This is the README.TXT file for the evaluation version of the MG-WinSNMP SDK V1.0b7 (dated: 22/March/1997). Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by MG-SOFT Corporation. All rights reserved. Thank you for using the evaluation version of the MG-WinSNMP SDK by MG-SOFT Corporation. The MG-WinSNMP SDK is a try before you buy package. Everybody has a right to download it and use it for the evaluation purposes and everybody has a right to try to develop his/her own software which uses the wsnmp32.dll library from the evaluation version of the MG-WinSNMP SDK. When the product is ready (either for using by the one who produced it or by the third customer), a required number of licenses has to be purchased. MG-WinSNMP library is available with various licensing options, both as a standalone product as well as a part of MG-SOFT's MG-WinSock Software Developers Lab software development kit. Please note that we are offering a special 10% discount from the listed license fees to our customers who purchase license agreement while MG-WinSNMP is still in the beta stage of development. ========================================================================== Table of contents ----------------- 1. About MG-WinSNMP SDK 2. MG-WinSNMP SDK features 3. Files included in this release 4. Related products by MG-SOFT Corporation 5. About Net Inspector 6. About MONET LAN analyzer 7. About SNMP LAN analyzer 8. About MONET LAN analyzer LITE 9. About WPDECO32 Protocol Decoder in DLL module 10. Ordering from Public (software) Library 11. Warning: limitation of liability 12. More information ========================================================================== 1. About MG-WinSNMP SDK ----------------------- MG-WinSNMP (wsnmp32.dll) is a 32-bit multithreaded DLL fully compliant with the Windows SNMP specification V1.1a Level 0 and Level 1. It provides a common Application Programming Interface to the Graphical User Interface and Console Applications running on Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT (both in the User mode and as NT Service). Programming guidelines ---------------------- Please use the publicly available Windows SNMP Version 1.1a specification as your main reference when developing WinSNMP based applications. You can download the Windows SNMP Version 1.1a specification document from Extensions to the WinSNMP specification that are available only in MG-SOFT's implementation are documented in the mibb32.hlp file. Besides, MG-WinSNMP SDK contains many sample applications with full source code in order to illustrate the usage of wsnmp32.dll library and can serve you as a good starting point for developing your software. We have also made available the MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples. You can order it directly from MG-SOFT Corporation or from Public software Library (when ordering from PsL please list the item number 14980). The price of the package is 65 US$. If you wish to receive it on a floppy through the postal mail, please add 10 US$ for S & H. Deliveries through e-mail are free of any additional charges. Examples included in the publicly available MG-WinSNMP SDK ---------------------------------------------------------- The latest evaluation version of the MG-WinSNMP SDK can be downloaded from the following site For the time being MG-WinSNMP SDK contains the following examples: * MIBB32.EXE SNMP MIB-walk form, ICMP PING form, winmib example,... [Delphi 2.0 GUI application]. * SNMPPING.EXE complete source code [C/C++ console application]. Examples included in the licensed version of the MG-WinSNMP SDK --------------------------------------------------------------- Licensed version of the MG-WinSNMP SDK contains the same source code examples as the publicly available MG-WinSNMP SDK. Besides that, the licensed version of the MG-WinSNMP SDK includes the debug version of the WSNMP32.DLL module. MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples ----------------------------------------- MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples package can be purchased from MG-SOFT Corporation. For the time being the following examples are included: * MIBB32.EXE info form source code [Delphi 2.0 GUI application]. * MIBB32.EXE discover form source code [Delphi 2.0 GUI application]. * TRINGER.EXE tray icon application for listening to the trap port, complete source code [Delphi 2.0 GUI application]. * SENDTRAP.EXE command line utility for sending SNMP traps [C/C++ console application]. * WSDYNLD.EXE complete source code on how to dynamically load the wsnmp32.dll module [C/C++ console application]. * MGBEEP.DLL complete source code example on how to extend Microsoft SNMP agent by using MG-WinSNMP [C/C++ dynamic link library]. * Coming soon: <one session/many agents polling example>, <MFC example>. MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples Professional Edition ------------------------------------------------------------- MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples Professional Edition contain all samples included in the MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples plus the following examples: * Complete source code example on how to create a Microsoft Windows NT system service based on MG-WinSNMP, including a simple polling service and MFC client program using named pipes for communication [C/C++ console application, MFC GUI application, Windows NT system services application]. For the MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples Professional Edition ordering information please contact Comments: --------- MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples and MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples Professional Edition are one year subscriptions. Please note that we ship updates only by e-mail so don't forget to provide your e-mail address when placing an order. Please check the site for the latest information about the contents of the MG-WinSNMP Source Code packs. ========================================================================== 2. MG-WinSNMP features ---------------------- * MG-WinSNMP SDK is fully compliant with Windows SNMP API as defined in the Windows SNMP Version 1.1a specification * Full WinSNMP Level 0 and Level 1 support. * Powerful debugging support. The debug version of wsnmp32.dll includes many levels of debugging modes in order to make the WinSNMP application development much easier and faster. * Multithread design. Internal data processing, network interface and local database interface are running in separate threads and therefore completely isolated from the main application and thus won't block any calling threads. * Thread-safe. Sessions can be simultaneously accessed from more than one thread, from any number of applications. Internal data is protected against simultaneous access, code is designed to prevent deadlocks. * (almost) unlimited number of SNMP sessions can be opened at the same time. * Coexistence with Microsoft SNMP based applications with ability to receive traps from SNMPTRAP service on Windows NT. * Inter-process SNMP trap dispatching to all registered applications. * MG-WinSNMP based applications can run as Windows NT Service as well as client applications in the Windows NT User mode. * Support for extending the Microsoft SNMP agent (both on Windows 95 and Windows NT). * The same MG-WinSNMP based application EXE runs on the following 32-bit platforms: Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0. * WinSNMP headers in Pascal for compilation in Borland Delphi 2.0 RAD environment. * MG-WinSNMP is VC4.*, BC 5.* and Delphi 2.0 compatible. * Sample WinSNMP applications with source code ready to compile: MIB browser utility with SNMP node discovery, Info windows, ICMP ping, SNMPPING, TRINGER (trap ringer), SENDTRAP,... ========================================================================== 3. Files included in this release --------------------------------- MG-WinSNMP V1.0 beta 7 Licensed release includes the following files placed in the following sub-directory structure: * Document files (located in the mgtools directory): readme.txt - this file snmpping.txt - information about SNMPPING utility bin\mibb32.hlp - MG-WinSNMP help file license.txt - licensing information, please read it warning.txt - important information, please read it * Common header files for building application using the wsnmp32.dll (located in the mgtools\include directory): winsnmp.h - C/C++ header file for WinSNMP API mgwsnmp.h - C/C++ header file for value added functions winsnmp.pas - PASCAL header file for WinSNMP API mgwsnmp.pas - PASCAL header file for value added functions wsnmpmib.h - C/C++ header file for WSNMPMIB API wsnmpmib.pas - PASCAL header file for WSNMPMIB API icmp.pas - PASCAL header file for Win95/NT ICMP.DLL module wsnmp32.def - WinSNMP module definition file mgwinmib.def - WinSNMPMIB module definition file mgtypes.h - C/C++ header file for MG-SOFT common types The original *.h and *.def files have been modified according to the Win32 requirements. All modifications are documented inside files. * Library files for linking an application with wsnmp32.dll (located in the mgtools\lib sub-directories): msvc4\wsnmp32.lib - Microsoft VC 4.* wsnmp32.dll library file msvc4\winmib32.lib - Microsoft VC 4.* WINMIB32.DLL library file bc5\wsnmp32.lib - Borland C++ 5.* wsnmp32.dll library file bc5\winmib32.lib - Borland C++ 5.* WINMIB32.DLL library file The user can build library files by using the LIB (Microsoft VC) or IMPLIB (Borland C++) utilities. * Source files for building the MIBB32.EXE sample application (located in the mgtools\samples\delphi\mibb32 directory): mibbrow.pas - mibb32 main application source file mibb32.dpr - Delphi 2.0 project file handshak.ico - application icon (taken from Delphi 2.0 images/icon) mibb32.res - resource file created by Borland's Delphi mibb32_1.res - resource file mibb32.dof - Delphi 2.0 project settings *.dfm - mibb32 Delphi form files * Pre-compiled Delphi units for building the MIBB32.EXE sample application (located in the mgtools\samples\delphi\mibb32\dcu directory): about.dcu - about component (pre-compiled) semaph.dcu - status bar semaphore component (pre-compiled) info.dcu - info form (pre-compiled) discover.dcu - discovery form (pre-compiled) * Source files for building the SNMPPING.EXE sample application (located in the mgtools\samples\cpp directory): snmpping\spingu.cpp - C++ source file for SNMPPING.EXE snmpping.ide - BC5 project file samples.mak - MSVC4 make file samples.mdp - MSVC4 project file * Pre-compiled sample applications and wsnmp32.dll binaries (located in the mgtools\bin directory): mibb32.exe - pre-compiled sample application MIBB32.EXE mibb32.hlp - MIBB32 help document tringer.exe - SNMP trap ringer application (tray icon application - not for Windows NT 3.51 !) snmpping.exe - SNMP ping utility (win32 console application) spingu.exe - SNMP ping utility (win32 unicode console application) snmpping.pif - PIF file for running snmpping in Windows environment mgbeep.dll - Microsoft Windows SNMP agent extension demo wstrap32.exe - Trap dispatching module wsnmp32.dll - MG-WinSNMP module, licensed version mgtree32.dll - Tree data structures handling module mgwsock.dll - WinSock 1.1 transport layer module winmib32.dll - MIB database handling module snmpmib.db - Pre-compiled MIB database ========================================================================== 4. Related products by MG-SOFT Corporation ------------------------------------------ Besides the MG-WinSNMP wsnmp32.dll module, MG-SOFT offers the following related products for networking software developers and network maintainers/troubleshooters: * Net Inspector (more info in Section 5 of this file) * MONET LAN analyzer (more info in Section 6 of this file) * MONET SNMP analyzer (more info in Section 7 of this file) * MONET LAN analyzer LITE (more info in Section 8 of this file) * WPDECO32 protocol decoder (more info in Section 9 of this file) * MG-WinSock Delphi 2.0 components (TCP client, TCP server, UDP client, UDP server). All components are designed as 32-bit multithreaded components to ensure easy development of stable networking software. The following bundled packages are available: * MG-WinSock Software Developers Workshop software development kit which contains: - MONET LAN analyzer LITE - MG-WinSock Delphi 2.0 components * MG-WinSock Software Developers Lab software development kit which contains: - MONET SNMP analyzer - MG-WinSock Delphi 2.0 components - MG-WinSNMP wsnmp32.dll module Currently under development: * MG-MailFeed - windows 95/NT software for sending SMTP e-mail to mailing list members. It contains powerful address list manager. * Lemond - Remote MONET LAN analyzer (incl. RMON module) * MAIR - cellular telephone network monitoring system * LAN telephone/conferencing system For more information about our products please check the web site at URL (from where you can download the latest evaluation/demo versions of our software packages) or contact us directly. ========================================================================== 5. About Net Inspector ---------------------- Net Inspector is a general remote management system running on MS Windows 95 and MS Windows NT platforms. It provides: * built-in framework for graphical presentation of managed devices * built-in event collecting, event logging and alarm dispatching mechanisms * API for developing PFS (proxy front-end server) plug-in modules Net Inspector platform can be used for managing devices running the SNMP agents or devices that support a proprietary management protocol. By developing the appropriate PFS plug-in module that supports given proprietary protocol, you can manage that type of device from the Net Inspector desktop. That means that it is possible to manage different types of devices on different types of networks, simultaneously from the same desktop. Graphical presentation ---------------------- Net Inspector offers an easy way for setting up a graphical presentation of network nodes on the network. This presentation is based on a principle of maps and sub maps. Devices and sub maps are presented as icons on a root map. Device icons are dynamic which means that they respond to a certain message by changing colors and thus indicating the status of nodes and devices on the map. Sub maps can be opened by clicking on the sub map icons. The map can also contain bitmaps, text and unknown objects. Event collecting, logging and alarming -------------------------------------- Net Inspector's Alarm Manager is a central system for collecting messages from managed devices and notifying the user about the changed status of the managed device. PFS plug-in modules ------------------- Functionality of Net Inspector depends on the number and type of installed PFS (proxy front-end server) plug-in modules that conform to the Net Inspector API. Net Inspector PFS API defines an interface between remote agents (devices that we want to manage) and Net Inspector. Communication between PFSs and agents can run on a media of your choice. You can use LAN, WAN, ISDN, PSTN, serial, wireless,... whatever. In other words, the PFS plug-in module should provide a gateway between the media/protocol of your choice and Net Inspector. Such architecture enables adding new types of managed devices without a need to change the Net Inspector software. Agents just have to be registered properly by calling API functions. Future extensions ----------------- * Extensions for delivering alarm messages via e-mail, pager and telephone. * Option which will enable to run Net Inspector as a service on the Windows NT platforms. * Client/server architecture for accessing Net Inspector. * Virtual objects for managing groups of network devices as a single object, e.g. a virtual object link can be defined by all nodes on the route of that link. * Graphical links between objects on the map. * ObjectBuilder API will provide a mechanism to visualize managed devices. For example, a device in Net Inspector is presented as an icon. By clicking that icon, the whole image of the device appears. By clicking a certain part of the device, Net Inspector will open a new window, where the user can have a closer look at the device detail, like which module doesn't work properly. Currently provided PFS Plug-in modules for Net Inspector -------------------------------------------------------- In the existing version of Net Inspector we provide the following PFS plug-in modules: * Echo module for pinging network devices with the UDP/ECHO protocol * MG-WinSNMP-based SNMP module for managing network devices with the SNMP protocol Download the Alpha version of Net Inspector NOW! ------------------------------------------------ You are welcome to download and evaluate the alpha version of Net Inspector, from the following URL Subscribe to our mailing lists ------------------------------ If you would like to be promptly notified about new releases of Net Inspector, please subscribe to our mailing list at the following URL ========================================================================== 6. About MONET LAN analyzer --------------------------- MONET LAN analyzer is a high-performance PC-based set of powerful tools for monitoring traffic on the local area network. It contains a wide variety of functions which offers a comprehensive support to network administrators, managers and troubleshooters as well as to networking software developers in many aspects of their activities. MONET LAN analyzer helps to increase productivity, to optimize network performance and to decrease network downtime. MONET LAN analyzer features --------------------------- Real time monitoring: Volume of the network traffic is displayed in many different manners. A wide range of parameters indicating network condition are computed in real time and periodically updated (utilization and traffic volume, time-stamps and delay times, average values, peak times and values, various error indicators,...). Powerful graphical presentation of monitoring statistics with export to the BMP file format. Protocol decoding: Support for packets encapsulated into IEEE 802.2 (LLC and SNAP), IEEE 802.3 (Novell IPX) and Ethernet II frames. Multi-level interpreters for all major LAN protocol families: AppleTalk, DECnet, IPX/SPX, NBeui, NCP (NetWare), NetBios, OSI/TP4, SMB, TCP/IP, SNMP, XNS,.... Traffic generation: Transmitting user-defined packets to the network for network testing purposes (triggering network events or loading network with heavy traffic to examine its behavior in critical conditions). Multi-level filtering: Two levels of capture filters and triggers, display filters, classifying filter structures,.... Filters are completely user-definable and 'point-and-click' easy to build. Many sample filters provided. System requirements: IBM PC/AT or compatible computer using Intel 386 or higher microprocessor, DOS V3.30 or higher operating system, XMS RAM extension (recommended 4 MB or more), XMS memory manager himem.sys. A wide range of LAN adapters is supported, either by MGD interface (MONET Genuine Driver) or through standard Packet driver V1.09 drivers. Pricing info: The actual price ranges from 900 US$ to 1800 US$, depending on the configuration the user wants to purchase. Demo version: MONET LAN analyzer DEMO version is a full featured software that runs on virtual net (you can't touch the real network). You can download the latest DEMO version from our web site at URL ========================================================================== 7. About MONET SNMP analyzer ---------------------------- MONET SNMP analyzer is a downsized version of the full version MONET LAN analyzer, tailored to suit the needs of a SNMP software developer. MONET SNMP analyzer has been designed as a powerful debugging utility for the IP/SNMP networking software developers. You can use it for tracing and capturing the IP/SNMP protocol network packets and examining their contents, thus you can effectively follow the conversation between agent and manager software modules that you are developing and are scattered across the network. MONET SNMP analyzer features ---------------------------- * Runs on PC computes under the DOS operating system. It uses the Packet driver V1.09 network interface. * Program can capture IP, ARP and RARP protocol packets. * Protocol decoder can decode the following protocols: - DLC encapsulation layer, - IP, ARP and RARP layers on top of DLC, - TCP, UDP and ICMP layers on top of IP and - SNMP and SNMP TRAP layers on top of UDP. * Everything else carried by UDP or TCP layers is decoded as data which permits easy following of the conversation between agents and managers that the user is developing. * The number of captured packets is limited only by the amount of available RAM. * You can use filters for focusing on certain group of network packets that you want to capture or analyze (filters are just as powerful as those in the full version of MONET LAN analyzer!). * You can assign names to the frequently used addresses (IP and MAC) so that reports are much easier to follow. * You can save captured packets to files for latter off-line analysis. * You can send reports to printer. MONET SNMP analyzer is available as a standalone product as well as bundled in MG-SOFT's MG-WinSock Software Developers Lab software development kit (by the time the SDL becomes available). The price of MONET SNMP analyzer is 120 US$. For the fastest delivery of the software you can purchase MONET SNMP analyzer from Public (software) Library. Software is shipped on a floppy. Besides the floppy we ship also the printed manual (172 pages). Registered users are eligible for full support. The evaluation version of MONET SNMP analyzer (MONET LAN analyzer LITE) is available from our web server at URL ========================================================================== 8. About MONET LAN analyzer LITE -------------------------------- MONET LAN analyzer LITE has been designed as a powerful debugging utility for the IP networking software developers. You can use it for tracing and capturing the IP protocol network packets and examining their contents, thus you can effectively follow the conversation between client and server software modules that you are developing and are scattered across the network. MONET LAN analyzer LITE is a downsized version of the full version MONET LAN analyzer, tailored to suit the needs of a general TCP/IP software developer. MONET LAN analyzer LITE features -------------------------------- * Runs on PC computes under the DOS operating system. It uses the Packet driver V1.09 network interface. * Program can capture IP, ARP and RARP protocol packets. * Protocol decoder can decode the following protocols: - DLC encapsulation layer, - IP, ARP and RARP layers on top of DLC and - TCP, UDP and ICMP layers on top of IP. * Everything carried by UDP or TCP layers is decoded as data which permits easy following of the conversation between clients and servers that the user is developing. * Evaluation version of MONET LAN analyzer LITE can keep in memory only a limited number of captured packets while limitations in the registered version will be imposed only by the amount of available RAM. * Registered version can filter network packets, both while capturing as well as in analyzing mode (off-line, when the user analyzes the contents of captured packets). * Registered version can save captured packets to files. * Registered version can generate reports and send them to files or printers. MONET LAN analyzer LITE is available as a standalone product as well as bundled in MG-SOFT's MG-WinSock Software Developers Workshop software development kit (by the time the SDW becomes available). MONET LAN analyzer LITE registration fee is 60 US$. For the fastest delivery of the software you can purchase MONET LAN analyzer LITE from Public (software) Library. Software is shipped on a floppy. Besides the floppy we ship also the printed manual (172 pages). Registered users are eligible for full support. The evaluation version of MONET LAN analyzer LITE is available from our web server at URL ========================================================================== 9. About WPDECO32 Protocol Decoder in DLL module ------------------------------------------------ The WPDECO32 Protocol Decoder in DLL Module lets you incorporate the protocol decoding abilities into your 32-bit MS-Windows applications. How to use the WPDECO32 Protocol Decoder ---------------------------------------- The idea is simple. You have a captured network packet. Along with some other parameters you supply the packet length and the pointer to that packet to the WPDECO32 protocol decoder. After the successful call you get a set of strings, each string representing a line of the decode. You can then display these strings in some output window of your application, send them to the printer etc. This means that adding a protocol decoding functionality to your applications is easier than ever before. The WPDECO32.DLL contains only one function which you have to call in order to produce the decoded network packet. Besides including a header file and calling the decodePacket() function with properly initialized parameters, there is no need for any initialization or cleanup of the decoder, everything is done automatically when the WPDECO32.DLL is loaded or unloaded by your application. The WPDECO32 SDK contains two sample applications in order to illustrate the usage: * DECODER GUI application written in Delphi 2.0 * DECODEMO console application written in C/C++ Both are coming with full source code so they can serve as a very good starting point for further software development. Anyhow, please note the information given in the WPDECO32.DLL Programmer's Reference (in help file supplied with the SDK)! Supported protocols ------------------- Currently WPDECO32.DLL supports the most popular LAN protocols (for the complete list please check the contents of the help file supplied with the SDK). Besides, MG-SOFT can produce a customized version of the protocol decoder according to your needs, including support for other protocols, packet encapsulations,... Please note that the evaluation version of the WPDECO32.DLL protocol decoder distributed in the evaluation version of WPDECO32 SDK supports the following protocol interpreters: * DLC, LLC and SNAP Ethernet encapsulation layers, * IP, ARP and RARP layers on top of the encapsulation layer and * TCP, UDP and ICMP layers on top of IP. * Everything else carried by the encapsulation, UDP and TCP protocol layers is decoded as data. Licensing options ----------------- The WPDECO32 SDK is a try before you buy package. Everybody has a right to download it and use it for the evaluation purposes and everybody has a right to try to develop his/her own software which uses our wpdeco32.dll library. But when the product is ready (either for using by the one who produced it or by the end user), a required number of licenses has to be purchased. Please contact MG-SOFT Corporation ( for more information about licensing options. Availability ------------ The latest information about WPDECO32.DLL is available at The latest version of the WPDECO32 SDK can be downloaded from ========================================================================== 10. Ordering from Public (software) Library ------------------------------------------- On-line orders from PsL ----------------------- You can order some of our products on-line from PsL by pointing your web browser to the given URLs: For MONET LAN analyzer LITE: (secure) (non-encrypted) (non-encrypted) For MONET SNMP analyzer: (secure) (non-encrypted) (non-encrypted) For MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples: (secure) (non-encrypted) (non-encrypted) Please note that URLs are case sensitive and that you have to copy them exactly as listed here. Credit card orders from PsL --------------------------- You can order MONET LAN analyzer LITE and MONET SNMP analyzer and MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples with MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover from Public (software) Library by: Phone 800-242-4775 or 713-524-6394 Fax 713-524-6398 CIS e-mail 71355,470 Internet e-mail Postal mail PsL, P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705, U.S.A. Please note that the above phone and fax numbers are located in Texas, U.S.A. and that PsL is accepting telephone calls only between 6:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday, except holidays. When placing an order, please list also the following product codes: 14880 for MONET LAN analyzer LITE 14881 for MONET SNMP analyzer 14980 for MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples Please note that the above phone numbers are for credit card orders only! Authors of MONET LAN analyzer LITE, MONET SNMP analyzer and MG-WinSNMP Additional Source Code Samples cannot be reached at these numbers! Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, non-credit card orders, etc., must be directed to To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify us the day of your order and we will ship the product directly to you. ========================================================================== 11. Warning: limitation of liability ------------------------------------ MG-SOFT does not warrant the fitness of this software for any particular task, nor will MG-SOFT be liable for any loss of profits, loss of data, or any incidental or consequential damage caused by the use or misuse of this software. ========================================================================== 12. More information -------------------- For more information about MG-WinSNMP and our other products, please check our WEB site at URL or contact us directly. You can subscribe to our mailing lists on-line by simply filling out the form at URL If you don't have access to the Internet, please let us know by email that you wish to subscribe and we will add you to the list of recipients. Please send all questions, suggestions and bug reports related to MG-WinSNMP and MIBB32 to our address: MG-SOFT Corporation Phone +386 62 2295050 Strossmayerjeva 32A Fax +386 62 222725 2000 Maribor E-mail Slovenia Web URL ==========================================================================