GTK-Qt Theme Engine
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Binary packages

Autopackage Binary (Version 0.7 - latest)
A binary package suitable for all Linux distributions. Installation instructions are available on the Autopackage website.

Source packages

Subversion repository

Display older versions


Changes in Subversion (not released yet)

Changes in version 0.7

Changes in version 0.6

Changes in version 0.5

Changes in version 0.41

Changes in version 0.4

Changes in version 0.3

Changes in version 0.2

Compiling Source Packages

The instructions for compiling source packages differ depending on which version you have downloaded.

Compiling versions 0.7 and below

You should run the following commands to compile the GTK-Qt Theme Engine:

make install

There is no need to pass any additional arguments to ./configure, as everything should be automatically detected and installed in the right place.

Compiling Subversion checkouts

The buildsystem has now switched from autotools to CMake. Therefore you will need to ensure you have version 2.4 or higher of CMake installed. This can be downloaded from the CMake website.

Once CMake is installed, you should run the following commands to compile the GTK-QT Theme Engine.

cmake .
make install

CMake should correctly detect where to install the various components. In case it doesn't, you can change the paths by running:

ccmake .