QReport Artist the report designer for QReport. 
No new interface to learn it's as then Delphi IDE.

  Multiple open reports
  DataModules. Each report can use multiple Datamodules
  Runtime loader available in seperate downloadable file. See my homepage.
  Print and Preview right from within the QReport Artist IDE.
  DataSelections window. To select data to be printed.
  Multi Language right from the IDE
See help file for more detailed information.

TO INSTALL copy the following files to one directory

Artist.EXE, Layout.*, Artist.HLP and Artist.CNT
The other files could be placed in other directorys.

Adress               *
Andre Mens           *
Bennekens 10         *
4724 CT WOUW         *
The Nederlands.      *

For the latest information look at my home page


or the old homepage


if you find a Bug in QReport Artist please let me know.

mensand@wxs.nl            read every day
sanne@westbrabant.net     read every day
mensand@hetnet.nl         Backup only if problems with 
                          1st service provider keep for more the one day