Author: Attila Mezei ( 
Release: 1.31 (July 5th, 1999) 
Compatibility: R4.5
Location: contrib/develop 

Interface Elements is a resource and GUI editor for the BeOS with add-on and drag&drop support.

With Interface Elements you can create and edit any objects or datatypes which you have editor for. The object model that Interface Elements uses allows handling all kinds of objects and datatypes the same way. 

You can edit windows and views visually with the built-in view editor with great comfort. There are many operations available for view editing including undo/cut/copy/paste/duplicate/hide/show/center/stretch/snap/sort/align and several methods for selecting them. Help is also there. The view editors (which let you edit all properties of a view) follow the class hierarchy, that is when you open a view (e.g. BButton) you will see the editors of its base classes (BControl, BView). This also means that when you create a new view add-on, you don't have to make editors for the base classes. When editing a window or a view, a detailed view hierarchy is shown with all the child view names and classes. 

The window and view editors create and edit standard BeOS window and view archives. 

Some objects (e.g. BWindow) are able to generate C++ source with methods, as well as the definitions and message constants which they use. 

There are 23 interface add-ons (window and views) and 3 other add-ons included with the program: 

- BBox, BButton, BCheckBox, BColorControl, BControl, BListView, BMenu, BMenuBar, BMenuField, BMenuItem, BOutlineListView, BPictureButton, BRadioButton, BScrollBar, BScrollView, BSlider, BStatusBar, BTabView, BTextControl, BTextView BView, BWindow 

- data, long, string 

The add-on API is simple and well documented so anyone with a little programming experience can create his own datatype or view add-on. Sample add-on sources are included. 

The program contains a visual clipboard and a message target to help software developing even more.