Magnet & Glue component for Delphi and C++ Builder
Copyright (c) 1999, UtilMind Solutions. All Rights Reserved.

After dropping the TMagnet component onto the form, it will obtain several
additional properties, which outwards will looks like the forms of WinAmp 
player. Form will obtain the following properties:
 1. Ability to magnetize to other forms (on which there is the same TMagnet).
 2. Ability to magnetize to borders of the parent form or Desktop boundaries 
    (including in view an arrangement of system TrayBar)
 3. Ability to be glued to the magnetized forms and drag another forms at
 4. Ability to drag and drop form at client area.

Active - means, whether works a magnet;
Glue - whether the form move other forms at moving self;
Moveable - whether the form can move at dragging at the client area;
Power - area of gravitation (in pixels)
Priority - priority of magneting (what first - vertical magnetizing or
DoMagnet - recalculate magnetizm and to magnet to nearest forms

This component is distributed as Shareware. If you would like to use 
TMagnet in your applications, please register it for just $25 (US). Once you 
register this component, you will receive the complete source code, 
free support and possibility to upgrade TMagnet at no cost forever!
If you would like register this component, you can do it online in Internet 

For more information about this component please visit our website at or email us: