                      TFlyTreeView RAPID Edition
                    For Delphi2/3/4/5 and BCB 1/3/4
            (c) Copyright IMCA SYSTEMS, 1997-99


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1. About TFlyTreeView control
2. Product Information
3. Installing
5. Pricing
6. License (READ !!!)
7. Registration
8. Contact Information


1. About TFlyTreeView control
TFlyTreeView Control:

FlyTreeView RAPID Edition - next product of high speed RAPID technology
Based on RapidTree (RAPID technology), without using MS TreeView architecture
REALLY FASTEST!!!: Works faster at 16-24 of time than basing on MS TreeView to the architecture
MANY CONTROLS IN ONE!!!: You can use this control instead of set other controls:
OptionGroup, Checklistbox, ListBox, ListBox with bitmaps TreeView, Explorerbar,
SectionsList, Hierarchical and Simple Grid and it with support background wallpaper and high speed

New in v3.0:
1. Full RightToleft Alignment support
2. Clickable and Draggable Columns
3. Bitmaps support for column headers
4. Version independent streaming system for FlyNode/FlyNodes/TTreeColumn objects-
you not lose your data on add/remove published properties
Main features:
- Breaks a barrier in 65535 of visible Nodes (MS TreeView limited)
- full support multiselection OLE Drag'n'Drop and AutoScroll on drag
- improved MoveTo procedure for moving nodes between different trees
- New Style of Tree: ExplorerBar (looked like Explorerbar in MS IE),
 SectionsList (Nodes breaked on sections)
- Used Working logic - smart switched Checboxes and Option buttons
- Customizable at Design and Run-time
- Has some types of the inplace editors (for editing cells)
- Smart drawing scrollable Background Wallpapers (without creating HUGE bitmaps)
- Draggable and Resizeable Columns which can be hidden and showed
- Some types of fetching datas - Virtual and Semi-Virtual
- Support Ms Comctl 4.7+ features: HotTrack,Tooltips, CheckBoxes and Optionbuttons, Gridlines
  AutoExpand, WordWrap text of Nodes
- Height of Each Node can be resizable
- Support custom colors fonts and alignment for each cell of Flytree
- You can load and save image of your tree in templates - save your works!!!
- You can inspect and translate input and output of datas through events OnGetNodeData and OnValidateNodeData

3. Installing

TFlyTreeView working on Delphi 2/3/4/5.x and C++ Builder 1/3/4.x

For Delphi 5.0 install packages:
  a) copy all files from Delphi5\ to DELPHI\LIB folder
  b) Menu Components\Install Packages
  c) Browse tflytree.bpl
Don't forget to add path to library paths

For Delphi 4.0 install packages:
  a) copy all files from Delphi4\ to DELPHI\LIB folder
  b) Menu Components\Install Packages
  c) Browse tflytree.bpl
Don't forget to add path to library paths

For Delphi 3.0 install packages
  a)copy all files from Delphi3\ to DELPHI\LIB folder
  b) Menu Components\Install Packages
  c) Browse tflytree.dpl
Don't forget to add path to library path

For Delphi 2.0 install
  a)copy all files from Delphi2\ to DELPHI\LIB folder
  b) Menu Component\Install\Add...
  c) Browse ftvreg.dcu
Don't forget to add path to library path

For C++ Builder 1 install
  a)copy all files from CB1\ to CB1\lib folder
  b) Menu Component\Install\Add...
  c) Browse ftvreg.obj
Don't forget to add path to library path

For C++ Builder 3.0 install packages
  a)copy all files from CB3\ to CB3\LIB folder
  b) Menu Components\Install Packages
  c) Browse tflytree.bpl
Don't forget to add path to library path

For C++ Builder 4.0 install packages
  a)copy all files from CB4\ to CB4\LIB folder
  b) Menu Components\Install Packages
  c) Browse tflytree.bpl
Don't forget to add path to library path


Delphi 2.x or higher or C++Builder 1 or higher

5. Registration Pricing

TFlyTreeView for Delphi comes
including TTreeCollection/TRootCollection component

Standard Version:
For Delphi 2/3/4  and higherBCB 1/3/4:
  Without Source Code: US $59.95
  With Source code: US $139.95
  On-Line Registration -
  Via V-Share (recommended)
  Delphi2: Available for request
  Delphi3: https://www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvdt
  Delphi4: https://www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvdf
  Delphi5: https://www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvdv

  C++ Builder1: Available for request
  C++ Builder3: https://www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvct
  C++ Builder4: https://www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvcf
  Sources: https://www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvsr

  Via RegSoft:
  Delphi2: Available for request
  Delphi3: http://www.regsoft.com/cgi-bin/reg_it_offsite.pl?15436
  Delphi4: http://www.regsoft.com/cgi-bin/reg_it_offsite.pl?15437
  C++ Builder1: Available for request
  C++ Builder3: http://www.regsoft.com/cgi-bin/reg_it_offsite.pl?15438
  C++ Builder4: http://www.regsoft.com/cgi-bin/reg_it_offsite.pl?15439
  Sources: http://www.regsoft.com/cgi-bin/reg_it_offsite.pl?15440

6. License

TFlyTreeView is not FreeWare, is it ShareWare.
You may uses TFlyTreeView maximum 28 days, after first use.
After 28 days You must registered the TFlyTreeView.

7. Registration
for Online Registration visit:
For Delphi3: https:/www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvdt
for Delphi4: https:/www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvdf
for BCB3: https:/www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvct
for BCB4: https:/www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvcf
Sources: https:/www.v-share.com/order.asp?username=v_imcasys&product=rflytvsr
For Registration Visit our Home Page:
and mirrors:

For Contact:
E-mail:                              develop@imcasys.com
For Technical Support/Consultations: questions@imcasys.com
About Coming our Reseller:           market@imcasys.com