TCrossTAB,TCrossSQL,TCrossReport components - Release 2.3 for DELPHI2.0 
V2.3 for Delphi1.0 is also available. Please get ''.

. TCrossTab,TCrossSQL,TCrossReport is a native VCL Delphi component designed
  to display the results of a multi-dimension cross or categorization
  of data contained in a database.

. The component, TCrossTab deals with a single database table.

. The component TCrossSQL uses a user-defined SQL statement as its data 
  "feed". The user must know how to issue a reasonable SQL in order to 
  get reasonable results.

. The component TCrossReport is the easiest way to generate a quick 
  cross table report.

. During run time, TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport permit the use of "drag and drop"
  to change the arrangement of "crossing fields" in order to see different
  views of the results. 
. Run time methods and events are provided for customizing crossing
  results, exporting the results, etc.

. files included.
	CROSSREG.DCU	-- binary file for registering component.
	CROSSREG.DCR	-- icons for TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport 
	CROSS.DCU	-- binary file of TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport.
	CROSSRPT.DCU	-- binary file of TCrossReport.
	EDITCF.DCU	-- binary file of the property editor.
	EDITCF.DFM  	-- form file for the property editor.
	EDITCFS.DCU	-- binary file of the property editor.
	EDITCFS.DFM  	-- form file for the property editor.
	order.txt	-- order instructions for 
	readme.txt	-- this file.
	release.txt	-- show the main feature for current release.
	cross.hlp	-- text sensitive help file.
	demo.exe	-- demo program.
	ectsales.db	-- sample Paradox data table for demo program.

. In order to run the demo program:
  copy the sample database 'ectsales.db' to the 'DBDEMOS' directory of your
  delphi environment.
  run demo.exe
  The source code of demo.exe are available on requested.

  . Copy the following files 
    to an appropriate target directory (usually, ..\delphi\lib).

  . From Delphi's menu, invoke INSTALL COMPONENTS and add the 
    component, CROSSREG.DCU.

  . TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport components will appear on the 
    Crosstab pallet.

  For more details of how to install components, please see DELPHI Menu.


. The shareware version of TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport is a fully runable 
  version and   is not "crippled" in any way. After installation, the 
  user can use these components freely. Two properties, Serial and 
  Confirm, are provided for each component have to be set in order to make 
  this component works at run time. If user would like to try this
  components at run time, please send a email to
  to get a FREE trial 'Serial and Comfirm' number set.
  For the FREE trial 'Serial and Confirm' number set, a prompt dialog will
  appear when the component is running. Just click the OK button and the
  component will function properly.

. Once the user has fully evaluated this product and is satisfied with 
  the functionality of the components, he/she should order a pair of 
  "Serial and Confirm" numbers for each machine on which the components 
  will be installed. After the user has set the Serial and Confirm 
  properties to the values provided, the dialog  will not be shown at 
  run time.

See order.txt for the price schedule and instructions on ordering
Serial and Confirm numbers.

License Agreement

. The "Serial and Confirm" numbers may not be redistributed. All other
  software can be freely distributed.

. Registered users are entitled to unlimited, royalty-free distribution of 
  all .EXE programs developed with TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport.

Upgrade Policy

. The source code of 'TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport' is not currently ready 
  for distribution. Once it becomes available, all registered users will 
  be notified.

. All future minor releases, including bug fixes, minor enhancement, etc.,
  will be free of charge to registered users.

. All future major releases, which include major enhancement features,
  will be made available at a reduced fee to registered users.


Users of 'TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport' must accept this disclaimer of 
. 'TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport' is supplied as is.
. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential,
  which may result from the use of TCrossTab/TCrossSQL/TCrossReport."
. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including,
  without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for
  any purpose.

Technical Support
For any questions, bug reports, and enhancement requests please send E-Mail to

or mail to:

	Path Corp. 
	1909 Breezy Ridge Trail
	Knoxville, TN 37922

DELPHI is a trademark of Borland.