NCSA's PC Telnet Frequently Asked Questions: ---------------------------------------------------------------- What is the development status of Telnet? Development on PC Telnet halted in early '94. NCSA is not currently devoting resources to it, other then basic technical support. (See code availability and derivative software) ---------------------------------------------------------------- How do I unzip the file? Files on our server are zipped using pkzip. If you have the version 204G you will be able to unzip any file, while previous versions may not unzip all files from our server. You can obtain pkzip in the PC/Telnet/msdos/misc directory of our server. --------------------------------------------------------------- Someone asked: "Can you explain rwin, mss, and mtu in the file?" Sure, Rwin is the TCP sliding window. The window allows transfers to proceed without waiting for an acknowldgement for every packet, but rather transmitting (up to) a window of data before waiting for acknowlegments. If the window size equals the mss, then there is no window, because every packet must be acknowledged. If large windows are selected and data is lost, the entire window may have to be resent, hence the warning that larger is not always better. During a transfer, both sides of the connection continually advertise what their free space in the window is, so that the transfer side can control data flow to only send what the receiving side can accept. Mss is the maximum segment size that the TCP connection advertises to the other side. The other side then sends packets up to this size. In FTP, all of the data packets except the last will probably be this big. Mtu is the maximum size of outgoing packets on the TCP connection. When transmitting FTP data to a host, packets will be this big, unless the host advertizes a smaller mss. For Telnet and the FTP control connection, packets are sent per character, so this is never an issue. --------------------------------------------------------------- What do I do when Telnet is running out of memory? The latest version of Telnet takes around 400k to run. If you have memory problems, reduce or comment out the scrollback buffer in the the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- How do I use packet drivers? Packet driver information To use the packet driver interface: You would install the packet driver according to its instructions. In the file, you would use the options: hardware=packet ioaddr=[software interrupt of the driver] for example if you are using 0x60 as the software interrupt, it would read ioaddr=60 Places to look for packet drivers: Crynwr Packet Driver Collection (see the end of this file) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I run Telnet with a Novell network? From a user: /********/ There is a packet driver that sits on top of the ODI interface called odipkt. is available from ( in /pub/odipkt. There is a sample net.cfg file in that dir. A note should be made that the order of the envelope statements is the order that they are assigned. (I found the order backwards from the doc). load: lsl (odi driver from vendor or from wsgen disk odi dir) odipkt 1 (If envelope for ethernet_ii is the second one in the net.cfg file, odipkt 0 otherwise) ipxodi netx Now telnet and ftp work fine while connected to the novell network. /******/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Will Telnet run in MS Windows? NCSA's PC Telnet was not designed to be run in MS Windows. Some users have reported success when they increase the size of memory available in the PIF file....others have not gotten it to work at all. Check the background option when you load Telnet. NCSA has a version of Telnet under development for MS Windows. It is currently in its beta version and can be found in the /Telnet/PC/windows directory on our ftp server ( Although there is no official tech support for WinTel, you can send questions or comments to --------------------------------------------------------- Does Telnet support TN3270 teminal emulation? NCSA's PC Telnet does not support TN3270 but there is hope. There is another help file called CUTCP which tells you how to get ahold of CUTCP, a variant on our Telnet, that supports TN 3270 terminal emulation. They do not support this version but do have a discussion list where you usually can get answers from other users. We do not plan to have support for TN3270 in the future. (see the entry on CUTCP at the end of this file) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can we modify your source code? NCSA's PC Telent source is in the public domain and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it. You can get this off of our ftp server ( in the Telnet/DOS directory under the file name If you'd like to send us your modifications we'd like to consider them for possible inclusion in any next release of PC Telnet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the system requirements for Telnet? Run DOS 2.0 or later on a machine with 384K minimum memory, install a packet driver or use an ethernet card supported in hardware: 3COM 3C501 Etherlink, 3COM 3C503, 3COM 3C505, AT&T Starlan 10, Western Digital WD8003EB, MICOM NI5210, Ungermann-Bass PC-NIC (same as IBM Baseband Adapter) Western Digital WD8003E EtherCard PLUS IBM Micro Channel boards: Ungermann-Bass NICps/2, 3COM 3C523 Etherlink/MC, Western Digital WD8003A ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can I use Telnet over a serial connection (modem)? Yes, using Crynwr Software's slip8250 packet driver. You must call the slip server with a communications program that has the ability to hold the line when another program is running. The packet driver will then 'find' the open line and when telnet is run, it will interface with the packet driver and you will then have the connection you need. Unfortunately, we do not have any instructions on SLIP. (see Cywnr's brochure at the end of this file) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can I use Telnet with AppleTalk? From a user: To load telnet from the dosprompt [nothing telnet-specific in config.sys or autoexec.bat we use the following sequence: d:\network\telnet\telbin -n -h d:\network\telnet\ where all of the atalk stuff would be in the current directory and all of the telnet stuff is in d:\network\telnet. broadcast= netmask= hardware=atalk # network adapter board (Appletalk) interrupt=60 # I have an Apple or Farralon card and PhoneNET Talk # remember to run COMPAT.COM for NCSA to run on # LocalTalk #interrupt=5C # I have a TOPS Flashcard mtu=512 # maximum transmit unit in bytes maxseg=512 # largest segment we can receive rwin=512 # most bytes we can receive without ACK =-=-= Some PhoneNet users have been successful with the 2.3.03 version of Telnet but not the latest 2.3.05. 2.3.03 is still available on our anonymous ftp server or via our archive server in the /Telnet/DOS/contributions directory. Using an Appletalk network involves some special considerations. First, you must load the Appletalk driver into memory. Version 1.0 of the "ATALK.EXE" driver was used in the development of NCSA Telnet. The second consideration involves the "interrupt=" line. The "interrupt=" line in your CONFIG.TEL file refers to the software interrupt the Appletalk driver is using, not the hardware interrupt the card is set to. For example, if your Appletalk card is set to IRQ2, you should not set the "interrupt=" line to "2". Instead, the value should be set to the software interrupt, usually "interrupt=60" or "interrupt=5C". Static addressing does not work at the current time in NCSA Telnet 2.3 using the AppleTalk driver. Therefore, NCSA Telnet ignores any IP address you set in your CONFIG.TEL file, and assigns an IP address to your PC by the Appletalk gateway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I scroll back the screen? You can scroll in one line increments using the scroll lock. Press the scroll lock in and use the arrow keys to increment by one line. To turn off this feature, just turn off the scroll lock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I remap keys? When remapping keys refer to Appendix E of the 2.3 docs. There is also information in chapter 7, Installation and Configuration, page 7.8 and the sample file we provide with Telnet. From Chapter 7: keyfile=filename "specifies an additional keyboard mapping file to provide move key definitions. This file over-rides the definitions in the telnet.key file." From the file: #keyfile=keymap.key #pathname of your keyboard re-mapping file. Re-mapping will over-ride the default telnet.key file and you will have to include all keys in this new file. You can easily do this by copying the contents of the telnet.key file into the newfile and then add the remap information. There is an ascii version of the documentation in the contributions directory on our ftp server ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How should I send bug reports/questions/comments? As more software has been developed and released by the NCSA Software Development Group (SDG), questions and comments from users have increased dramatically. Sometimes getting responses takes longer than you--or we--would like. There are some things you can do to get a quicker response when you send electronic mail and phone SDG Technical Support. WHEN YOU CONTACT SDG TECHNICAL SUPPORT State the correct name and version number Begin with the full name of the product, including version number (i.e., NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh v2.5 or NCSA Telnet for PCs v2.3.08). Macintosh users also need to let us know if you are using MacTCP and if so, what version. If you are reporting a software problem, including answers to the following questions is also useful: o What is your file? o What type of ethernet card or AppleTalk card are you using? o What operating system are you using? Which version are you using (i.e., System 6.0.7 or System 7 for Mac users)? o What kind of gateway are you using? o What messages are listed on your console screen? o What kind of computer were you trying to connect to? A Sun workstation or a VAX system, for instance? o What operating system (including its version number) was that computer running? UNIX, VMS, or ULTRIX, for instance? o What happened? A detailed description of the problem you encountered is important so we can try to recreate your experience. Upgrade to latest version SDG supports only the current versions of Telnet, so you need to update to the latest official version before you report a problem. Now that Mac Telnet 2.5 has been released, we no longer support version 2.4, and now that PC Telnet 2.3.08 has been released, we no longer support version 2.2. Beta versions are also unsupported. Be patient Do not send a message every day if you have not yet received a response. SDG Technical Support receives many telephone and electronic mail messages a day and sends out approximately [many] responses every month. Sometimes it is not possible to respond to every message as quickly as we would like. Please mention if your message is a follow-up to a previous one. Sometimes you'll receive an answer that brings up new questions or a solution that does not work the way you expect. If you need to contact SDG again, do not assume that SDG Technical Support remembers that you sent a message earlier. When we know you have sent other messages, we can search for your previous messages in our database. Limit your questions to NCSA software SDG Technical Support only answers questions about NCSA- developed software. We cannot answer questions about variants of NCSA Telnet. Because NCSA-developed software is in the public domain, others can modify our source code and distribute it as a variant. We know there are many variants of NCSA Telnet, but we are not familiar with them all. In addition, SDG does not support commercial products and is not the source to find out how to contact these companies. NCSA does not support users modifying the source code. Read the manual Before contacting SDG Technical support, take a few minutes to check the manual. A large percentage of the answers we send out come directly from the documentation. We would rather spend that time helping you work out bug fixes or considering your suggestions that might improve NCSA software products. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO GET CUTCP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/12/90 - How to Copy CUTCP/CUTE 2.2TN/TC-D You can obtain the latest version of CUTCP/CUTE via anonymous FTP or via Email. 1. Anonymous FTP to ( in binary mode, retrieve pub/cutcp/v2.2-D/cutcp.zoo This is a Zoo archive, you may use Zoox.exe to uncompress this file on your DOS machine. If you do not have Zoox, you may also retrieve that file from omnigate pub/cutcp/zoo201.exe 2. Send email to Subject: send cutcp cutcp.zoo If you need to get a copy of zoox.exe, be sure to send cutcp zoo201.exe For a list of files in this directory, you can ask for send cutcp Index You will receive a collection of files which you should reassemble and decode (uudecode is the default format). After decoding, an output file will be placed in your directory. This file has a strange name. You should download the file in binary mode to your PC as 'cutcp.zoo'. For additional information on the archive server, send a mail message to the server with the command help ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crynwr Packet Collection ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Availability The Crynwr packet driver collection is available on CD-ROM, by mail, by FTP, by email, by UUCP and by modem. The drivers are distributed in three files:, which contains most executables and documentation,, which contains the first half of the remaining files, and, which contains the second half of the remaining files. Mail: Columbia University distributes packet drivers on PC diskette by postal mail. 5.25-inch 360K and 3.5" 720K diskettes are available; please specify size. Two diskette sets are available, and two prices are quoted for each; the first price is for the USA, Canada, and Mexico; the second price is for shipment to all other countries. All prices are in US dollars. Prepayment by check, MasterCard, or Visa is accepted. If your check is not drawn on a US bank, please add $35 check-cashing fee. 1. Binaries and documentation: $35 / $40 2. Source code: $60 / $68 To order by credit card, please specify MasterCard or Visa, your card number and expiration date, and sign and date your order. For further information, call +1 212 854-3703, or write to: Kermit Distribution, Dept PD Columbia University Academic Information Systems 612 West 115th Street New York, NY 10025 or send e-mail to (Internet) or KERMIT@CUVMA (BITNET/CREN/EARN). FTP/email: The packet driver collection has its own directory devoted to it in the SimTel collection, msdos/pktdrvr. The drivers are there, along with a number of programs that use the packet drivers. For security reasons the SimTel Software Repository is located on a host that is not accessible by Internet users, however its files are available by anonymous ftp from the primary mirror site OAK.Oakland.Edu ( located in Rochester, Michigan, and from the secondary mirror sites: St. Louis, MO: ( Corvallis, OR: ( Falls Church, VA: ( Australia: ( England: ( Finland: ( Germany: ( Israel: ( Switzerland: ( Taiwan: ( SimTel files may obtained by e-mail from various ftp-mail servers or through the BITNET/EARN file servers. For details see file /pub/msdos/filedocs/mailserv.inf. Gopher users can access the collection through Gopher.Oakland.Edu. World Wide Web (WWW) and Mosaic users can connect to the URL to access the files on OAK.Oakland.Edu. Modem: If you cannot access them via FTP or e-mail, most SimTel MSDOS files, including the PC-Blue collection, are also available for downloading from Detroit Download Central (313) 885-3956. DDC has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps (103/212/V22bis/HST/V32bis/V42bis/MNP). This is a subscription system with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files uploaded to SimTel are usually available on DDC within 24 hours. CD-ROM: Title: Packet Driver, WinSock & TCP/IP CD-ROM (aka Packet Driver CD) Price: US$29.95/each Brochures and order forms for the CD (paper and electronic versions) will be available from: Gopher: FTP: E-mail: <> FAX: 604-874-1431 Phone: 604-874-1430 800-333-7565 Postal: CD Publishing Corporation 4824 Fraser Street Vancouver, B.C. V5V 4H4 Canada UUCP: The packet driver files are available from UUNET's 1-900-GOT-SRCS, in uunet!~/systems/msdos/simtel20/pktdrvr. Contact UUNET for more details: UUNET Technologies, Inc. 3110 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 570 Falls Church, VA 22042 +1 703 204 8000 (voice) +1 703 204 8001 (fax) UK UUCP: Steve Kennedy's BBS is on +44 71 483 2454 (Telebit T2500 PEP/V32 ...) 2455 (USR HST/DS+) Files will be in /pub there will be an anonymous uucp (nuucp) account. System name is "marvin" ------------------------------------------------------------------------