Logic Process Order Wizard Starter Kit

As the old saying goes, "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression." Your applications, components, and tools can stand out in a crowd with just a little extra effort. A professional order wizard is a great way to help grab the potential customer's attention. It has the added benefits of making it easy for the customer to order your product (we all want that!) and results in more accurate order information. The Order Wizard Starter Kit contains the source to the Logic Process Order Wizard shipped with Logic Process applications and tools. We are making this source available to you -- a Delphi developer -- to give you a head start on building an order wizard of your own.

Order Wizard Starter Kit benefits include:

* Full source to the Logic Process Order Wizard as shipped with Logic Process apps and tools. Take advantage of our developers' work for a fraction of the cost involved in developing the code yourself.

* Use the starter kit almost as-is (with your personal product touches added) or simply use it as a source of ideas when building your own wizard. It's a real bargain either way.

* Includes examples of the SMTP mail message transmission process; secure message transmission using encryption and decryption techniques; and a technique for automatically launching the customer's browser to connect to a page on your web site.

* Illustrates one technique for wizard style form design and navigation. Field validation and required field enforcement techniques are included.

* Demonstrates simple dynamic order-entry currency calculations (i.e., adding up extended order and total order amounts as the customer adjusts the order quantities).

* Includes a separate decryption application that illustrates the process of decrypting and displaying a secure e-mail order. This app provides a basis for development of an automated order-processing system.

If we hadn't already designed an order wizard ourselves, I'm sure we would purchase this kit (ha ha)! You are literally just a few hours away from shipping a personalized order wizard with your components and applications. And at a bargain price of $29, the Order Wizard Starter Kit can't be beat!

Techincal Note

The Logic Process Order Wizard Starter Kit Demo will run only on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 systems. The source included in the Order Wizard Starter Kit was created using Delphi 2.0 and is compatible with Delphi 2.0 and 3.0. It will require modifications by the registered user before it can be compiled with Delphi 1.0. If you are developing only in a Delphi 1.0 environment, you may still want the starter kit as a source of order wizard design ideas.