This program was first written as a help for learning and understanding the FFT properties. The next version has been upgraded to provide charting capabilites and analysis of real world signals. The supported functions cover the practical and theoretical field. The program requirements are:

* Windows 95.
* 1800 kB disk space.
* To install unzip and run setup.
* This is shareware. (on-line registration)
* distribution is free
* Author's Email:

FFT Properties 2.0 features:

1. Two displays: Time signal, Frequency Spectrum.
2. Power Spectrum
3. RMS Spectrum
4. Phase Spectrum
5. Three input signals support.
6. Separate adjustment of DC, Phase, Frequency and Amplitude.
7. Real time emulation. (Smooth animation)
8. Log/Lin Scale.
9. Static/Dynamic Scale.
10. Single/dual screen display.
11. Import of signals from files.
12  Export of signals to files.
13. Export of charts to: BMP, WMF, JPG. To clipboard and Files.
14. Zoom and panning.
15. Logarithmic amplitude and frequency.
16. Put picture behind the chart.
17. Background of chart can have gradient.
18. 3D free space Waterfall.
19. Three ways of scalling.
20. Averaging: linear and exponential infinite.
21. Separate configuration of charts for screen and paper.
22. Serial printing and page layout. Put 1,2,3,4 charts on signal page.
23. Tutorial on basics of frequency spectrum interpretation.
24. Configurable sample time and samples number (Sampling frequency)
25. Marking of peaks.
26. Completely serialized and automatic signal procesing and printing.
27. Chart templates. 

Signal generator:

* Sinus
* Impuls
* Triangle
* Square
* Transient
* Multiplication

FFT Windows

* Rectangular
* Hamming
* Hanning
* Blackman
* Exponent Down.

The following phenomena can be observed:

* FFT and signal type.
* FFT and Window type. 
* Amplitude accuracy at different Windows.
* Frequency accuracy at different Windows.
* Power and RMS Amplitude towards normal.
* Phase spectrum and Windows.
* Beatting of Amplitude in real time.
* The effect of DC and relation of DC towards signal average.
* FFT aliasing.
* Time signal aliasing. (Sampling)
* The effect of convolution: time signal and rectangular window. ZOOM-ed in FFT. (FFT oversampling.) with help of zero padding.
* The effect of non-integer number of periods per Window. (In amplitude and Phase)
* Higher harmonics and aliasing.
* Sum and difference frequencies.