<html> <body> <H2>ORDER a CU-SeeMe T-SHIRT FROM CORNELL UNIVERSITY</H2> T-shirts with the CU-SeeMe logo prominently displayed on the front of the shirt in full color are available from Cornell. (You can see the idea in full color if you ftp to CU-SeeMe.cornell.edu in pub/CU-SeeMe and select the logo (a GIF file).)<p> For those of you not able to do this a verbal description follows- The faces on the logo appear in two colors on a square black field with CU-SeeMe Desktop Videoconferencing from Cornell University in a deep blue print. T-shirts come in <EM>Natural</EM> and <EM>"Cornell Red"</EM>.<p> <H4>HOW TO ORDER</H4> To order your CU-SeeMe T-Shirt from Cornell University please fill out this order form and send with a check for the total cost to Cornell University. Shirt orders are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Sorry, we cannot accept cash payments at this time.<p> COLOR: "Cornell Red" or Natural / SIZE: Large or X-Large / OUANTITY<br> 1. COLOR______________________ SIZE____________________________________________<br> 2. COLOR______________________ SIZE____________________________________________<br> 3. COLOR______________________ SIZE____________________________________________<br> 4. COLOR______________________ SIZE_____________________________________________<br> COST PER SHIRT $ 14.00<br> Total shirts ordered x<br> ____________________________ Check Total $<br> Name__________________________________________________<br> Organization___________________________________________<br> Street_________________________________________________<br> City_____________________________ State_____Zip________<br> Telephone_____________________Fax_____________________<br> Email_________________________________________________<br> YES. I have enclosed my check made out to Cornell University . Send checks and CU-SeeMe T-Shirt orders to: Cornell Information Technologies, Network Resources , Surge III, Room 150, Judd Falls Road, Ithaca, New York 14853-1044. Allow 2 weeks from email confirmation for delivery.<p> Thank you for your order!<br> <A HREF="welcome.html"><IMG ALIGN=bottom SRC="homelogo.gif"> <ALT="Go Home"></A> <br><br>Last updated May 4, 1995. </body> </html>