    Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED) 1.4, December 2008

    qperf - Measure RDMA and IP performance

    qperf measures bandwidth and latency between two nodes.  It can work over
    TCP/IP as well as the RDMA transports.

Quick Start
    * Since qperf measures latency and bandwidth between two nodes, you need
      access to two nodes.  Assume they are called node1 and node2.

    * On node1, run qperf without any arguments.  It will act as a server and
      continue to run until asked to quit.

    * To measure TCP bandwidth between the two nodes, on node2, type:
        qperf node1 tcp_bw

    * To measure RDMA RC latency, type (on node2):
        qperf node1 rc_lat

    * To measure RDMA UD latency using polling, type (on node2):
        qperf node1 -P 1 ud_lat

    * To measure SDP bandwidth, on node2, type:
        qperf node1 sdp_bw

    * Man page available.  Type
        man qperf

    * To get a list of examples, type:
        qperf --help examples

    * To get a list of tests, type:
        qperf --help tests

        conf                    Show configuration
        quit                    Cause the server to quit
    Socket Based
        rds_bw                  RDS streaming one way bandwidth
        rds_lat                 RDS one way latency
        sctp_bw                 SCTP streaming one way bandwidth
        sctp_lat                SCTP one way latency
        sdp_bw                  SDP streaming one way bandwidth
        sdp_lat                 SDP one way latency
        tcp_bw                  TCP streaming one way bandwidth
        tcp_lat                 TCP one way latency
        udp_bw                  UDP streaming one way bandwidth
        udp_lat                 UDP one way latency
    RDMA Send/Receive
        ud_bw                   UD streaming one way bandwidth
        ud_bi_bw                UD streaming two way bandwidth
        ud_lat                  UD one way latency
        rc_bw                   RC streaming one way bandwidth
        rc_bi_bw                RC streaming two way bandwidth
        rc_lat                  RC one way latency
        uc_bw                   UC streaming one way bandwidth
        uc_bi_bw                UC streaming two way bandwidth
        uc_lat                  UC one way latency
        rc_rdma_read_bw         RC RDMA read streaming one way bandwidth
        rc_rdma_read_lat        RC RDMA read one way latency
        rc_rdma_write_bw        RC RDMA write streaming one way bandwidth
        rc_rdma_write_lat       RC RDMA write one way latency
        rc_rdma_write_poll_lat  RC RDMA write one way polling latency
        uc_rdma_write_bw        UC RDMA write streaming one way bandwidth
        uc_rdma_write_lat       UC RDMA write one way latency
        uc_rdma_write_poll_lat  UC RDMA write one way polling latency
    InfiniBand Atomics
        rc_compare_swap_mr      RC compare and swap messaging rate
        rc_fetch_add_mr         RC fetch and add messaging rate
        ver_rc_compare_swap     Verify RC compare and swap
        ver_rc_fetch_add        Verify RC fetch and add