This is the "ReadMe.txt" file distributed with MG-SOFT MIB Browser
Professional Edition with MIB Compiler Preview Release 4b.

Copyright (C) 1995, 1999 by MG-SOFT Corporation.
All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1. About MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition with MIB Compiler
2. What's new in this software release
3. Related products by MG-SOFT Corporation
4. Ordering the software
5. Warning: limitation of liability
6. Contacting MG-SOFT Corporation

1. About MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition with MIB Compiler

MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition with MIB Compiler is a SNMP 
MIB Browser running on Microsoft's 32-bit operating systems (Windows 95, 
Windows 98, Windows NT). MIB Browser lets you monitor and manage any 
SNMP device on the network (i.e. file or database servers, routers, 
hubs, switches, bridges,...) by using the standard SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c 
protocols. A new version supporting the SNMPv3 protocol will be released 
in April 1999. 

MIB Browser allows you performing the SNMP GET, SNMP GETNEXT, SNMP 
GETBULK and SNMP SET operations. Besides, the software lets you capture 
SNMP TRAP packets sent from arbitrary SNMP devices on the network. 

MIB Browser can monitor several SNMP devices simultaneously and contains 
features like SNMP Table viewer, logging capabilities, real-time 
graphical presentation of queried numerical values etc. 

The enclosed MIB Compiler lets you compile any vendor specific MIB file. 
Compiled MIB file can then be loaded and utilized by the MIB browser. 
Generally, a MIB file is usually supplied by the vendor of an SNMP 
manageable device and contains a description of the object hierarchy and 
object attributes on the managed device and serves as a roadmap for 
managing that device. 

2. What's new in this software release

The following is a list of major improvements in MG-SOFT MIB Browser
Professional Edition Preview Release 4b that were introduced since the
previously released version (Preview Release 3c):

 * All SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c operations supported (get, getNext, getBulk,
   set) and available from the right-click pop-up menu on a MIB tree node.
 * Uniform interface for specifying the SNMP parameters throughout
   the program.
 * Table View window for displaying SNMP tables.
 * MIB Groups tab for loading whole groups of MIB files with
   a single drag. MIB Groups are defined in MIB Compiler.
 * Configurable printout format in Query window, by using the
   Edit | Preferences | QueryResults Tab command.
 * Printing from the Query results window.
 * Copy the contents of the Info window, Table View window, Discovery
   window and Trap Ringer console to clipboard.
 * Improved Performance Graph window.
 * Saving and loading of Performance Graph configuration parameters.
 * Saving to file, copying to clipboard or printing the contents
   of the Performance Graph window.
 * Enhanced configuration and OID setup in Info windows.
 * Saving and loading of Info window configuration parameters.
 * Enhanced SNMP set feature. You can set a binary value for the
   following syntaxes NSAPADDR, BITS, OPAQUE, OCTETS by entering
   the "#" character followed by a list of ASCII codes. Example:
     "# 0x01 0x23 0x45"
   will set the binary value 0x012345.
 * Enhanced SNMP Trap Ringer console.
 * SNMPv3 ready (although SNMPv3 is not yet enabled in this

The following is a list of major improvements in MG-SOFT MIB Compiler
Version 2.50 since the previously released version (2.0):

 * Tip of the Day window displaying useful hints for optimal usage
   of MG-SOFT MIB Compiler.
 * MIB Groups windows with abilities to load a desired set of MIB
   modules and build a MIB tree consisting of them. The contents of
   a MIB Group window can be saved. An WinMIB-based application.
   utilizing this feature can load any pre-defined group of compiled
   MIB files.
 * Integrated MIB Editor windows for editing MIB module source files
   in the MIB Compiler GUI environment. Windows support syntax coloring,
   Undo/Redo, Find/Replace, bookmarking, ... MIB definitions can be
   compiled from Editor windows, by pressing the F7 key.
 * Scan for Database Files command allows you to re-register compiled
   MIB files after moving them from different folder or computer,
   without a need for re-compiling them.
 * Support for drag and drop feature for multiple MIB Modules.
 * Find operation in all relevant windows.
 * Toolbar customization.

3. Related products by MG-SOFT Corporation

* MG-SOFT SNMPv3 implementation (
* Net Inspector                 (
* SNMP Software Development Lab (
* MG-SOFT WinSNMP SDK           (
* MG-SOFT WinMIB SDK            (
* SNMP EasyAgent toolkit        (
* MG-SOFT MIB Compiler          (
* MONET LAN analyzer            (
* MONET SNMP analyzer           (
* MONET LAN analyzer LITE/LLC   (
* MONET LAN analyzer LITE       (
* WPDECO32 protocol decoder     (

Announcing new releases
Visit for the latest information
about the scheduled software releases and updates.

Evaluation software
Evaluation software is available for downloading from the following

For immediate software release notifications subscribe to our mailing
list at

4. Ordering the software

A secure on-line credit card order for various MG-SOFT products can
be placed through PsL, our agent located in Houston, TX, USA, by
starting at and following the
appropriate links.

You can also place your order by calling them to 800-242-4775 or
713-524-6394. Or by sending fax to 713-524-6398.

Please note that the above phone and fax numbers are located in Texas,
U.S.A. and that PsL is accepting telephone calls only between 6:00AM and
6:00PM Monday to Friday, except holidays.

The above phone numbers are for credit card orders only! MG-SOFT cannot
be reached at these numbers!

Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds,
registration options, product details, technical support, volume
discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, non-credit card orders, etc.,
must be directed to

To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify us the day of
your order and we will ship the product directly to you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When placing an order through PsL you have to list
also the following PsL product code numbers:

15349 for MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition w. MIB Compiler
14880 for MONET LAN analyzer LITE
15468 for MONET LAN analyzer LITE/LLC
14881 for MONET SNMP analyzer
14980 for MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples

Alternatively, you can place an order directly at MG-SOFT by filling
in the order forms provided in the software packages.

5. Warning: limitation of liability

MG-SOFT offers no warranty for the fitness of the Licensed Software for
any particular task, nor will MG-SOFT be liable for any loss of profits,
loss of data, or any incidental or consequential damage caused by the
use or misuse of Licensed Software.
MG-SOFT disclaims all liability and offers no customer remedy with
regard to the Licensed Software.


For more information please check the enclosed "LicenseAgrement.txt"

6. Contacting MG-SOFT Corporation

For the latest information about our products, check our WEB
site at URL or contact us directly.

You can subscribe to our mailing lists on-line by submitting the
application form at URL
If you don't have access to the Internet, let us know by e-mail
that you wish to subscribe and we will add you to the list of

Send all questions, suggestions, request for technical support
and bug reports to:

MG-SOFT Corporation          Phone  +386 62 2295050
Strossmayerjeva 32A          Fax    +386 62 222725
2000 Maribor                 E-mail
Slovenia                     Web URL
