Super Edit Tools v1.3
        for Delphi 2 and 3

        General information

        Super Calendar Set and Super Drop Edit are Enhanced Components designed	
	to allow flexible editing of times, dates and drop lists for Delphi 2 and
        Delphi 3.

        What are the benefits of The Super Calendar Set?

         - You can create calendars in three ways:  On the form, Popup, and
	   Combo Calendar-Edit Box.  The Combo version allows easy adjusment of
	   time as well as dates.

         - Bitmaps can be assigned to the button.

         - You can select fonts for the edit box and calendar

         - You can have the calendar "Float" so that the user can leave it open
	   if desired.

         - The calendar automatically avoids edges of the screen.

	 - Spin Buttons for date/ time.

	 - CenturyStartOffset allows you to automatically convert 2-digit dates
	   to handle the turn of the century with no errors.

         - Many, Many Options.

        What are the benefits of The Super Drop List?

         - Define Colors for Edit Box and List Box

         - Assign Bitmap to Button.

         - Ownerdraw Listbox is provided

         - Listbox size can be different than edit size

         - AutoExpand fills in text as you type.

         - CaretatEnd allows you to set the caret at the start or end of the text.

         - Many, Many Options concerning behavior of the Drop Button.

        Files  The Zip package contains 24 files:

          -------  Delphi 3 files - ST13D2 contains Delphi 2 files  -------
          STOOLS.DCR   ->  component images
          STOOLS.DCU   ->  required components for Cal Set and Drop List

          SDROPLST.DCU ->  Super DropList Component
          STOOLSDB.DCU ->  DB Version of Super DropEdit and Super ListBox
	  SDLISTDB.DCU ->  DB Version of Super DropList

          SCALSET.DCU  ->  Super Calendar Set Components (3)
	  SCALSET.DFM  ->  Form file for Super Calendar Set
	  SCALDB.DCU   ->  DB Version of Super CalEdit

    ****  ST13D2.ZIP   ->  Zip Package containing above files for Delphi 2  *******

	  -------  These files are for both Delphi 2 and Delphi 3  -------
          SDROPDEMO.DPR   ->  sample DropEdit project for Delphi 2/3
          SDROPDEMO1.DFM  ->  sample form 1 for Delphi 2/3
          SDROPDEMO1.PAS  ->  sample file 1 for Delphi 2/3
          SDROPDEMO2.DFM  ->  sample form 2 for Delphi 2/3
          SDROPDEMO2.PAS  ->  sample file 2 for Delphi 2/3

          SCALDEMO.DPR   ->  sample Calendar Set project for Delphi 2/3
          SCALDEMO1.DFM  ->  sample form 1 for Delphi 2/3
          SCALDEMO1.PAS  ->  sample file 1 for Delphi 2/3
	  README.TXT     ->  important information
	  LICENSE.TXT    ->  license information
	  INSTALL.TXT    ->  installation and general information
	  HELP.TXT       ->  functions,procedures and properties
          ORDER.TXT      ->  registration and legal information
	  SDROPDEMO.EXE  ->  Super DropList Demo
	  SCALDEMO.EXE   ->  Super Calendar Set Demo
