        Bitstream Zurich font pack as of 2003-08-08
                                              Walter Schmidt

This bundle includes all required files for using the
Bitstream "Zurich" (= Univers) Type1 fonts with LaTeX on
the Un*x or PC platform.  It does _not_ include the actual
Type1 fonts, which are to be purchased from Bitstream or 

The below installation instructions assume a TDS-compliant
TeX system, such as teTeX, MikTeX or VTeX/Free.  Yet they
may not exactly fit your particular TeX system; please,
consult its documentation, too!  The directory name "texmf"
refers to the root directory of a TDS directory tree.  In
case your TeX systems has more than one directory tree, its
documentation should tell you where to install new files.

Change Log
   Fixed a potential bug in the macro package
  Changed ZIP file structure and directory layout.  Updated
  installation instructions wrt/ teTeX 2.0 and VTeX 8. Note 
  that the  actual font metrics are unchanged!

Installing the Type1 font files
The Type1 font files as supplied by Bitstream or Corel are
to be renamed for use with TeX.  

Bitstream:    Corel             TeX
0176a___.pfb  zurchl.pfb    ->  bunl8a.pfb
0177a___.pfb  zurchli.pfb   ->  bunli8a.pfb
0178a___.pfb  zurchn.pfb    ->  bunr8a.pfb
0179a___.pfb  zurchi.pfb    ->  bunri8a.pfb
0180a___.pfb  zurchb.pfb    ->  bunb8a.pfb
0181a___.pfb  zurchbi.pfb   ->  bunbi8a.pfb
0182a___.pfb  zurchk.pfb    ->  bunc8a.pfb
0183a___.pfb  zurchki.pfb   ->  bunci8a.pfb
0260a___.pfb  zurche.pfb    ->  bunr8ax.pfb
0261a___.pfb  zurchbe.pfb   ->  bunb8ax.pfb
0262a___.pfb  zurchke.pfb   ->  bunc8ax.pfb
0263a___.pfb  zurchuke.pfb  ->  bunu8ax.pfb
0296a___.pfb  zurchlc.pfb   ->  bunl8an.pfb
0297a___.pfb  zurchlci.pfb  ->  bunli8an.pfb
0298a___.pfb  zurch.pfb     ->  bunr8an.pfb
0299a___.pfb  zurchci.pfb   ->  bunri8an.pfb
0300a___.pfb  zurchbc.pfb   ->  bunb8an.pfb
0301a___.pfb  zurchbci.pfb  ->  bunbi8an.pfb
0958a___.pfb  zurchlxc.pfb  ->  bunl8aq.pfb
0959a___.pfb  zurchxc.pfb   ->  bunr8aq.pfb
0960a___.pfb  zurchbxc.pfb  ->  bunb8aq.pfb
0970a___.pfb  zurchxk.pfb   ->  bunu8a.pfb

The .pfb files are to be copied to the directory


of your TeX system.  The related .afm files should also be
renamed accordingly and installed into the directory


Most likely, you need to create these directories first.  

Installing the TeX support files from the archive bun.zip
Unpack the ZIP archive bun.zip in the directory "texmf" of
your TeX system; thus, all files will be copied to the
appropriate directories.

Updating the filename database
Certain TeX systems require manually updating of a "filename
database" after adding of new files.  Please, consult the
documentation of your TeX system!

Configuring your TeX system
| You need not repeat this step, when updating from a
| previous release of this collection!

The present distribution comprises several font map files
for the Bitstream Zurich fonts.  You need to configure
your TeX system so that these files are actually used.  
The required steps depend on the particular TeX system.
Particular sets of instructions are provided below for the
following systems:

  * teTeX
  * VTeX/Free

With other TeX systems such as MikTeX, consult the related
documentation how to install an additional font map file.
The name of the map file to be used for Zurich is
"bun.map".  Two copies of this file reside in the
directories texmf/dvips/config and texmf/fonts/map/dvips.

Configuring teTeX
Additional font map files (here bun.map) are installed using
the shell script "updmap".  With teTeX-2.0 and later (or
teTeX-beta as of June 2002 and later) execute the following

  updmap --enable Map bun.map

With earlier versions of teTeX, consult its documentation
about how to add new map files to the system.

Configuring VTeX/Free
Make VTeX read the additional font map ("aliasing") file
bun.ali.  This is usually accomplished by putting an
appropriate record ito each of the configuration files


The name "bun.ali" is to be added to the TYPE1 section of
the above-mentioned files:

In case you are still using VTeX/Free 7.x (as opposed to 
v8.x), copy the .ali file from texmf/fonts/map/vtex to the
directory texmf/vtex/config.

Using the Univers fonts with LaTeX
See the file univers.txt, which should reside in the directory

Legal notice
The Univers font pack is made up from the files bun.txt and

  Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Walter Schmidt

It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of
this license or (at your option) any later version.  
The latest version of this license is in
<http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt> and version 1.3 or
later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
2003/12/01 or later.
This bundle has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".

== finis