Last Updated on January 9th, 1996
Direct any questions/comments to        

See 00index.txt for full file list


BMSTR14.ZIP	Board Master v1.4 (c)1995,1996 Heavenware Software
		Fun filled BBS simulation door game designed to let
		your users try their hand at being a sysop. Supports
		most door drop formats Game Rating: PG

DRAKE1_0.ZIP	Drakeville V1.0 An exiting RPG multi-node door game.
		IGM support, ansi bull and much more. Who will be 
		the first to kill MALAKY!

FVOTE_26.ZIP	FrEevOtE FREEWARE voting door v2.6 Up to 400 polls 
		and LOTSA features like users add questions,  forced
		voting on new, up to 15 answers per question, answers
		can be added can delete old questions! Allows user to
		choose more than one answer if the question creator
		allows it.  Anonymous posting! Made to compare and 
		beat other Voting doors you had to pay for!
		Hard to believe it's FREE! GET THIS IF YOU  GOT 2.4

TMG100.ZIP	The Magic Gate 1.00 A new door set in a medieval town
		plagued by problems and strange sightings of unusual
		creatures & a large mysterious glowing gate..


CMAGI510.ZIP	ChessMagic! 5.10 - "Best Chess Door". RIP GRAPHICS!
		USCF style rated play, cross-node play,Sysop Join
		Feature, if/then moves,many stats,tournament 
		pairings,d/l games view offline, replay games. 
		ANSI,Hi-Res Graphics computer vs human,supports
		most BBS, customized ports, digiboard, fossils

DATA122B.ZIP	he DataDoor Version 1.22 Others may claim to be 
		Easy, The Ultimate, or The Brain of file download
		doors, but none of them match the features or ease
		of use of The DataDoor! This one supports all types
		of disk drives as well as datatape drives. Just 
		check it out yourself and see which is the easiest,
		fastest, and has the most features!  Supports Shotgun,
		Wildcat, and RemoteAccess user bases and 5 different
		message base formats. Offline file requests, message
		tossing, read/view and download any file inside of 
		archives, updates FILE_ID.DIZ  before download, works
		over any network, and a whole lot more!  Get more 
		bang for your buck and - GET THE DATADOOR TODAY!!!

DOGPD118.ZIP	Dogpound is an exciting new Door Game where you become
		a Dog catcher and compete with other callers to see 
		who can catch the most dogs. Multi-bbs compatible, easy
		to set up and lots of fun!

DOTH100.ZIP	Dawn of the Hunted BBS Door Game v1.00 Dawn of the 
		Hunted is a BBS Door Game that supports all popular 
		BBS Dropfile formats. Play as a Rookie Bounty Hunter
		in the 21st Century hunting down criminals!  Easy 
		setup. Cool ANSI Fighting sequence, storyline, and
		much, much more!

H2HNS.ZIP	Head to Head Nuclear Strike.  BBS Doors game.

KYBAR11U.ZIP	Kylon's Bar 1.1 (November 13, 1995) (UpAllnite 
		Software) A multi-node, multi-user ChatDoor 
		features online user help and is fully "DOORCHAT"
		compatable (new). (can talk to other "DoorChat" 
		doors) Works with any DOOR.SYS BBS software and 
		runs up to 200 concurrent nodes with 255 chatter 
		channels, RIP graphics capable. Supports DigiBoard
		through fossil support.

KYLON242.ZIP	Kylon's World 2.42 (JULY 4, 1995) (upAllnite 
		Software) A multi-node, multi-user real time door 
		game with a dungeons & dragons role playing theme. 
		Users may battle the monsters, team up against the 
		monsters, or kill each other. Features online user 
		help and multi-node chat. Works with any DOOR.SYS 
		BBS software and runs up to 200 concurrent nodes.  
		RIP graphics capable. Supports DigiBoard through
		fossil support.

LOC1_11B.ZIP	The Land of Chaos v1.11 -- Door Game 20 Levels of 
		brutal combat, player v player battles, lots of 
		monsters, w/ addon module support.  Fixes major
		bugs.  Supports DOOR.SYS & DORINFO#.DEF

SLAMB115.ZIP	Slambam Trivia is a new concept in BBS Door Games. 
		You play a game of Football against the Computer and
		you gain yards and score Touchdowns by answering 
		Sports' Trivia Questions. Once the Game is won the 
		door automatically resets, so, once set up it runs 
		itself! By the author of Dogpound.

USERRG02.ZIP	User registries v0.2 wide beta is a BBS door that
		will allow your users to have a personal registry
		for others to see.  This is very configurable! 

YANK106.ZIP	Yankees & Red Necks 1.06 BETA Major BUG fix! New
		options! HOT new action! "Bad to the Bone" D&D 
		style HACK & SLASH game. More New features added 
		at YOUR request. EASY setup! Completely re-written!
		Read the docs before attempting to install.
		COMPILED 11-7-95