                     Light Menus Components
                          Version 1.0
                          June  1998

            (c) Copyright Evgeny A. Kryukov, 1998



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1. About Light Menus Compoents

2. Installation

3. Pricing

4. Registration 

5. Contact Information


1. About Light Menus Components
Various components for improvement of the standard menu


2. Installation

Light Menus Components not working in Delphi 1.x.

A. Installation for Delphi 2.0

1. Copy the files from the \LIB.D2 to your Delphi Lib directory
2. Run Delphi and select the COMPONENTS pull-down menu.  Then choose the
3. Click on the ADD button.  A dialog box will pop up.  Click on the BROWSE 
4. A standard file selection dialog will pop up.  Select the directory that 
contains the above mentioned files.  In the "List Files of Type" drop-down 
select lightmenus.dcu (lightmenus.dcu for trial version) files.
5. You should install lightmenu.dcu unit(s).
Now click OK in the Install Components dialog box.  Delphi's VCL will be 
B. Installation for Delphi 3.0
1. Copy the files from the \LIB.D3 to your Delphi Lib directory
2. Run Delphi and select the COMPONENTS pull-down menu.  
Then choose the item Install Packages...
3. Click on the ADD button.  A dialog box will pop up.  Click on the BROWSE 
4. A standard file selection dialog will pop up.  
  Select \LIB.D3\DLightMenus.dpl file(s)

C. Installation for C++ Builder 1.0
2. Copy the files from the \LIB.D2 (\LIB.CB\ for trial version)
to your C++ Builder Lib directory.
2. Run CBuilder and select the COMPONENTS pull-down menu.  Then choose the
3. Click on the ADD button.  A dialog box will pop up.  Click on the BROWSE 
4. A standard file selection dialog will pop up.  Select the directory 
that contains the above mentioned files.  In the "List Files of Type" drop-down 
select lightmenus.pas (lightmenus.obj for trial version) files.
5. Now click OK in the Install Components dialog box.  VCL will be 

B. Installation for Delphi 3.0
1. Copy the files from 
a) \LIB.CB3\BIN\ to your C++ Builder Bin directory;
b) \LIB.CB3\LIB\ to your C++ Builder Lib directory;
c) \LIB.CB3\LIB\OBJ to your C++ Builder Lib\Obj directory.
d) \LIB.CB3\INCLUDE\ to your C++ Builder INCLUDE\VCL\ directory;
2. Run Delphi and select the COMPONENTS pull-down menu.  
Then choose the item Install Packages...
3. Click on the ADD button.  A dialog box will pop up.  Click on the BROWSE 
4. A standard file selection dialog will pop up.  
Select \LIB.CB3\LIB\BLightMenus.bpl file(s)

3. Registaration Pricing

Light Menus Components for Delphi 
and C++ Builder comes with complete source code 
and demonstration program!

Price US $15

On-Line Registration - http://www.ita.eastsib.ru/registration.html

After registration I send by you PASSWORD to extract source code.

4. Registration

On-Line Registration 

Registration fee: $15

If you would like to register Light Menus, you can do the registration online on 
the Internet at http://www.shareit.com/programs/101537.htm. Alternatively, you can 
go to http://www.shareit.com and enter the program number there: 101537. 

If you do not have access to the Internet, you can register via phone, fax or 
postal mail. Please print out the following form, and fax or mail it to:

ShareIt! - Reimold&Schumann Internet Services
Habsburgerring 3
50674 Koeln

Phone: яяяяяяя +49-221-2407279 
Fax: +49-221-2407278
E-Mail:яяяяяяяя register@shareit.com

US customers may also order by calling 1-800-903-4152 (orders only please!). US check and 
cash orders can be sent to our US office at

ShareIt! Inc.
P.O. Box 97841 
Pittsburgh, PA 15227-0241

Registration form for Light Menus

Program No.: 101537

Last name: ___________________________________

First name: ____________________________________

Company: ____________________________________

Street and #: ______________________________________

City, State, postal code: ________________________________

Country: _______________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________

Fax: ________________________________________

E-Mail: ______________________________________

How would like to receive the registration key/full version?

e-mail - fax - postal mail

How would you like to pay the registration fee of $15:

credit card - wire transfer - EuroCheque - cash

Credit card information (if applicable)

Credit card: Visa - Eurocard/Mastercard - American Express - Diners Club

Card holder: ________________________________

Card No.: ___________________________________

Date of Expiration : ___________________________________

Date / Signature ___________________________

5. Contact Information
