READ ME FIRST! TeXtelmExtel Betatest 1995.09.26

Now this release really took a long time...

Sorry to all who have sent me interesting suggestions and to whom
I said "Ok, no problemo!" and who do not find their ideas realized
in this release. The new spellchecker took much longer than I thought
and is still far from being perfect. But some other features might
also be quite interesting: take a look at the improved "Match" command
that will work now with e.g. \label and \ref, the "Complete Command"
feature (which AUCTeX-users may have missed) or the support for the
(not yet released) WTeX. Some things are now optional, and several
bugs (like the messing-up of Unix-files) have been fixed.

What is TeXtelmExtel:

TeXtelmExtel is a Shell for emTeX or WTeX and related tools under 
Microsoft Windows. 

It includes a simple multiple-document editor. Besides the predefined
standard tools, up to 10 userdefined tools can be set up. Its unique
features are: built-in spellchecker, automatic OEM / ANSI character
conversion, userdefinable point-and-click Templates, support for the
Forward and Inverse Search mechanism of DVI Driver for Windows and
for automatic Font generation.

TeXtelmExtel is freeware.

Legal Stuff:

TeXtelmExtel is FREE. Ok, if you want to, send me something nice, a postcard
of your home-town, your credit cards or anything else. But you need not do
this. Just use TeXtelmExtel and report me any bug you have found in it. At the
moment, the source-code is NOT available. You are NOT allowed to resell this
program, any part of it or any changed version of any part of it for profit
without my written permission. If you are a shareware-vendor or sysop of a
bulletin board, you may only charge a small nominal fee (as usual) for storage
media material or downloading time.

There are NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND regarding this software. You can not make
me responsible if this software does not fit your purposes, does not work
properly, does not work at all, damages your Computer or any part of it, makes
you depressive or whatever. There will definitely be bugs in this software and
you may not always like them.


TeXtelmExtel is distributed in form of the following files:

Filename:	Filetype:	Contents:
~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~~~~	~~~~~~~~~
HELP_SRC.ZIP	(binary)	Sources for the .HLP file. Not 
				necessary unless you want to
				modify the Help system.
VBRUN300.ZIP	(binary)	VBRUN300.DLL.
US_DICT.ZIP	(binary)	An us-english dictionary.
TEXMEX.ZIP	(binary)	All other files.
READ1ST.TXT	(ascii) 	This file.
WHATSNEW.TXT	(ascii) 	Description of new features and
95_09_26.VER	(ascii)		Version information.


(1) Unzip the file VBRUN300.ZIP and put VBRUN300.DLL into your
    Windows\System directory.
(2) Put HELP_SRC.ZIP, US_DICT.ZIP and TEXMEX.ZIP in your root directory.
(2) Unzip the files with the -d option, i.e.: UNZIP TEXMEX.ZIP -d.
(3) Start Windows and add the Icon of TeXtelmExtel (texmex.exe) to a
    program group you want.
(4) Start TeXtelmExtel and set all desired options from its "Options"
(6) Start TeXtelmExtel, open "Help|Index" and read the TeXtelmExtel docu.
(7) Really read the TeXtelmExtel docu.

In addition to that, you may use the Help sources (.RTF format) to
modify the context-sensitive LaTeX Help.


WTeX is not yet released to the internet. The author - Hippocrates
Sendoukas - will announce it on comp.text.tex, so please be a bit
patient and don't write "when is it ready?" e-mails to him. Thanks!

Happy TeXing,
(e-mail: krebs@edvz.sbg.ac.at)