              WinControl SDK Package

              Version History:
              v1.00 - 1999/09/03*
              v1.31 - 2000/01/26 - Major Update, first public release

              Last modifyed 2000/01/23
              (c)1999-2000 HALAN Innovations, all rights reserved


Welcome to the first Public release of WinControl 2000 SDK-Package.

With this package you can add Commands to WinControl with ease.

Just change the parameters to your needs and
insert the execution code in the Execute() Function and your set-up to go.

Files Included
Lib/kmdstd.h		- Cpp Header
Lib/kmdstd.cpp		- Cpp File
Lib/kmdstd.pas		- Pascal Lib
-Project & Example Files
Pascal/Delphi/*.* 				- Example_Commands-Project Group & TestCmd1 Project
Cpp/MS-VC++/Example_Command/*.* 		- Visual C++ 6 Workspace
Cpp/MS-VC++/Example_Command/TestCmd1/*.* 	- Visual C++ 6 Example Project 

Example Code
The example source code is provided in both Pascal (Delphi) and C++ (MS-VisualC++).
You can find all info in the source code. all parameters are well commented.

Command files are Dynamic Linked Librarys (DLL), with the extension .kmd.
The should be placed in WinControl-ProgDir/Commands/
The Help file should be placed in the same folder.
Release Example:

If you have licensed your version of WinControl, 
then Put your LicenceCode in the Subject line.

It is recomended to Include code-snapps of the 
problem, or the whole Command Source-File.

mail to:
developer@wincontrol.com or

Bug reports go to:

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