*** Snorkel for Delphi ***

Powerful Browsing & Searching

Browse class hierarchies and navigate entire projects with 
hyper-linking to source code.  Additionally, use model searching to
easily find units, classes, and members.   Snorkel's source code 
analyzer allows browsing and searching without compiling.

Visual Class Editing

The visual class editor allows developers to easily design and 
maintain classes.  On-the-fly code generation keeps the source in 
sync with the graphical view. Point and click to override methods, 
build message handlers, subclass, etc. Conveniently maintain block 
and inline comments for classes and members.

CASE Tool Integration

Snorkel can also export class structures to Object Domain, our 
Object-Oriented CASE Tool yielding Booch or OMT class diagrams 
of entire projects in seconds.

Other Features

* Reuse of classes and members at the source level with intelligent
  cut and paste features
* Incredibly fast parsing and model loading
* Available as an Expert tightly integrated with the Delphi editor or as
  stand alone application including a powerful source editor
* User configured model libraries allow complete lineage hierarchies
* Intuitive, highly cohesive user interface with non-modal design

Fully functional beta version available on our web site:


Object Domain Systems
200 Laver Drive
Cary, NC 27511
