===================== File: Content.zip Author: Jin S Yu (yu.136@osu.edu) BeDev Id 6731 Release: 1.0 (3/3/1997) Compatibility: PR2 Location: contrib/develop Description: BeBook Content outline and index, open NetPositive with the section Notes: your BeBook files should be at their default location. Otherwise you would have to modify Content.cnt. ===================== Installation: - copy the folder to anywhere you like - if your BeBook files are not are their default location, modify the second line of Content.cnt to the BeBook files path. Usage: - Select an topic in the Topics outline or Index. - Click the "Go" button to have the html file open by NetPositive - You can also search for items in the Index the starts with something by typing it in the Search text field. New in this version: - Added the anchors of each file to the outline when NetPositive is corrected to handle them in a url. For example file:///boot/beos/documentation/Be%20Book/app/Clipboard.html#Data() should open the file "Clipboard.html" and then scoll to then anchor "Data()". NetPositive currently doesn't handle anchors correctly. This feature will work much better when Net+ handle anchors correctly, but it's still a good way to quickly find out what's in a class. - Have an app that can generate the .cnt file from a folder of html files. This is currently a command line tool; create_cnt <pathname> > outputfile. It will scan the folder/subfolders and output to standard output. You can redirect output to have it save to a file. The output file still require some editing before it will work. See Content.cnt for example of a file in the correct format. Things to come: - Have an option to open the url in an existing NetPositive window instead of open a new window every time. (I don't know how to ask NetPositive to do that yet. Anyone have some sample code?) - Index and provide a way to search the content of each html file included in the .cnt file. Will be smart enough to ignore the html tags. - Any good ideas I come up with or suggested by someone else.