RT Registration Control 2.16
Copyright 1995-1999 r&t software

The RT Registration Control is a library unit (DCU for
Delphi, HPP/OBJ for C++ Builder, otherwise DLL) containing
functions to protect shareware and not only shareware
programs against unauthorized use which lets authorize them
with a unique registration key.  It has the possibility to
save the encrypted information about users somewhere in the
system and a count and/or date lock in order to make an
evaluation copy.  Thanks to it's registration possibility a
shareware program can be marketed fully electronically
through computer networks like CompuServe, Internet and
various BBS's, because the same shareware version can be
turned into a registered version. There is no need for
updates to be sent, too. Any update of a given product
found on any network can be registered with the same
registration key.  Another highlight is a support for
leased/rented software through linking the registration key
with a future date, i.e. the next rate payment time, DES and 
TrippleDES encryption methods and also ready-to-use nag and
registration dialogs.

How it works?
1.After installing the shareware product the user will be
asked for a name and if he/she wants to register this

2.If the users answers with yes he will be asked to mail
the name of the program, his name and any information that
is needed to the author. If the registered software should
be prohibited to be moved to another workstation after
registering a unique PC workstation key can be generated,
which also should be mailed to the author.

3.The user mails the information asked for to the shareware

4.In the meanwhile the evaluation process can be started
for a specified number of calls/days.

5.RTGENKEY utility (will be delivered upon registering RT
Registration Control) generates a registration key
dependent on a user name, product code, PC key generated on
the user's workstation (if applicable) and a date till the
product can be used (if applicable).

6.The generated registration key is mailed to the user. A
special key file for a file based registration process can
also be generated.

7.The user enters obtained registration key into the dialog
supplied by the author or copies the key file into the
program directory.

8.The software is registered and all are happy!

A sample registering scheme can be view in the demo

RT Registration Control for Wise

RT Registration Control's for Wise purpose is to validate a
registration key against a given user name and optionally a
PC workstation "fingerprint" from within Wise Installation
System's installation script. It lets the customer to make
a decision if an evaluation version or the full version of
the product in question should be installed. This way there
is no more need for different evaluation and registered
versions of the product. The registration can be made
persistent, i.e. the next time a installation program is
executed (reinstallation), there will be no need to enter
the registration information again. For even better
security installed files can be encrypted using the Triple
DES algorithm.

RT Registration Control for Wise is a subset of the
full RT Registration Control product. It can be used to
distribute one installation file for both full and
evaluation version of a software product. The decision
which one to installs can be made during runtime based on
the results of RT Registration Control's function calls.

This way only one installation program can be placed on a
FTP or WWW server, and be given unlimited access for
everybody wishing to download it. If a given user doesn't
have a valid registration code he can only install a
limited evaluation copy.

The same applies for supplying updates - they can be
distributed without the need to control access to the
update file itself. Even more. You don't need to send
updates to your registered user - you can place it on your
WWW page. Nobody, who hasn't registered the product, can't
install the updated version.

The RT Registration Control for Wise allows the
registration to be bound to a one specified PC, thus
resulting in a kind of a copy protection.

The PC's "fingerprint" can be made unique call using a
modifier unique for each call, this way making registration
keys valid for only one use, since they fit to only one
"fingerprint". After entering the registration key the
installation script can check if the modifier used to
modify the last "fingerprint" fits to that used to generate
the registration key.

The registration information can be saved in different
places on the user's system, it can be backed up for
security, and additionally encoded.

It offers also means to write/read user defined information
from/to the end user's system.

For even more security the files being installed can be
encrypted using the Triple DES algorithm, and decrypted
during installation only after a valid registration key has
been entered.

Features of RT Registration Control

*Delivering one copy of the program, which can be remotely
registered through a generated registration key. The
software itself along with any updates can also be put in
any computer network, where potential customer can find it,
so that there would be no need for delivering anything else
but the registration key upon receiving money. The
registration key can be generated uniquely per user
identification key, target product key, a workstation
identification code and/or next payment day for a
leased/rented software.

*file based registration, so that the shareware author
doesn't need to supply any dialogs, where the registration
information should have been entered.

*Ability to set an evaluation period for a certain number
of calls/days without writing a special code or delivering
a special version of a product.

*Ability to save any user information, such as user name,
company name or serial number.

*Ability to generate a date dependent registration key for
leased/rented software, which can be at any time remotely

*Delphi direct linkable DCU file along with a VCL Component
to set all the parameters visually

*C++ Builder direct linkable HPP/OBJ files along with a
VCL Component to set all the parameters visually

*A DLL to be used with any language able to call it, such
as C/C++, PowerBuilder, SQLWindows or Visual Basic.

*Wise AddOn to enable an installation validation directly
from Wise Installation System's script

*Sample projects in Delphi, C, VB and Wise.

Wise Installation System

Wise Installation System is Copyright Great Lakes Business
Solutions, Inc. It is an installation software which offers
a very good value for its price (of course we're biased,
after all we are using this system to create our own
installation programs!).

To learn more or download an evaluation copy visit GLBS web
site www.glbs.com.

Available Versions

There are four version of the RT Registration Control:

1. Delphi/C++Builder version. Includes free
Delphi/C++Builder VCL component in source code and
examples using function call and VCL approach. Allows for
better integration of the code, because directly links into
the EXE file, no DLLs necessary.

2. Language independent DLL version includes Visual-C++ and
VB examples.

3. AddOn for Wise Installation System.

4. ActiveX version.


1. Run installation executable.

Delphi/C++Builder version
2. Copy the compiled units from the appropriate
subdirectory (DELPHI1, DELPHI2, DELPHI3, CB) into your
library directory or include it within the library's search

3. In C++Builder copy the header files from the CB
subdirectory into your include directory or include it
within the include's search path.

4. In Delphi 1 and 2 install the RTREGCTL.DCU and
RTREGDLG.DCU units into the component palette

5. In Delphi 3 install the DRTREG21.DPL design time

6. In C++ Builder install the RTREGCTL.OBJ and RTREGDLG.OBJ
files into the component palette

7. Copy the RTREG.HLP and RTREG.KWF files into the
Delphi's HELP directory and install the latter file using
the HELPINST utility.

DLL version
2. Copy the appropriate DLLs (one of RTREGW.DLL,

3. Copy include files (*.H, *.TXT, *.PAS) into the
correct locations - dependent on used development

Wise AddOn version

2. Copy the appropriate DLLs (RTWISE16.DLL or RTWISE32.DLL)
so that your installation scripts can access them.

3. Copy include files (*.WSE) into the correct locations.

The Registration Key generation utility (RTGENKEY.EXE or
RTGEN32.EXE) uses RTREG.HLP as its help file, they should
be copied into the same directory.

Delphi 3 runtime packages will be automatically installed
into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.

Files installed

BIN		binary files, like DLLs,
		Registration Key Generator
DELPHI1		compiled Delphi 1 units
DELPHI2 	compiled Delphi 2 units
DELPHI3         compiled Delphi 3 units packages
CB              compiled C++Builder OBJ and HPP files
DEMOS 		example projects
DOC 		files containing important additional
HELP 		online documentation
SOURCE		available source code

Please note that not all of the files are available
in all versions.


For examples to be build all files must be in the right
place for any given development environment.

Every sample project accomplishes the same task in the same
manner. They check for a registration, if not found a
question is asked if you wish to register immediately. If
not, a call or date based evaluation period will be
started.  To register answer the first question with 'yes'
or chose 'Register now' menu item. The data presented in
the registration dialog is the only that can register this
demo programs. You can remove all locks or registration
information at any time to repeat the process.

All the examples using Wise AddOn are carrying the same
task using different methods. The only question to answer
is if a licensed version or demo should be installed.


Support is available from the author via

Email:		support@rtsoftware.com
WWW:		http://www.rtsoftware.com
Fax:		(+49) 5041/982135

All support is on a "best effort" basis, and no promise is
made that all questions can be answered, problems solved,
features added nor bugs exterminated.