Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED)
             Diagnostic Tools in OFED 1.4 Release Notes
			   December 2008

Repo:    git:// (release)
         git:// (development)

Model of operation: All diag utilities use direct MAD access to perform their
operations. Operations that require QP0 mads only may use direct routed
mads, and therefore can work even in unconfigured subnets. Almost all
utilities can operate without accessing the SM, unless GUID to lid translation
is required. The only exception to this is saquery which requires the SM.

Most diag utilities depend on libibmad and libibumad.
All diag utilities depend on the ib_umad kernel module.

Multiple port/Multiple CA support
When no IB device or port is specified (see the "local umad parameters" below),
the libibumad library selects the port to use by the following criteria:
1. the first port that is ACTIVE.
2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up).

If a port and/or CA name is specified, the libibumad library attempts to 
satisfy the user request, and will fail if it cannot do so.

For example:
	ibaddr 			# use the 'best port'
	ibaddr -C mthca1	# pick the best port from mthca1 only.
	ibaddr -P 2		# use the second (active/up) port from the
				  first available IB device.
	ibaddr -C mthca0 -P 2	# use the specified port only.

Common options & flags
Most diagnostics take the following flags. The exact list of supported
flags per utility can be found in the usage message and can be displayed
using util_name -h syntax.

# Debugging flags
	-d	raise the IB debugging level. May be used
		several times (-ddd or -d -d -d).
	-e	show umad send receive errors (timeouts and others)
	-h	display the usage message
	-v	increase the application verbosity level.
		May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v)
	-V	display the internal version info.

# Addressing flags
	-D	use directed path address arguments. The path
		is a comma separated list of out ports.
		"0" 		# self port
		"0,1,2,1,4"	# out via port 1, then 2, ...
	-G	use GUID address arguments. In most cases, it is the Port GUID.
	-s <smlid>	use 'smlid' as the target lid for SA queries.

# Local umad parameters:
	-C <ca_name>	use the specified ca_name.
	-P <ca_port>	use the specified ca_port.
	-t <timeout_ms>	override the default timeout for the solicited mads.

CLI notation
All utilities use the POSIX style notation, meaning that all options (flags)
must precede all arguments (parameters).

Utilities descriptions
See man pages

Bugs Fixed