About TBookmarks 1.0 component

The TBookmarks component provides a quick, easy and transparent
access to Netscape Navigator/Netscape Communicator Bookmarks and
Microsoft Internet Explorer Favorites.

All Bookmarks/Favorites will appear under desired Menu Item.
No coding required.

This is version 1.0. I plan to improve it in nearest future.
If you would have any idea about new features or encounter
bugs, please write me.

My e-mail is: arny@saransk.sitek.net

Netscape Navigator 2.0, 3.0 and subversions.
Netscape Communicator 4.0 and subversions.
MS Internet Explorer 3.0, 4.0 and subversions.


Unzip all files to a directory of your choice.

Delphi 2.0:
Go to Component/Install. Click Add button. Click browse and
select Bookmarks.dcu from Delphi2 directory. Click OK. Your
library will be rebuilt now.

Delphi 3.0:
Go to Component/Install Component. Click browse and select
Bookmarks.dcu from Delphi3 directory. Select desired package
to install to. Click OK. Now Compile package.

The installed TBookmarks component will appear under Internet tab.

How to use

Place TBookmarks component on form. Add a Menu Item in any
desired Popup or Main menu. Select in Menu property desired
Menu Item. Change Enabled property to True if you want to
update Bookmarks menu when your program starts.

When Enabled, TBookmarks component will create necessary
Menu Items under selected menu. Every Menu Item will
have caption with the name of either Folder or Bookmark.
For every Bookmark (not Folder), it's Hint property will be
changed to URL. Using it, you will be able to show URL
in status bar or any other place.

The OnURL event will be fired when a user selects any Bookmark
in menu. Sender value will point to TBookmarks component,
URL property will contain full URL (starting with 'http://')
which corresponds selected Bookmark.

All properties could be changed in run-time. For example,
if you want to reread Bookmarks while your program is
running, you may change Enabled property of TBookmarks
component to False and then to True again.


How to register

The TBookmarks component contained herein is for evaluation purposes
only.  When the component is executed not within Delphi environment,
a message box will be displayed and component will not work. The only
way  to  remove  this  message  box  and  make  TBookmarks work in any
comditions is to register the component.

When registered, you will receive a licensed version of the component
and full source code. Furthermore, you will receive updates and
notification of new versions.

To register, please write me to arny@saransk.sitek.net. Component price
is US $10. I will send you Web page address where online registration
will be available.

Oleg Chernavin.
E-mail: arny@saransk.sitek.net