MediaLib allows to You create of application with extra cool interface. Over 20 components for fast creating multimadia and games application. - Region Forms and Panels with automation drawing bevels, borders and caption. - Buttons of any shape (don't picture), native Delphi code.- Buttons like MS Autorun programs (label with illumination), rendered in Design-Time.- Buttons like much multimedia and game's programs.- Panels with wallpers and shadows, button with sound and more. - Original component realizing morphing. Buttons and panels with imposed texture. - Panel with automatic rejection of the present shadow. - Any components for store sound and bitmap files in your form.- Bitmap Buttons. Price $33 US.

Registration Price $33 US. 
Full support Delphi 2 & 3 & 4 and C++ Builder 1 & 3. You may download trial version with EXE-demo.