TAdvStringGrid 1.88 : Apr 10, 2000

 Copyright © 1996-2000 by TMS Software
 E-mail: info@tmssoftware.com
 Web : http://www.tmssoftware.com

Delphi 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 - C++Builder 1.0/3.0/4.0/5.0 stringgrid with added features :

Files :
  advgrid1.zip : component files for Delphi 1.0 
  advgrid2.zip : component files for Delphi 2.0
  advgrid3.zip : component files for Delphi 3.0
  advgrid4.zip : component files for Delphi 4.0
  advgrid5.zip : component files for Delphi 5.0
  advgrdc1.zip : component files for C++Builder 1.0
  advgrdc3.zip : component files for C++Builder 3.0
  advgrdc4.zip : component files for C++Builder 4.0
  advgrdc5.zip : component files for C++Builder 5.0
  asgddemo.zip : demo with source code for Delphi 3,4,5
                 can be used in Delphi 2 after ignoring errors while loading
  asgcdemo.zip : demo with source code for C++Builder 4,5
                 can be used in C++Builder 1,3 after ignoring errors while loading

Release 1.88 :

 insert / delete rows & colums
 save / load to file
 save / load to stream
 save / load to CSV file
 save / load to XLS file (not supported in Delphi 1)
 copy / paste to clipboard + intelligent automatic series expansion, duplication
 save to HTML
 save to Word DOC file
 save to formatted text
 cell alignment, cell color, cell font color, read-only cells
 automatic printing with optional title, pagenumber, date, time, border,
                         cell fonts, colors, custom drawing, fit to page, cell border
 automatic column/row sizing
 column sorting + full sort when clicking on column header + arrow indication (like Internet mail)
 automatic goto cell based on sorted column when key pressed
 event handler for setting hint of each cell
 automatic selection of next cell after edit
 insert / delete key to insert or delete  rows
 automatic resizing with parent form
 automatic text display appended with '...' when text does not fit in column
 automatic saving of user resized columns in registry or INI file
 proportional scrollbars, flat scrollbars
 hide / unhide columns
 search capabilities with options for case sensitive, full/partial, regular expressions
 bitmaps, icons, imagelist elements, pictures
 fixed rows at bottom or right side of grid
 intellimouse support for scroll, zoom & pan (with MSWHEEL component)
 enhanced inplace editor with left & right aligned input
 shows URLs and starts apps on mouseclick
 inplace editors : combobox, spinedit, ellipsedit, datepicker, checkbox,
                   buttons, autolookup edits, numeric edit, float edit,
                   capital edit, mixedcase edit, radiobutton
 enhanced mouse actions to select columns and rows
 enhanced column and row dragging
 free rotated text
 disjunct row selection in rowselect mode
 OLE drag & drop source + target
 enable/disable column sizing per column (Delphi 4 only)
 Rich text display capability
 Tiled or fixed positioned background image
 Group / Ungroup methods and grouped sorting
 Multi-column filtering
 HTML formatted cells

Feature Revision history :

 0.95  : clipboard max. datatransfer size in Delphi 1.0 increased to 64Kb
 0.96  : grid resizes with parent form
 0.97  : automatic text append with ... in string too long for column
 0.98  : centered printouts
         save & load of column sizes in registry / INI file
         enhanced print preview
         print selected rectangle of grid only
 0.99  : enhanced display of sort triangle indicator
         load from XLS and CSV file
         enhanced clipboard paste function
         new property to control sorting fixed columns
         proportional scrollbars
 0.995 : hide /unhide columns
 0.996 : save /load to stream
 0.997 : enhanced printing of grid with more columns than fitable on a page
 0.998 : findfirst, findnext (optional case senstive, full/partial, regular expression)
 0.998b: enhancements to print, sorting saves col/row of grid, colors saved in HTML output
 0.998c: C++Builder 1.0 support
 0.999 : enhanced handling of multiline text for edit, print, save
 1.0   : events for cell click and dblclick, read-only cells
 1.1   : onvalidate event handler for cell validation + minor
         fixes for hidden columns & searching
 1.2   : added icons, bitmaps, imagelist elements
         added fixed rows at bottom of grid
         fixed glitch for printout of multiline cells
 1.3   : added fixed columns at right side of grid
         added changing delimiter for ASCII import/export
         added page orientation and page nr prefix changing for printing
         fixed glitch for handling graphics when inserting/deleting rows/cols
 1.31  : added font control for each cell for printing, enhanced navigation, sizing while editing
 1.32  : fixed print problem with changed fonts
 1.33  : enable/disable prop. scrollbars, selectable cell contents for hints
 1.34  : fixed mixing of graphics and other user defined objects
 1.35  : enablegraphics property let users add non-object datatypes to objects[] property
 1.36  : variable auto or fixed row and column size
 1.37  : printpreview of selectable rectangle, automatic stretched rightmost column
 1.38  : case and not case sensitive sorting + sort on short date in EU and US format
 1.39  : added property AutoGotoWhenSorted to allow jumping to row on keypress in sorted column
 1.40  : intellimouse scroll,zoom & pan if MSWHEEL is installed on form
 1.41  : enhanced inplace editor with left & right aligned input
         fixed selectcell & click event handler problem
 1.42  : much faster Excell output, C++Builder compile problem solved
 1.43  : added AppendToCSV, InsertFromCSV, SaveFixedCells property
         + some bug fixes
 1.44  : formatted text output 
 1.45  : shows URLs and handles URL mouseclicks + improved SaveToFile
 1.46  : added custom sorting capability
 1.50b1: inplace editors : combobox, datepicker, ellipsedit, spinedit, checkbox
 1.50b2: improvements to save/load CSV, hideselection function, drawing & in cells, ..
 1.50b3: bug fixes for saving to CSV
 1.50b4: bug fixes for printing, columnstretch, improved performance
 1.50  : added auto wordwrapping, minor bug fixes
 1.51  : automatic cell advancing when masked edit input completed and ssFinancial sorting method
 1.52  : fix ownerdraw cells for Delphi 1 + fix ssFinancial sorting style
 1.53  : enhanced mouse actions to select columns, rows.
 1.55  : COMCTL32 version checking, enhanced print preview, enhance date/time inplace editor
 1.56  : new mouse action : immediate caretpositioning on mouseclicks
 1.57  : set search direction top/down - left/right
 1.58  : automatic caret positioning for cell-editor.
 1.59  : enhanced printing with properties for HeaderFont, FooterFont, repeated
         fixed columns & rows
 1.60  : C++Builder 3.0 support
 1.61  : Improved find routines, small bug fixes, new sorting capabilities
 1.62  : Extra functions to hide/unhide multiple columns
         Added mailto: for URL handling + possibility to edit URL's
         Improved printing + improved implace editors
         Properties to set color of selected cells + border
 1.63  : Improved color printing, bug fixes for cursor handling
         mailto protocol handling when URL enabled, right-click cell event
         direct inplace editor show when mouse click
 1.64  : improved printing of multiline text
         transparent selection of cells
         improved support for local currence formatting
 1.65  : Improved save/load to XLS file
         fixed CanEditCell related problem
 1.66  : Added properties to set column headers and row headers at design time
         New event handler to force new page after custom line
         New edButton inplace control type
 1.70  : enhanced row and column dragging
         improved CSV and XLS input (now uses all used XLS cells)
         autolookup edit controls
         rowspacing property for printing added
 1.71  : improved editbtn handling
         top/center/bottom alignment for single line cells
         improved lookup editing
 1.72  : improved editbtn
         added lookuphistory
         improved cell display routine
         Delphi 4 support
 1.73  : Fit to page printing support added
         Ctl3D property handling improved
         Various small fixed
 1.74  : intermediate test release
 1.75  : enhanced stretch rightcolumn
         enhanced auto-advance when enter (first enter selects proper cell)
         enhanced SizeWhileTyping : works vertically + horizontally
         added autosizerow, autosizerows functions
         added editor type edDataCheckBox, ie checkbox that represents data in the cells
         and indicates checked or not checked depending on CheckTrue, CheckFalse properties
         improved combobox editor with lookup & history possibilities
         extra properties to get grid/column print sizes during OnPrintPage
 1.76  : free rotated text in any cell
         disjunt row selection in rowselect mode
         improved implace edit controls
         spinedit exposed to set minvalue and maxvalue
         improved printing with new border styles
         fix for sorting last column
 1.77  : new flat/encarta style proportional scrollbars
         new property to enable/disable disjunct row selection
         new property to control auto insert before/after of rows
         new event handler : OnPrintSetColumnWidth to set each column width for printing
         improved enhanced column/row moving
 1.78  : improved access to cells as Ints[]
         improved support for copy & paste multiline cells with ExcelClipboardFormat property
         new inplace editors : edNumeric,edFloat,edCapital,edMixedCase
         improved printing
         improved editing : Navigation property extended : AlwaysEdit + ImproveMaskSel
         improved sort indicators
 1.79  : Exposed BtnEdit inplace editor. Allows access to its new ButtonCaption & Glyph property
         OnSpinClick event handler
         OnComboChange event handler
         OnCheckBoxClick event handler
         IsSelected function
         OLE drop target & OLE drop source
         Chained hint handling solved when multiple grids are used on a form
         Autosizerow in wordwrap mode problem solved
         Improved multiline CSV save & load functions + OEM character support
 1.80  : Sorting when using different rowheights is solved
         Improved Autosizerows in wordwrap mode
         Rich text display capability
         Improved printing and printpreview, new OnPrintStart routine
         Improved checkbox handling
         New pagenumsep property in PrintSettings
         New print border style : pbAroundVertical,pbAroundHorizontal
         New public property PreviewPage for preview
         Edit box has same background color as grid
         ReadOnly property for EditBtn
         Disable columnsizing per column
1.81   : AutoGotoIncremental in Navigation
         RichEdit exposed
         RemoveComboString/SetComboSelectionString function
         New dataimage type
         GetBitmap function
         FixedColWidth, FixedRowHeight property
         Column/Row sizing design helper hint
         Improved checkbox positioning
         New ClearRowSelect method
         New DateFormat property in PrintSettings to control formatting of printed date
         New PageSuffix property in PrintSettings to set suffix for page nr.
         New functions BeginUpdate/EndUpdate to control repaints during lengthy operations
         New property to control OEM character conversion for LoadFromCSV,SaveToCSV
         Improved DisjunctRowSelect
         Improved RepeatFixedRows usage (also prints fixed row when using PrintRect)
         Improved implace button control
         New dynamic scroll hint
         New sortup / sortdown glyph
         New wallpaper property
         Improved cell validating
         Improved vertical autosizing
         New OnEndColumnSize event handler
1.82   : Improved incremental & case insensitive search
         Improved AutoRowSize in wordwrap mode
         Improved button inplace editor
         Improved header & footer printing
         Improved AutoSizeCol, AutoSizeColumns with rich text
         Horizontal scrollhints added
         Support for hidden rows
         New property PrintNrOfPages : nr. of pages required for printing the grid
         ColumnHeaders, RowHeaders improved update in grid
         Radiobutton inplace editors
         Auto numeric align
         NormalEdit control exposed
         New Fixedfont property
         Improved editing with hidden columns
         New public property PrintPageRect
         Intelligent clipboard functionality
         LoadFromXLS improvement, SaveToXLS improved for multiline text, hidden columns
         SaveToDOC method added
         Improved rich text support
         Intelligent CSV input with delimiter = #0, tries to find delimiter itself
         OnGetCellPrintBorder event added to specify border of each cell during print
         OnPrintSetRowHeight event added to override default row height for printing
1.83   : New SelectionRTFKeep property to control RTF display of selected cells
         New MoveRowOnSort property in Navigation
         JavaCSV property added
         OnGetCellBorder,OnGetCellPrintBorder added
         Arrow indication on move column, move row
         RichEdit extended to TAdvRichEdit with added SelSuperscript, SelSubscript
         RichEdit printing
         New fixed cells through OnIsFixedCell event
         Improved Navigation in AdvanceonEnter mode with jump over read-only cells
         Improved EditBtn, SpinEdit borderless inplace editors
         SpinEdit.EditorEnabled public property added
         New Background property replaces WallPaper property
         RTF clipboard functions
         AddMultiImage method added
         LoadFromFixed method added
         HTMLSettings property added
         SaveToXML method added
         New sortfull property
         Rich text OLE drag'n'drop
         Grouped sorting / Group / Ungroup / GroupColumn property added
         Improved disjunct row select / RowSelectCount property added
         BeginUpdate / EndUpdate methods added
1.84   : New TitleSpacing property in PrintSettings
         New TitleLines property in PrintSettings for multiline print titles
         New AutoComboDropSize property in Navigation
         Improvements for usage in DLLs, MDI applications
         Improved OnCellValidate function
         New method UnhideRowsAll
         Improved autosizerows with hidden columns
1.85   : New menu property editors LoadFromCSV & Clear
         Column sizing on double click in size region (like listview)
         SaveToCSV : no longer outputs " " when text contains comma, only when it contains the delimiter
         Improved SaveToFile for RTF text
         Added methods SaveColSizes, LoadColSizes + support for runtime created grids
         Added methods SavePrintSettings, LoadPrintSettings
         Improved SaveToXLS
         Improved column size handling for hidden columns
         New method UnHideColumnsAll
         SaveFixedCells is now also used for SaveToXLS, LoadFromXLS
         New inplace editor UnitEditBtn
         Custom sorting order through property SortIndexes & QSortIndexed method
         Printing graphics supported
         New property OriginalCellValue
1.86   : New properties RealRow, RealCol
         fnIncludeFixed,fnAutoGoto style added
         SaveToDoc improved
         Improved hidden column behaviour with inplace editors
         Caretpositioning works for comboboxes now as well
         Improved paste function within a cell
         Improved handling of vk_up / vk_down in multiline cells
         Improved onexit / onenter with special inplace editors
         Improved Lookup, LookupCaseSensitive added
         SaveToXML declaration change to TStrings
         New sorting styles : ssAnsiAlphaCase, ssAnsiAlphaNoCase, ssRaw,ssHTML
         Improved automatic sort style guess
         Password cells, PasswordChar property
         Mini-HTML engine support added
         OnAnchorClick event
         New method : AutoSizeCells
         New methods : SelectRange, SelectRows, SelectCols
         New methods : DisplColIndex, DisplRowIndex
         New events : OnRowChanging, OnColChanging, OnCellChanging
         New inplace editor : edDateEditUpDown
         Improved flat time / date inplace editors
         Improved vertical radiobutton display
         Multiline column & row header support through \n
         Added capability to save column widths into INI file
         Proportional column sizing
         Matching / finds based on numeric data
         StrippedCells property
         Multicolumn filtering
1.87   : Events for copy/paste/cut + allow
         Progress control
         Cell Comment (like Excel)
         File progress event for normal file and CSV file operations
         Faster file loading
         Fixed cells can be buttons
         ShowSelection property added
         HideFocusRect property added
         New ssImages sorting style
         Faster grouping, filtering, row hiding
         New Floats property and FloatFormat
         New methods : ColumnSum, RowSum
1.88   : C++Builder 5 support added
         added ColumnAvg, ColumnMin, ColumnMax, RowAvg, RowMin, RowMax
         added fnMatchStart in Findparameters
         New methods : GroupSum, GroupAvg, GroupMin, GroupMax
         New events : OnCheckBoxMouseUp, OnRadioMouseUp
         New inplace editors : edFloatSpinEdit, edTimeSpinEdit, edDateSpinEdit
         DirectComboDrop property added in MouseActions
         ScrollInView method added
         edPositiveNumeric edit style added
         cell://rXXcXX anchor handled to allow navigation from cell to cell 
         ctPicture and ctFilePicture cell graphics
         SortNormalCellsOnly property added
         HideInplaceEdit method added
         CreatePicture, CreateFilePicture, CreateBitmap, CreateIcon functions added
         AllColumnSize, AllRowSize properties in MouseActions added
         SaveToFixed method improved
         faster display
         solved hint on cell with hidden cols
         bidimode issue solved
         ColumnSum, RowSum improved
         Lookupcombo behaviour improved
         clipboard events improved
         Faster clipboard paste

License :
This component is free for use in non-commercial applications, that is
any software that is not being sold in one or another way or that does
not generate income in any way by the use of the application.
The component cannot be distributed in any other way except through free
accessible Internet Web pages or ftp servers. The component can only
be distributed on CD-ROM or other media with written autorization of the
Online registration for TAdvStringGrid is available through the ShareIt
service at http://www.shareit.com/programs/100838.htm.
Alternatively, you can go to http://www.shareit.com and enter the program
number there: 100838.

Source code & license is sent immediately upon receipt of check or
registration by email. Payment grants users the right for a full version
cycle source code updates.

Help, hints, tips, bug reports :
Send any remarks to : info@tmssoftware.com
Please clearly state which Delphi or C++Builder version you are using
and which version of the component you are using. In case of doubt,
download the latest version first at http://www.tmssoftware.com
When installing newer versions of the component, make sure to update
all your form files that used the previous version of TAdvStringGrid
before recompiling your application to make sure all new properties
are available. You can update the form file by opening it, ignoring
remarks about new properties and save the form. 

Additional demos :
Available at : http://www.tmssoftware.com

example application 1 : printing with TAdvStringGrid
example application 2 : setting colors with TAdvStringGrid
example application 3 : navigation in TAdvStringGrid
example application 4 : general demo of TAdvStringGrid
example application 5 : comboboxes, lookupediting & imagelist images in TAdvStringGrid.
example application 6 : sorting, including custom sorting in TAdvStringGrid
example application 7 : C++Builder demo showing setting of cell color, alignment and sorting styles.
example application 8 : rich text capabilities in TAdvStringGrid
example application 9 : using bitmaps for printing headers & footers
example application 10 : demonstration of some new v1.81 features
example application 11 : using nodes to expand/contract rows
example application 12 : radiobutton inplace editors
example application 13 : combining TAdvStringGrid and TWebData to build a stock quote downloader
example application 14 : grouping with TAdvStringGrid
example application 15 : rich text drag & drop and printing, custom borders sample
example application 16 : using the printsettings & printpreview dialogs
example application 17 : loading data in the grid through ADO
example application 18 : using custom sort sequences
example application 19 : using the new edUnitEditBtn for split physical value editing in C++Builder 
example application 20 : using the new HTML formatting capabilities 
example application 21 : C++Builder version of the main demo 
example application 22 : using the new filtering capabilities 
example application 23 : a picture viewer with TAdvStringGrid