Open Fabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED)
                Performance Tests README for OFED 1.4
			  December 2008

Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Notes on Testing Method
3. Test Descriptions
4. Running Tests

1. Overview
This is a collection of tests written over uverbs intended for use as a
performance micro-benchmark. As an example, the tests can be used for
hardware or software tuning and/or functional testing.

Please post results and observations to the openib-general mailing list.
See "Contact Us" at and

2. Notes on Testing Method
- The benchmark uses the CPU cycle counter to get time stamps without a context
  switch. Some CPU architectures (e.g., Intel's 80486 or older PPC) do NOT have
  such capability.

- The benchmark measures round-trip time but reports half of that as one-way
  latency. This means that it may not be sufficiently accurate for asymmetrical

- Min/Median/Max results are reported.
  The Median (vs average) is less sensitive to extreme scores.
  Typically, the Max value is the first value measured.

- Larger samples only help marginally. The default (1000) is very satisfactory.
  Note that an array of cycles_t (typically an unsigned long) is allocated
  once to collect samples and again to store the difference between them.
  Really big sample sizes (e.g., 1 million) might expose other problems
  with the program.

- The "-H" option will dump the histogram for additional statistical analysis.
  See xgraph, ygraph, r-base (, pspp, or other 
  statistical math programs.

Architectures tested:	i686, x86_64, ia64

3. Test Descriptions

The following tests are mainly useful for hardware/software benchmarking.

write_lat.c 	latency test with RDMA write transactions
write_bw.c 	bandwidth test with RDMA write transactions
send_lat.c 	latency test with send transactions
send_bw.c 	bandwidth test with send transactions
read_lat.c 	latency test with RDMA read transactions
read_bw.c 	bandwidth test with RDMA read transactions

Legacy tests: (To be removed in the next release)
rdma_lat.c 	latency test with RDMA write transactions
rdma_bw.c 	streaming bandwidth test with RDMA write transactions

The executable name of each test starts with the general prefix "ib_";
for example, ib_write_lat.

4. Running Tests

	kernel 2.6
	ib_uverbs (kernel module) matches libibverbs
		("match" means binary compatible, but ideally of the same SVN rev)

Server:		./<test name> <options>
Client:		./<test name> <options> <server IP address>

		o  <server address> is IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can use the IPoIB
open_mpi_release_notes.txt    RDS_README.txt
                   address if IPoIB is configured.
		o  --help lists the available <options>

  *** IMPORTANT NOTE: The SAME OPTIONS must be passed to both server and client.

Common Options to all tests:
  -p, --port=<port>            listen on/connect to port <port> (default: 18515)
  -m, --mtu=<mtu>              mtu size (default: 1024)
  -d, --ib-dev=<dev>           use IB device <dev> (default: first device found)
  -i, --ib-port=<port>         use port <port> of IB device (default: 1)
  -s, --size=<size>            size of message to exchange (default: 1)
  -a, --all                    run sizes from 2 till 2^23
  -t, --tx-depth=<dep>         size of tx queue (default: 50)
  -n, --iters=<iters>          number of exchanges (at least 100, default: 1000)
  -C, --report-cycles          report times in cpu cycle units
					(default: microseconds)
  -H, --report-histogram       print out all results
					(default: print summary only)
  -U, --report-unsorted        (implies -H) print out unsorted results
					(default: sorted)
  -V, --version                display version number

  *** IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to be running a Subnet Manager on the switch or
		      on one of the nodes in your fabric.

Run "ib_write_lat -a" on the server side.
Then run "ib_write_lat -a <server IP address>" on the client side.

ib_write_lat will exit on both server and client after printing results.