WebApp is a framework for developing advanced Web server applications using Delphi 2, Delphi 3 or C++ Builder.
WebApp supports ISAPI, NSAPI, WSAPI, CGI and WinCGI servers. It also provides many routines and components which make Web programming a lot easier, such as HTML generation components, data-aware components, SMTP control for sending email, on-the-fly conversion of bitmaps to GIF/JPEG, Ad-management component, browser capabilities detection and a lot more.
"I have already fallen in love with WebApp. This is just too cool. Delphi 3 makes ISAPI development much easier but why would I bang my head against the wall when I can have session management and all the other goodies that WebApp gives me?"
Stephen Genusa - Consultant, maintainer of IIS, ASP and ISAPI FAQs, author of Que’s Special Edition Using ISAPI.
"You've really done an incredible job! I started on my application yesterday,and I think I'll be done by tomorrow. I was certain this project was going to take at least three weeks, not three days! Thanks for all your hard work... I really appreciate it."
Steve Kramer [goog@goog.com]
WebApp applications run on top of any web server, using the server's native interface. WebApp ships with native support for Microsoft Internet Information Server (ISAPI), Microsoft Personal Web Server (ISAPI), Netscape FastTrack (NSAPI), O'reilly WebSite and WebSite Pro (WSAPI), as well as CGI and Win-CGI interfaces which will work with any web server!
Put this great technology to work using WebApp's simple object model (similar to and compatible with the model used in Microsoft Active Server Pages). To get you started as quickly as possible, we've included a variety of common components and sample applications, including:
WebApp is available in two versions:
The Pro version includes full source code, an integrated version of ArGo Software's TSMTP component for sending email programs from your Web applications, and a FREE bonus - our eAuthor/Site template based web-site editor.
You can purchase WebApp directly from the HyperAct Web site at http://www.hyperact.com, or by contacting our office :
HyperAct, Inc. 3437 335th Street West Des Moines, IA 50266 USA Tel/Fax (515) 987-2910 Fax only (515) 987-2909 CIS - 76350,333 or 102703,3274 Internet - rhalevi@hyperact.com |
This trial version of WebApp is identical in its features to the Standard version. However, you will be able to run applications created using this trial version only from inside the Delphi or C++ Builder environment. In addition, the trial version will add a the following text : "This page was generated using a trial version of HyperAct WebApp" at the end of each HTML page.
Thank you for evaluating WebApp! We value your feedback - please send any comments or questions to ygolan@hyperact.com. |