide, jump onto a ice platform.  The ice 
platform will slide down and then stop.  Spin-dash right 
and bounce up to the right by using the red spring.  
Spin-dash to the right and use another red spring to 
bounce up to the left.  Spin-dash toward the cart (from a 
distance) and jump off to the left at the maximum height 
of the cart.  Spin-dash toward the other cart, and jump 
off to the right.  Jump to the left and use one more 
cart.  At the maximum height of the cart, jump to the 
right.  Spin-dash to the right and you’ll see two huge 
blocks of ice going up and down.  Jump on the one on the 
right.  Wait for it to drop and for the left block to go 
up.  At that point, drop to the left and quickly go 
right.  You’ll slide near a row of spikes.  Jump from 
spike to spike as they fall from the ceiling.  At the far 
right, jump on the red spring and hold to the left.  
Slide down to the left and start running up to the right.  
Push the ice platform to the right and then jump up on 
it.  Stay on the platform.  Once it stops, jump on the 
red spring and hold to the right.  Spin-dash to the right 
and hit the gray button to make the ice floor collapse.  
Drop off to the right and start running left.  Go to the 
right and spin-dash toward the cart.  Use cart after cart 
to until you reach the last cart which will break away 
from its chains.  (To get from cart to cart is tricky.  
Use the wall springs to bounce upward.  Hit the spring 
and then press up on the D-pad.)  When the breakaway cart 
stops, jump out and go right, to meet the mid-boss.

Mid-Boss:  Snowball

Weapons:  8 snowballs.

Movement:  Swoops down from the upperright to the 

How to defeat:  Hit Snowball when its snowballs are not 
around it and Snowball lowers a little.

This level is not hard at all.  You need to make your way 
to the far right.  You’ll go through loops and tunnels 
and maybe under ground (depending on which path you 
take), but you still need to go to the far right.  There 
are some obstacles that may get in your way such as, snow 
piles that Sonic needs to spin-dash out of and huge 
slings.  Jump in the middle of the slings and then press 
the D-pad in the direction the slings are going (up or 
down).  Other than on the huge slings just keep going to 
the right and over everything until you reach the Boss.

BOSS:  Dr. Robotnik’s  Insta-Freeze

Weapons:  Freezing ice jets.

Movement:  Goes left and right.

How to defeat:  Hit the spot the Freeze gas comes from.  
Only do it when the gas is not there.
Hit 6-8 times.


Start by going right, over the huge turning cylinder, and 
then jump on the hook near the Ribot.  Jump off the hook, 
go right and get into the elevator transport.  Go left, 
pass the Orbinaut and jump into the Cup transport.  Jump 
right when the cup stops and hit the Ribot.  Go right and 
enter the yellow building.  Use the moving platforms and 
go up.  At the top, go left and hit the red button to 
lower the red striped panel.  Go right and get in the Cup 
transport.  Once the cup stops, go left pass the Orbinaut 
and get into another Cup transport.  The Cup will spin 
around and then fly off to the right.  Go right and exit 
the building, after you fall out of the cup.  Go right to 
a Fire Blower and drop straight down.  Continue right and 
hit the red spring.  You’ll land in a cup. Jump out of 
the cup and roll down to the right for a ride.

The Ride:  You’ll hit a red spring, jet through a jet 
booster, hit a bumper sling, go through another jet 
booster, hit another bumper sling, and then drop near a 

After the ride, go left over the huge turning cylinder 
and enter the yellow building with spikes on the front.  
Jump on the platform and it will rise up.  Go left to 
exit the building and then hit the sling bumper.  You’ll 
land in a Cup transport.  Jump to the right when the cup 
stops and enter the yellow building with spikes on the 
front.  Go right and hit the red button to open the red 
striped panel.  Go to the far right to exit the building 
and then jump on the hook.  When the hook stops, go right 
and walk into the jet booster.  In mid-air, hold to the 
right. Go right and jump off the edge to reach a ledge.  
(If you fall, it is very difficult to get back.  Sonic 3 
has huge levels.) Go right and hit the bumper sling.  
Jump over the next bumper sling and continue right, over 
a huge turning cylinder.  Exit the building and jump into 
an elevator transport.  Once the elevator stops, go left 
and drop down the platforms to hit the red button.  Drop 
on the red stripe panel and go right, into a cup.  Spin 
to the right when the cup stops and you will go through a 
couple of jet boosters.  Enter the yellow building when 
you stop.  Bounce up and to the right on the hidden 
yellow spring.  Jump left onto the moving platform and 
then jump into the Cup transport.  Jump into another cup 
on the right to meet Knuckles (you do not fight him).  
He’ll throw a bomb, so jump to the right and get out of 
the building.  Go right into the next building to face 
the mid-boss.

Mid-Boss:  Swing’m Spikez

Weapons:  Two arms with spikes.

Movement:  Mindlessly wanders on the screen.

How to defeat:  Hit Spikez when its arms are in.  Hit 
from the left or right 6-8 times.

Go right and drop down between the two platforms.  Go 
left, and bump into the red spring.  You’ll spin off to 
the right and hit a yellow spring that will launch you 
upward (hold the D-pad to the right).  Go up and to the 
right past the Fire Blower.  Keep right and bump into the 
red spring.  Go left into the yellow doorway (just a 
doorway, no building).  Continue left, over the huge 
turning cylinder, and jump on a hook.  Once the hook 
pulls you up, jump off and bump into the bumper sling for 
a ride.  Jump to a hook on the right after the ride 
stops.  Jump right to the moving platform and then jump 
to the ledge.  Go right, jump on a moving platform and 
then jump to another moving platform.  Jump to a ledge on 
the right, from the second platform.  From here, drop off 
to the right and then go right to a Ribot and Fire 
Blower.  Destroy the Ribot and then drop down past the 
set of Fire Blowers.  Go left until you reach the evil 
Robotnic icons.  Spin-dash over the icons to get into the 
purple checker tunnel.  Go through the tunnel and hit the 
red button to drop the red stripe panel.  Go back through 
the tunnel and then drop down the first gap.  Drop down 
past the Fire Blower and spin-dash right for a short 
ride.  At the end of the ride, you’ll land on a platform.  
Drop down the platforms; once you’re underwater, go 
right.  Spin-dash through the purple and light-green 
block (rounded).  Go right until you reach a red spring 
underwater.  Bounce up to the right, and then go right.  
Continue right until you reach some spikes.  Jump right 
over the spikes and then spin-dash through a purple and 
yellow block (rounded).  Go back left and go down the 
water drain for a drain ride.  When the ride stops, go 
left past the Ribot and watch out for the lasers in the 
yellow doorways.  Go left over the huge turning cylinder.  
Continue left until you reach two yellow springs.  Bounce 
up and go left into a Cup transport.  Jump out to the 
left and then go to the very far right until you reach a 
Ribot.  Continue right until you reach a hook, but do not 
jump to it.  Instead, drop off the edge, and then spin 
dash to the left.  You’ll end up near a Cup transport.  
Jump in the cup and then go right, pass the Ribot and the 
Orbinaut. Continue to the far right until you reach a 
yellow spring that will bounce you into a Cup transport.  
The cup will spin off to the left.  Jump to the hook on 
the right.  Once the hook goes to the left, drop down and 
go to the far right.  Jump into the Cup transport above 
you and then jump into the next cup.  Jump to the right 
from the last cup and continue right to meet the Boss.

Boss:  Dr. Robotnik’s  Cannon Baller

Weapons:  One big cannon ball.

Movement:  The Dr. is stationary while the ball shoots to 
the left and comes back.

How to defeat:  Use the panel that releases the cannon 
ball to hit Dr. Robotnick.  Hit 6-8 times.

Final Mid-Boss:  Triple Score

Weapons:  Lasers and a tiny spiked orb.

Movement:  Comes up from the left or right side of the 

How to defeat:  Spin-attack the tops of all three 

Final Boss:  Dr. Robotnik’s  Squeeze Tag Machine

Weapons:  Two huge arms and spikes.

Movement:  Moves right to left at the bottom of the 
screen as an attack.  Also tries to grab you.

How to defeat:  Hit the Dr. as he comes from the left 
side of the screen, going off to the right or vice-versa.


Grand Prix Mode:  Experience all five of the 2-player 
Zones as you compete against a second player and race 
against time.

Match Race:  It's a race against time as you compete
against a 2nd player in any one of the two-player Zones.

Time Attack:  This is a 1-player practice mode that will 
help you prepare for 2-player competition.  Practice in 
any one of the five 2-player Zones.


Azure Lake:  Go right, through the loops and hold the D-
pad to the right.  Go left and then down.  Then go right 
for the start pole.

Balloon Park:  Go right, through the loop and drop down 
the moving hole.  Go right and bounce up on the yellow 
balloons.  Hold the D-pad to the right in mid-air to go 
to the start pole.

Chrome Gadget:  Go right and then down on the moving 
platform.  Go right and use the air blowers to go up to 
the gray button.  The gray button makes it easier to go 
right (red spring comes out).  Go down the bumpers and 
the go right, to the start pole.

Desert Palace:  Just hold the D-pad to the right.  Press 
jump to get out of the Quick sand.

Endless Mine:  Go right and bounce up on the red spring.  
Go right and spin attack down through the yellow rocks.  
Keep right and you’ll go back to the start pole.





SONIC SPINBALL - 4 Megs - 1 Player - Rated: GA

Pinball Pandemonium!

Furious pinball action sends Sonic the HedgehogTM whirling into his latest battle! 
Sonic invades Dr. Robotnik's volcano Veg-O-Fortress to save his pals from 
becoming robots!

*  Sonic soars just like a pinball! He spins for tricky attacks and bounces. Then 
jumps to save his hedgehog hide from Robotnik's henchmen!

*  4 rounds of fierce flipper action. Sonic bumps and jumps through the Toxic 
Caves, Lava Powerhouse and the Machine to the thumping fight with Robotnik.

*  The "animal with attitude" defies gravity in the wildly spinning Bonus Cages. 
Sonic can reach for the rings or try to gain the harder but way more valuable 
Mystery Treasures!


Spin Dash:  Hold down the D-pad when Sonic is standing.  
Press and hold button 1 or 2, then release the button to 

Status Strip:  Press Start to pause the game and a status 
report will come across the top of the screen.  The strip 
will inform you about:

How many points you have
How many continues you have
How many lives you have
How many Emeralds you have


Flashing lights shape like arrows point in the directions you should go.
You can slow Sonic's roll or curve him slightly in mid-air with the D-pad.
Chaos Emeralds do not have an order that you must collect them in.
In Stages 1 and 2, the left and right sides are mirror images of one another.
Points are acquired by hitting various items and targets.
Get as many points as possible in the Bonus Stages.




Stage one 		Three Chaos Emeralds
From the main room (the room you start in), go up one 
room to a second pair of flippers.  In this room, hit the 
blue button placed on the left and right walls to open up 
the sewer tubes. This will also drain the slime from 
around the center Chaos Emerald.  On this stage, there is 
a room that gives you access to all three Chaos Emeralds.  
To get there, use the small sewer tubes on either wall. 
The sewer tubes lead to two mirror-image rooms.  One is 
on the left side of the Chaos Emerald room, the other is 
on the right.  In each room, there is a small room in the 
upper level with one flipper.  Use the flipper to flip 
Sonic in the direction of the flashing arrows going up 
that lead to a teleport.  The teleport leads to the 
Emerald room. You start off in the Emerald room on a red 
spring.  Push button 2 to spring Sonic off.  In the 
portion of the room with two flippers there are two 
teleports.  Each teleport leads to an Emerald. (There are 
two in this room!)  Another Emerald can be found, if you 
drop straight down in between the flippers.  This will 
lead you to the Emerald that was surrounded by sewer 

Once you have all the Emeralds, go into the room that has 
the teleport for the Emerald room.  Use the teleport next 
to that teleport and it will give you access to the Boss.

The boss:  Dr. Robotnik  
Use the two flippers to make Sonic hit Dr. Robotnik.

BONUS ROUND  (See General Tips)

Stage two: 		Three Chaos Emeralds 
First open the latch door in the upper right by hitting 
it three times.  In the first Steam area, use button 1 or 
2 to go up the tube and collect the 1st Chaos Emerald. If 
you drop down after collecting the Emerald, bounce back 
up the tube.  This time hold to the left or right (notice 
the emeralds on the left and right of the tube).  Spin 
dash either left or right into a second Steam area.  The 
tube in this room leads to the Boss, but first you have 
to get the other two Chaos Emeralds.  From this room you 
can enter two other rooms that are mirror images of one 
another.  In both rooms you have to hit the button near 
the launcher to get the other Emeralds.  The button is on 
the left or right depending on what room you are in 
(button is on the side nearest to the Steam room).  Hit 
the button 3 times to drop into an Emerald shaft and 
immediately start tapping button 1 and 2 to activate the 
steam shooters on the wall.  This will push you up the 
Emerald shaft towards the Chaos Emerald.  After you 
collect all the Emeralds, go to the 2nd Steam room and go 
up the tube.

The boss:  Robo Boiler
The Boss is located up above the second Steam area.  
Defeat the Robo-Boiler heads by hitting the 2 faces 
inside the cylinder (hit each face 6-8 times).  Once each 
face has fallen out of the cylinder, the boss is 

BONUS ROUND  (See General Tips)

Stage three:		Five Chaos Emeralds
There is one emerald to the right side of main room, 
inside a chamber.  To get the Emerald use the pair of 
flippers on the right side.  Another room is located to 
the right.  Enter the room through the chamber wheel and 
go up to the very top by using the flippers.  Flip Sonic 
up to the moving platform.  Stand on the left edge of the 
moving platform and drop into  the tube on the left to 
get a Chaos Emerald.  Then you will drop into a room full 
of cells.  Unlock the center cell and a Chaos Emerald 
will drop out.  Drop down and pick up the emerald 
(directly below the center cell).  Now slide down the 
tube on the left side.  You will slide into yet another 
Chaos Emerald and then land inside another room (hold the 
D-Pad to the left while sliding).  Now from the bottom of 
this room, go up to the second flipper on the left and 
flip Sonic to the right into a corridor that has another 
Emerald, inside a chamber.  After you collect all the 
Emeralds, go to either room on the left or right side of 
the main room and go up.  Continue up in either room 
until you see the Krondor holding a string.  To open the 
way to the boss, hit the Krondor.  Drop down and you will 
then shoot up to the Boss.

The boss:  Veg O Machine
Bounce Sonic to either the left or right side of the Veg-
O-Machine.  On both sides there is an influx tube that 
Sonic must hit 8-10 times to break (bounce in between the 
electric field and the glass pipe).  After both pipes are 
gone, flip Sonic into the Veg-O-Machine through the 
bottom opening.  The Machine is destroyed once the light 
bars on both the left and right side are out (bars 
located inside the Veg-O-Machine).

BONUS ROUND  (See General Tips)

Stage four:  		Five Chaos Emeralds
In the main room (the one you start off in), there is a 
Chaos Emerald at the top of the room blocked off.  To get 
it, hit the bars in front of it.  Another Chaos Emerald 
is inside a room to the left of the main room.  In order 
to get the Emerald, follow the arrow to the left and you 
will be shot into the Emerald.  Also on top of this room 
there is a Chaos Emerald (use the flippers to go up and 
get it).  There also is a room to the left of the main 
room.  To get the Chaos Emerald in this room, hit the 
trigger on the right side by following the arrows 
pointing right.  Then go up above this room to get yet 
another Chaos Emerald.  After you have the all the 
Emeralds, go up by using the floating springs.

The boss:  Dr. Robotnik
Once you're in the room with the boss, first go up and 
jump on the spinning wheels on the far left and right 
side.  Sonic will run on top of the wheels to destroy 
them.  Now use the flippers to bounce Sonic into Dr. 
Robotnik and defeat him to finish the game.





Super Sonic Spin Attack:        Hold the D-pad down while 
Sonic is running.

Super Peel Out:         Make Sonic stand still, then hold 
the D-pad up and press Buttons A, B, or C.Release the D-
pad to make sonic run quickly.  Sonic can be damaged if 
touched by an enemy.

Super Spin Dash:                Make Sonic stand still, then hold 
the D-pad down and press A, B, or C.  Release the D-pad 
to have Sonic rool into a ball and shoot down the path.  
Sonic can not be damaged while spinning in a ball.

Note:  In order to make the future safe from Dr. 
Robotnik, you must go back to the past and look for two 
things.  There is going to be a machine making a hologram 
of Metal Sonic kicking  one of Sonic's animal friends.  
If you jump on the machine that is projecting the image, 
that is half of your good future.  The other half is a 
machine that kind of looks like a gray cage with yellow 
lightning for bars.  If you destroy both of these 
contraptions, you will  make a good future in that zone.  
When you make the first two zones of every stage into 
good futures and you collect all seven Time  Stones from 
the special stages, you will be able to go through an 
additional seven stages that are completely different 
from the previous seven stages.  These tips are for the 
first seven stages.




Palmtree Panic 
Zone I

When you start on this level, run to the right on the 
platform you start on.  Go down the hill, looking out for 
the mosquitoes.  Gain some speed, and run up the ledge so 
the screen turns shoots sonic up the wall.  Do not hold 
any direction on the D-pad and you will land right next 
to a lamppost.

Continue right and watch out for the falling path. You 
will eventually come to two monitors with 10-rings and a 
shield.  Jump on the red spring and hold right on the D-
pad.  Be careful of the breakaway platform at the top or 
you will fall back down.  Go to the right side of the 
platform, and jump on the floating platform.  Jump to 
three more platforms to the right, then make a blind jump 
(when you cant see the ledge you are jumping to) to the 
right to land on the ledge.  Continue to the right, and 
walk through the lamppost.

Be careful not to step on the yellow spring after 
crossing the log.  Jump over the spring and fall down a 
long way to the bottom.  If you walk to the right, there 
is a "past" lamppost you can use to go to the past.  Walk 
to the right until you get to a platform with a yellow 
spring on it.  Jump on it and hold to the right to get to 
another yellow spring.  Land on the ledge to the right.  
Fall off the right-hand ledge, and boost yourself up the 
hill with the yellow spring.  Run down the hill and up 
the ledge so the screen turns and shoots sonic up the 
wall.  You should land near a lamppost with a "past" 
lamppost right above it .  Go right from the lamppost and 
get the 10-ring monitor.  When you go up the hill, 
Princess Sally should be waiting there for you to give 
you a hug.  Continue right to the goal.

Zone II

At the beginning of the round, use the yellow spring on 
the left and fall off the ledge to the right.  Be careful 
if you hit any of the springs, because you want to stay 
on the lowest path.  Keep heading right through the loop 
and past the waterfall.  At the far right, you will come 
upon a set of red springs.  Jump on the second one.  When 
you land on the platform directly above you, jump up to 
the platform on the upper right.  Continue right, past 
the yellow spring.  You need to gain speed as you go down 
the hill to make it through the loop.  Go through the 
circle path to gain momentum for the big jump.  If at all 
possible, try to land on the ledge with the palm tree 
with the spring right behind it.  Walk right from this 
point.  There will be a swinging platform on the right 
side of the platform.  Jump on the platform, and jump 
over the two yellow springs to the right.  Pick up the 
shield monitor and continue right.  If you need it, there 
is an invincibility monitor on the top platform.

Jump over the "future" lamppost, and land on a platform 
with a log on the right. Keep heading right past the 
lamppost.  Jump on the yellow spring and land on a small 
green platform.  Jump in the hole in the wall to your 
right, and sonic will go through some speed tubes.  To 
the right to the exit of the tube is the goal.

Zone III

At the beginning of the round, have sonic walk right and 
pick up the rings.  Jump up to the platform, and walk 
left to pick up more rings.  Jump on the red spring.  
When you land on the platform,  walk right and get the 
invincibility monitor.  Continue to the right and fall 
off two ledges (making sure to run up the hill from the 
first ledge).  Continue walking right until you come to 
two loops in a row.  When you go through them, you will 
encounter the first Dr. Robotnik boss.  To beat him, you 
must hit the black part of the bubble Dr. Robotnik is in.  
All it takes is three hits to defeat him.  After he flies 
away, do your Super Peel-out and race through the loop.  
Go down the chute and hit the orb with black and yellow 
stripes to beat the goal.

Collision Chaos
Zone I

When you run towards the right side, you will see 
Princess Sally.  Go right until you see the path that is 
blocked by spikes.  If you wait a second, Metal Sonic 
will fly through the spikes and take princess Sally away.  
Race down the tube and try to land on the silver platform 
on the way down.  Jump to the right, and don't bother 
with the Speed Shoes Monitor.  You don't need them.  Use 
the red spring to the top.  If you want a Shield Monitor, 
hit the red spring on the platform (it will also make 
Sonic eligible to go to the past).  Go up to the platform 
on the right, and jump up to the level above the bumper.  
Keep jumping from platform to platform towards the right.  
Go into the shaft.

When you come out of the shaft, you should go to the 
lowest platform to the right of where you shot out of the 
tube.  Walk right on the path until you get to the red 
spring.  When you hit the third spring, hold right on the 
D-pad to land in a area with bumpers and a 90 degree hill 
on your right.  Use the red spring to run up the hill and 
land on the platform on the right with the red spring and 
pinball flipper.  Use the flipper to get over the right 
side wall.  Don't go over too far to the right.   You 
should land in a chute with rings  in it.  Go through the 
chute and land on the platform with the yellow spring on 
it.  Use the yellow spring to bounce to the right over 
the spikes.  You will eventually go up a small hill.

  You can fall down the shaft and get a few coins.  
Continue on the same path to the right.  Do not jump on 
the red spring.  If you want to go to the past, jump on 
the yellow spring and go back and forth on the loop to 
time warp.  If not, then keep going to the right.  Fall 
down the ledge, but don't let the spring push you up the 
hill.  Stay at the bottom and keep moving right, past the 
moving spiked balls.  Go past the lamppost, and up the 
chute.  Step on the yellow spring and use the flipper to 
catapult you to the far right.  This is a huge area with 
a lot of circular bumpers and red springs at the bottom.  
Go to the far right and at the bottom is the goal.

Zone II

At the beginning of the round, walk right.  Fall down the 
tube with the rings in it, and let Sonic fall into the 
room with the red springs.  Don't bother breaking the red 
orbs above you.  You can in the shaft on your right.  
Land on the lower right ledge and continue right, past 
(the "Past"  lamppost).  Use the yellow spring to boost 
you up the hill.  If you push right, you can walk through 
the secret path in the wall.  Go down to get a shield 
monitor, and then go up to the top.  Use the red spring 
to bounce to the top.  At the top, fall down the right 
side of the hill.  At the lowest point, go right on the 
small green platforms.  Be careful of the grasshoppers, 
and continue right.  Jump over the "future" lamppost, but 
make sure to go through the regular lamppost right next 
to it.  Continue right past the spiked balls.

  Go up the chute, and continue right along the bottom 
path.  At the far right, use the red springs to boost 
yourself up to the pinball flipper.  Then use the pinball 
flipper on the left side to jump on the right side with 
the yellow spring and bumper.  Go into the chute on the 
right.  Break the red balls, and go into the first chute 
on the right.

When you get to the lower right platform, you can walk 
through the wall.  Get the shield monitor on the lower 
right.  Then continue up and jump on the red spring.  Run 
down the ledge you land on to the right and you will see 
the little green platforms again.  Jump to the right.  
You can either use the red plungers or the pinball 
flipper to go to the right.  Go to the bottom path, and 
watch out for the spikes coming out of the ground.  Go 
through the chute, and the goal is to the right.

Zone III

At the beginning of this round, walk right and collect 
the rings on the ledge. Then go into the chute.  After 
you pick up the 10-ring monitor, jump into the chute 
below you. Be careful of the spikes, and walk right.  Hit 
the silver barrier to make it explode and disappear. When 
you hit the red spring, you will be in Dr. Robotnik's 
pinball maze.  You must make it to the top where a 
platform will appear beneath you.  Then you have to jump 
up and hit  Dr. Robotnik three times to defeat him.

Tidal Tempest
Zone I

At the start, have Sonic run down the steep hill.  When 
you fall into the water, stay on the left side to fall 
into the tube.  When you come out of the tube, grab an 
air bubble, and walk right.  Walk to the far right, and 
you will get a shield monitor.  Jump up, and you will get 
caught in a current that will sweep you up to the top.  
Step on the switch, and continue up and right.  Don't 
step on the yellow spring.  Keep going right and step on 
the yellow spring on the far right.  Land on the right 
hand ledge, and go up the stairs to the right.  Keep 
going to the right, and watch out for the green 
dragonflies.  Walk over the lamppost, and jump to the 
ledge on the right.  Continue to the right, and jump over 
the next gap.  Keep going to the  right until you come to 
a huge gap with a "future" lamppost on the other side of 
the wall.  Go down the pit and you will land in water.  
Walk to the right and look for the tube.  On top of the 
tube is a yellow spring.  Use it to jump to the right   
(hold right the whole length of the jump).  You should 
land next to a wall.  Proceed right and be careful of the 
spiked ball on the chain.  Keep going from platform to 
platform until you see water squirting up from the floor.  
To the right is the goal.

Zone II

When you start off, the wall will push you to the right.  
Jump through the waterfall, and hopefully you will land 
on a ledge that has a 10-ring monitor and a shield 
monitor.  Jump onto the ledge in the middle of the 
waterfall.  Then fall down the pit towards the left side 
wall.  When you land on the blue ledge, jump to the right 
to reach the platform.   Have Sonic run down the hill, 
and watch out for the spiked ball.  Keep going down 
towards the right until you see a blue face spitting out 
blue fireballs.  To the right, there are big moving blue 
blocks below the fireballs.  You have to fall down and go 
right.  When underneath the water, fall toward the right 
until you see a lamppost on the ledge.  Go through it and 
continue to the right.  Jump on the yellow springs to go 
to the top.  At the top, step on a switch on the left to 
open a doorway to a room with two 10-ring monitors.  
Continue to the right and fall straight down the ledge to 
not get hit by the blue fireballs.

Proceed right and fall down the ledges to the right.  
When you fall all the way down, Sonic will be submerged 
under water.  There is an invincibility monitor, and a 
10-ring monitor to the left.  Walk right, jumping over 
the switches.

You will come to a log floating on the water.  Jump on it 
and the water will rise.  The log will move to the left 
and right when you push the D-pad in that direction.  
When you get to the top, jump on the switch and then jump 
in the water.  Fall down the left side of the wall and 
step on the switch at the bottom.  Step on the other 
switch to the right to activate the current.  Go right or 
you will be swept away in the current.  When Sonic grabs 
onto the pole, push up on the D-pad to move him up.  Then 
use your jump button to let go.  Continue right, past the 
moving blocks.  Be sure to pick up air along the way.  
Jump on the yellow spring to boost yourself on top of the 
moving blocks.  From here, go left onto the path with the 
yellow spring.  Shoot yourself up the passageway with no 
water to get to the upper right ledge.  To the right is 
the goal.

Zone III

When you start out, run down the hill to the right.  Keep 
going down and to the right as far as you can.  When you 
get to 10-rings on top of each other, go up.  At the top,  
go right and jump on Dr. Robotnik as he goes down the 
chute.  The object is to chase him.  When you see the 
invincibility monitor, grab it, and go for Robotnik.  He 
will lead you to a room where bubbles will form around 
his machine he is riding in.  Here, you are supposed to 
jump and hit the bubbles without getting hit by the white 
balls coming from the bottom of his ship.  Once you can 
jump through the bubbles, hit his ship once to defeat 

Quartz Quadrant
Zone I

When you start off, walk to the right and jump on the 
green moving platform above you.  Take one more platform 
up to the top and jump to the right.  Walk to the right, 
and you will see a moving platform with a glowing arrow 
on a sign. If you move in front of it, the sign will 
change direction, as well as the walkway.  Continue right 
along the top of the ledge until you see a "past" 
lamppost and a moving platform.  Jump on the moving 
platform to the right and keep heading right.  Go into 
the chute on the right.  When you land on the right 
ledge,  walk up the hill and through the lamppost.  Keep 
Heading right into the green area with the sky in the 
background.  Jump over the pit and keep heading right.  
When you go to the far right, you will hit a yellow 
spring that will catapult you to the right side.  Jump up 
to the platform with two yellow springs on it, and then 
jump up to a high ledge with four rings in a chute.  Jump 
into the chute, and let it shoot you to the bottom.  On 
the bottom floor of the huge open area, head right to the 

Zone II

When you start off, walk right and fall down the small 
gap.  When you land on the ledge, walk right on the 
moving platform.  Behind the green crystal is a yellow 
spring.  Use it to jump up to the upper right.  On the 
ledge is a shield monitor.  Underneath it is a red spring 
you will need to use to jump the wall to your right.  Run 
down the hill and stop before you hit the red spring.  
Instead, jump on the yellow springs above you.  Go into 
the small chute on the right.  The yellow spring will 
safely bounce you to a ledge on the upper right.  Keep 
going right, past the green bendable bridge. Walk through 
the lamppost and you will come to a red ledge.  Make a 
blind jump to the right and land on a green and red 
ledge.  Jump to the top and jump on the small green 
platform to the right.  Keep jumping from platform to 
platform to the right. You will see a small green 
platform to the lower right.  Jump on it, and then jump 
up to the ledge with the yellow spring.  Use the spring 
to go to the chute in the upper right.

 When you go through the chute, you will also go through 
a see-through twisty chute.  Once you land on the bottom 
ledge, walk right.  Jump on the red spring on the far 
right.  Clear the spikes at the top of the jump, and land 
in a path with a shield monitor.  Get it and jump on the 
red spring to the right.  Cross over the lamppost and 
jump the big chasm to the right (where the "future" 
lamppost is).  Go into the chute on the right and you 
should end up in another chute.  When out of the tube, 
drop down and go right to the goal.

Zone III

When you begin this level, hit the red spring and Sonic 
end up on a yellow spring. Bounce to the right, to a 
ledge with a 10-ring monitor.  If you want to find 
another 10-ring monitor and a 1-up monitor, use the 
yellow spring to bounce off the ceiling while moving to 
the right.  Drop off the ledge, and then fall straight 
down to the bottom.  Walk to the right until you come to 
a dead end with a red spring.  Jump on it.  You will jump 
high enough on it to land on a ledge.  Once on the ledge, 
walk to the right and jump across the gap to get the 10-
ring monitor and invincibility monitor.  Fall down the 
ledge and you will land on a path moving toward the 
right.  Hit the 10-ring monitor and continue right to 
find Dr. Robotnik.  The trick to defeat the evil Robotnik 
is only to hit him once.  After you hit him, he will 
lower his ship with the yellow and black stripes towards 
the bottom of the screen.  Stay as close to Robotnik as 
possible. When the orb lowers down, push left for a quick 
second and hit your jump button to avoid the spikes at 
the left and the spiked balls on the right.  Run back 
over to Robotnik and repeat the procedure until the floor 
of Robotniks machine gets too hot and explodes.

Wacky Workbench
Zone I

At the beginning of this round, run to the right and fall 
down the ledge.  Keep going to the right and use the 
yellow spring to shoot you up the ledge.  You will now 
see the checkered blinking floor.  When you touch it, you 
can bounce very high into the air.  You must use the 
floor to get you through the level quicker.  As soon as 
you touch the floor, press right on the D-pad.  It is 
programmed into the game so you will pass through some 
platforms.  Just walk off of them and press right on the 
way down.  At the far right is the goal.
Zone II

At the beginning, jump on the gray platform and Sonic 
will move fast on the platform to the right.  If you do 
not touch the D-pad, Sonic will pick up a lot of rings.  
At the bottom, there will be a big wall in the way.  Use 
a spring to boost yourself up to a moving platform.  Use 
the platforms to get to the upper left.  The yellow 
spring will boost you up the chute.  Walk right and you 
will go into another chute.  Jump off the spinning wheel 
to the right and drop off the ledge.  Watch out for the 
line of spiked balls floating around.  Continue to the 
right to more ledges you have to go down.  At the bottom 
is a 10-ring monitor.  Walk to the right and go through 
the lamppost.  Be careful of the wiring in the 
background.  When it starts to flicker, get out of the 
way.  Drop down to the glowing floor, and bounce yourself 
up high to the right If you get stuck on the orange beam,  
jump when you are on the side of the beam you want to get 
off on.  On the far lower right, there is a passageway 
you have to go through.  Go down the ledges and walk 
through the lamppost.  Keep going down and to the right, 
until you get to two spinning wheels on top of each 
other.  Exit on the top wheel  to the right .  Use the 
glowing floor to boost yourself up to the ledge in the 
upper right.  To the right is the goal.

Zone III

Run to the right, and use the glowing floor to jump up 
high in the air to moving platforms (make sure you jump 
in the middle of the pathway going up.  Jump over the 
wall, and continue to the far right.  In the lower right 
corner is where you will find Dr. Robotnik.  Jump up and 
hit Robotnik once to make him run.  Avoid the boulders as 
best as you can.  When the three big chunks fall on the 
ground, jump on the one in the middle.  When they spring 
up,  jump on the platform above you(it helps to jump to 
another block on the way up).  Repeat the procedure for a 
few floors.  Soon spikes will come down on you.  When you 
see Robotnik at the top,  jump and hit him one last time 
to defeat him. NOTE:  When you hit Robotnik, he does not 
flash when you hit him, so don't worry.

Stardust Speedway
Zone I

At the beginning of the round, look for the yellow 
springs hidden behind the horns.  You can usually get a 
few rings if you find these.  Walk to the right, and jump 
over the gap.  When you see the red and white striped 
bar, it will shoot you along the path.  When you stop,  
jump over the yellow spring and try to jump over the 
spiked ball.  Drop down the ledge on the right.  Run to 
the right on the ledge you land on and jump from platform 
to platform to the right.  There should be a yellow 
spring that pops up to boost you up the hill.  Once on 
top of the hill, go to the ledge on the right  and drop 
off to the right.  You should land on a ledge that is 
blocked off by another ledge with a yellow picture of a 
blue ball at the top.  If you cannot continue on the 
ledge, jump up to the sign and make it flip over.  Then 
you can continue on the same path.  To the right is a 
lamppost and a red spring .  Jump on the spring and boost 
yourself up to the ledge with the red and white striped 
bar on it.

  Keep going to the right, but do not touch the speed 
bump (the silver bump on the floor which makes Sonic run 
fast), and let the spring boost you up the hill.  If you 
like, grab the speed shoe monitor, and continue right.  
Go to the far right through the loop.  Touch the blue dot 
sign to continue on the same path.  Go through another 
blue dot sign and jump to the ledge on the upper right 
(with the "future" lamppost on it).  Continue to the far 
right, over the criss-cross path.  You will go down the 
hill, and land on a red spring.  Use it to bounce to the 
ledge on the right.  Follow the path to the goal.

Zone II

At the beginning of this zone, walk right and jump up two 
levels.  Walk to the right  and jump to the platform on 
the far right.  You will land in a chute that will take 
you for a ride.  When you hit the yellow spring, you will 
land on a small platform.  Fall down the ledge and you 
will land on some criss-cross platforms.  Go to the right 
and jump up on the ledge.  Jump over the "future" 
lamppost.  Fall off the ledge to the right and walk 
right.  Jump over the gap and try not to touch the gray 
speed bump.  Keep going to the right, jumping over the 
gaps.  You will come to a red spring facing towards the 
left.  Fall down the gap to the bottom and continue 
right.  You will go through a loop, but don't run too 
fast.  At the far right (where another red spring is), 
jump up the ledge.  Continue right until you come to an 
area with a lot of shooters( the gray blocks with the red 
spring in the middle that shoots Sonic out at high 
speed).  Try to get to the right side where the lamppost 

Fall down the small gap and run to the right side.  You 
will go through a loop, so continue running towards the 
right. You will come to a chute.  Keep holding right 
until you cant go right any more.  In the tube next to 
the one you are in, on the left, go up one level of the 
chute on the right to find the goal.

Zone III

At the beginning, grab the 10-ring monitor and walk 
right.  At the far right, you will see Metal Sonic 
standing there with his arms crossed.  Be sure to stand 
on the right of him, so the laser Dr. Robotnik fires on 
you does not hit Sonic.  When the door opens, the race is 
on.  The object is to stay in between Metal Sonic and Dr. 
Robotnik and his death laser.  If you run ahead of Metal 
Sonic, he will come flying towards you.  Sometimes you 
can jump over him, but you have to keep your eyes open.  
When you run down a hill, remember that another upward 
hill is coming up.  There are ledges at the top that you 
can jump to (if you run fast enough up a hill and jump), 
but it is easier to go along the path.  You need to have 
enough room between Sonic and Metal Sonic so you can run 
up the hill.  Always be watching for Robotnik's death 
laser, which can kill you even if you have rings or not.

If you are not going fast enough to run up the hill, you 
can jump over the hill before Sonic starts moving up the 
hill.  You can be walking very slowly at the bottom, but 
it must be timed perfectly.  When you reach two hills of 
the same height (about one and a quarter to one and a 
half minutes into the zone), you have to run past Metal 
Sonic and run into the doorway first to rescue Princess 
Sally and beat the level.

Metallic Madness
Zone I

At the beginning, walk to the right and look for gray 
spheres that make a platform.  Jump on it when it is 
horizontal, and continue right.  Jump on the red spring 
to boost yourself up to a ledge with a shield monitor on 
it.  Jump to the ledge on the right.  You will see a 
yellow spring with red springs to the right.  You must 
jump in between the red springs and continue right.  Jump 
over the "past" lamppost and be careful of the dual 
spinning saw blades.  Be sure to walk right only when it 
is safe.  On the right, there will be a catapult with a 
yellow spiked ball on the other end.  As soon as you land 
on it, jump to the ledge on the right.  Pick up the 
shield monitor, and jump across the gap to the lamppost.  
Walk down the ledge and use the yellow spring to go to 
the upper right ledge.  Be sure to hit the killer bee in 
the body, not the swinging spiked ball.  You will now see 
small flipping platforms connected to a purple rope.  Try 
to make it to the right side.  If you fall, continue to 
the right past the lamppost.  Do not touch the "past" 
lamppost.  Continue to the far right, and fall down the 
chute with the four coins in it to find the goal.

Zone II

When you start this round, walk to the right, and watch 
out for the two gray blocks moving up and down.  Stand on 
the one on the right, and jump up to the level above you.  
Where you see the red spring, use it to jump to the gray 
block right above you.  If you jump on the spinning wheel 
to the right, Jump off of it when Sonic is at the top of 
the wheel.  You will land on a ledge with a red spring. 
Walk to the right and a pathway will open up with a chute 
in it.  Step on the switch on the right, and drop into 
the chute.  While in the chute, you will come to a four-
way passage. Press down to take the lower chute.  Once 
out of the tube, walk right past the moving silver 
piston.  Drop down the ledge, then jump on the red spring 
at the bottom.  Hold right on the D-pad the entire jump.  
You should land on a platform with a blue saw blade enemy 
and walk right.  There will be a ledge with a yellow 
spring on wheels moving back and forth.  Stand in the 
middle of the platform and jump when the spring moves 
toward you (jump in between the spikes in the ceiling).  
Go towards the right side and watch out for the moving 
silver block.  Walk through the lamppost and continue 

There is a bomb creature on the right, so be careful.  
Through the passageway there will be another chute to 
drop in.  At the four-way intersection, push right on the 
D-pad.  When out of the tube, walk right and jump on the 
red spring.  Land on the platform and walk to the left.  
Jump over the "future" lamppost and use the red spring to 
jump to the right.  Use the next yellow spring to jump to 
the right.  Continue right along the path, and walk 
through the next lamppost.  If you continue to the far 
right.  If you continue to the far right, there will be a 
bar with a laser on the other side of it.  From here, 
walk left and drop down the breakaway ledge.  Keep going 
down as far as you can, and you will see two gray and 
blue sticks with a chain attached to them (right next to 
a "future" lamppost). When you jump on top of one, the 
other will move ahead of you. Use them to go to the right 
and jump on the ledge.  Go past the bombman, and you will 
see a white laser.  Walk into it to Shrink Sonic.

Walk right and drop down the chute.  Hit the red spring 
and use the blocks to jump to the right (it is easiest to 
jump to the top block from the block on the far left).  
On the far right, Jump on the red spring to the upper 
left.  Use the moving yellow spring to go up the chute 
above you.  You will need to use three more red springs 
to get to the top.  Proceed left and drop down the ledge.  
Go to the right and jump on the red spring.  Continue 
along the purple path and drop down to the bottom.  Go 
left, not through the doorway.  On the far right past the 
bombman, there will be another chute with a lamppost next 
to it.

Go through the chute and proceed right.  Jump on the 
moving red spring toward the right side of the screen.  
When you enter the room, have Sonic look up to the 
ceiling that is coming down toward him.  You have to jump 
up in the dark shaded area of five different platforms to 
make it to the top.  Run to the right to the goal.

Zone III

Walk to the right and drop down the ledge with the spikes 
and invincibility monitor.  To the right in another room, 
there is a spiked ceiling coming down on you. Keep 
jumping through the shaded areas to make it to the top.  
Continue to the right until you see mini spinning 
platforms.  You must use theses to go to the upper right 
corner.  Pick up the shield monitor and use the spinning 
silver platform in the middle of the room to go behind 
the spinning shutters and let the moving spiked wall go 
by you.  Continue right until you are trapped in a room 
with a lightning bug.  You have to hit him when he is low 
and shooting his laser.  Take care of two more lightning 
bugs the same way and continue right.  When you see Dr. 
Robotnik in his machine, the object is to hit him in 
between the blocks sticking out of his spaceship.  It is 
best to hit him when he lowers down towards you.  You 
have to hit the bubble part of his ship four times to 
defeat him and watch the cool ending to Sonic CD.



You have reached the end of SoBeR's Sonic Pack '95! I hope you enjoyed the
images and found the text info useful! It took a while to collect all the
parts for this pack.. If you like it, send me a greet in your next production!


BTW For all those wondering, my handle comes from a Tool song; you know,
the one with the cool stop motion video..

Greets to one and all!
