         File: swig-1.1p5-beos-diffs.zip
       Author: Dave Beazley (beazley@cs.utah.edu)
               BeOS port by Chris Herborth (chrish@qnx.com)
      Release: 1.1p5
Compatibility: R3 (PowerPC Edition)
     Location: /pub/contrib/develop/
  Description: Diffs for building SWIG 1.1p5 for BeOS.
        Notes: SWIG is a compiler that attempts to make it easy to integrate
               C, C++ or Objective-C code with scripting languages including
               Python, perl, and Tcl.

               Hint, hint.  :-)

               Not for the faint of heart, this will be helpful for people
               trying to create Python, perl, Tcl, Guile, etc. interfaces
               for existing C/C++/Objective-C libraries.  Like, say, the
               BeOS Kits.

               See http://www.swig.org/ for more information.